Saturday, October 29, 2005 || Yummy yummy day.
Today, very very nice day.
Great fun, great people, great food ... What more could I ask for?
Of course, if I could ask for ONE thing in the world, it'd be to preserve my organ. :( Damn ... still very sour over it. *sneezes*
There are quite a number of important things in my life ... One, myself. Two, my friends. Three, my passions (which, happens to be writing and music. But of course, haven't been paying that much attention to music lately ... )And having ONE of them stripped away from me is a bit nerve-wrecking.
Asides from what I like, there are also a number of things I don't like. One, I don't like being condescended. (Unless, of course, you have a perfectly valid reason, like telling me I'm fat or something ... :P ) Two, I hate keeping my thoughts to myself. (Yup, I have a very big mouth indeed.) Three, I absolutely hate being pressured. Even though I'll admit that being pressured IS somewhat good for me since it causes my adrenaline level to massively rise ...
But no kidding. At least three people have told me that I was overly 'emo' in that stupid ranty post of mine, which brings me to notice that nobody else can ever find out about my other blogs, which are pretty depressing and suicidal, with stupid poetry about Death and all that jazz. Jin and Darien can vouch for me on this.
Obviously, I have A LOT to say about how SPM and school have been screwing up my life, and I'd actually enjoy typing 'em out, but nobody'd want to read stupid stuff like that, right?
Like Jaclyn says ... If I want this blog to 'survive', so to speak, I'll have to continue writing about stupid stuff like other bloggers and blogolitics, 'cause people like gossip. I hardly doubt that anybody's actually really interested in me, or my life. :( Too bad I can't be in gossip-mode all the time.
Because, I'm actually really egoistic in real life. :P I AM narcissistic ... More so than what you've witnessed in the blog, because in this blog, I'm only narcissistic about my 'physical' side. In real life, however, is an entirely different story. Hehehe. But I'll have to admit that I have an ego that's probably bigger than that of my father's. :( That's why I could NEVER bring myself down to being in 'stupid' mode all the time. O.o
That just makes me ... Me. Yum yum.
I hate being told what to do. There are times when I can't even seem to stand constructive criticism. =/ But for the sake of becoming a better person ... I'll work on that. Life is just a learning process, no?
But I'm bored of being gossipy and attempting to 'write for an audience', so to speak. My life, and my friends are important to me ... and that's it. If you think that I'm still funny ... That's cool. I'm happy. :D And if you think that I suck ... Err, despite my hunger for flames, you shouldn't bother telling me that, because I'll brush you off anyway. Tee hee.
Anyway, today was freaking fun.
First of all, it actually rained. ^^
I really, really love the rain. It has been awhile since I last walked in the rain ... I love the feeling of raindrops trickling down my body ... I LOVE walking in the rain, feeling the breeze blowing across my face.
So nice. I haven't ran in the rain for some time now. I used to do it all the time though, when it rained, I'd just run around in the rain and scream, to release all the pent-up frustration in me. (Yup, I USED to be somewhat depressed. :/ Normally, I'd blame it on school, but I've realized that I should only put the blame on myself.) And screaming in the rain, I'm telling you, is THE best way to have fun on your own. Yummy.
Anyhow, as I was walking in the rain to the mamak, a couple of malay dudes went, 'Amoi, nak payung ker?!' at me. Which is really no big deal, since I'm pretty sure that EVERY girl gets cat calls all the time ... But one thing I could never stand, is the 'amoi' reference. O.o I'm okay with 'leng lui' ... even the dumb 'pffffffstttt' sound I can stand.
But I have NO IDEA why I seem to hate 'amoi' so much. -_-;;
So can't blame me for sticking my middle finger at them, right? Hehehe.
Anyway, went to Pearl Point for Nasi Lemak at the Quickly cafe there.
Was kind of funny, how D pointed at a couple coming out of the hotel elevator (the lady was like, my mother's age, and the guy was in his thirties at most - pretty good looking too. O.o) and he went, "What would you guys do if that couple was your mother and a younger man???"
Me: I'd fucking bribe the dude for Rm50k to keep their secret ....
Jaclyn: TAKE PICTURE ... Then bribe the feller to buy me a Vios, or I'll tell my dad.
Cally: Steal the guy from my mother.
