Wednesday, October 26, 2005 || Lizzy's 10 commandments of rule breaking, and other hoo-hahs.
Today is a VERY important day, 'cause its one of my best friend's birthday!
Plus, in a few hours, it'll be my sister's birthday as well.
We look bad here. ^^ Like, Really bad. Well, at least only me. :P
Anyway, don't really know what'd I do without ya, Christine. :D My partner-in-school of three years, since we were in form one and got acquainted under very weird circumstances. *sniggers*
My fellow 'failed' camwhore. My fellow lip-syncher. :P My fellow "penyapu idol". Aww, we've had some fun, didn't we?
If you weren't my friend, I'd have nobody to complain about 'wide and big' faces with. :(
Eat more, yeah? :P Grow fat with me!
And also, to my dearest sister, Elaine Lee, whom I'm not really close with 'cause she lives with her boyfriend most of the time in Hong Kong, and the rest of the time, she's travelling around the globe, visiting the most fabulous places.
You may not know this, nor read this, but I'm really envious of you. =_= I'd KILL to have your life, you know that?
Of course, despite our 13-years age gap, and the differences in our lifestyles ... You're still my sister. Muakz!
I've never camwhored with her before. She looks almost exactly like me, though, only a lot thinner, and her face isn't chubby since she lost her baby fat in her twenties. -_-;;
Surprisingly enough, a lot of people seem to have their birthdays on the 25th. Well, happy birthday to minishorts and RamboTan s'well, though they are not aware of