Great minds think alike. :P
Which brings me to the point, all men are perpetually ham sap anyway. Honestly, to tell you the truth, I wouldn't be THAT surprised if I had a boyfriend, and he slept with another chunner, younger, prettier woman. Though yup, I guess I'd be heartbroken. =/
It's just inevitable. We're all sexual animals, aren't we? I DON'T BELIEVE that every 'taken' guy out there will dare swear that if Jennifer Lopez were to strip naked in front of them, they wouldn't jump at the chance to screw her. I mean ... If I wasn't so in love with God and all, I'd jump at the opportunity to screw Brad Pitt, I think. Just to see what's the fuss all about. O.o
Like I've said before, and I'll say it again ... I honestly think that my life is TOO short.
This calls for some bungee jumping sessions!!!
I look like a dead cow with eyebags. :( No makeup at all, plus the wet clothes and poor lightings. (Though you can't see that its wet in this pic.)
Hm, I don't know. More than one person have told me that posting up my pictures on the net is generally not a good idea. Like the time my friend got her friendster picture 'stolen' and edited ... and submitted to :/
BUT, me don't care. I like risks anyway. Bwahaha.
The one thing that's pretty weird about me ... I like doing the exact opposite of what people tell me to do. :/ Like, if everybody bugged me to study, I'd do the complete opposite, just to prove that I can. :( Though I'm still aware that I'm probably the one with the loss, tee hee.
But no matter. I like experimenting. Heck, I might even take up audio or video blogging, should I feel like it. =P
Unoriginal, no?
I don't care. I don't mind being labelled a copy cat (well, hey, my friends and I got our inspirations to record dumb videos from Numa Numa and the chinese BSBs, so we're copy-cats too aren't we?), s'long as I've had my share of fun.
My narcissistic and gossippy days are gone. They were fun to experiment with, and I've had my share of amusement. But from this point onwards, I don't further see the need to humiliate myself anymore. Hehehe. And being labeled a 'wannabe' is generally not something I can usually tolerate.
MSN convo with CJ.
CJ: XiaXue got a write up in Reader's Digest this month.
Me: Not interested in her ... But one day I might be in it also wat.
CJ: Perasan!
Me: Well, I wouldn't brush away the possibility of that ... hehehe. You saying that I'll NEVER get there? Huh?!
So, err, apparently my narcissism is a tad too much. I'll work on it. But humility + Lizzy doesn't seem to fare too well together. :(
mMmmMm. I need ice cream. Cookies and Cream would be good.
Was reading my diary, and my first entry of the year (1st January 2005 ^^) had something pretty interesting.
Things to do before I die:
1) Have fun as much as I can.
Err ... For this year at least, I think I've stuck to this. :/ YES life is good, except for the random pissy states.
2) Love God as much as I can.
Um. Well. Not really sure about this one, but I do love God. A lot.
3) Broaden my 'horizons'.
Err ... Yeah, I guess I did. Hehe.
4) Date a yummy, muscular guy.
Not THIS one, I haven't achieved. *sniff sniff* Well, hey, it's 'Things do to before I die', not 'things to do when I'm seventeen'. And I'm still very much alive. Hehehe.
But if I have things MY way, he is gonna look like this.
*drools* SIX PACK SIAL WEI!!!!!!!!!!
5) Date an older guy. Just to see what's the difference.
Errr. This one, no comment. I think I was horny when I was writing the list. :/
6) Prove the sohais that have implied that I'm a useless, stupid bitch, wrong.
This one, I WILL do. I'm bidding my time ... And should I ever accomplish my dreams, I'll shake my ass in front of the people who made me feel like I wasn't good enough for them. O.o
Now you know why am I apprehensive about getting too engrossed with this whole blogging shit? I know, for sure, that one day ... People are going to find me not good enough for them. =)
And that feeling sucks.
7) Achieve all my goals and dreams
Errr ... Well, I've been proven that the barriers are not THAT easily broken. So ... Maybe I'll dig up this list in, like, 10 years' time and tick off the ones that I've fulfilled. Hehehe. Should be pretty fun, to say the least.
8) Go Sky Diving, Bungee Jumping and Skinny Dipping
Err ... Haven't done any of it yet. But I will. Even though I heard that sky diving is MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE. :(
On a lighter note ...
There ARE times, though, when I think ... 'Hey, I'm not exactly the meanest person on earth.' O.o
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 1:06 PM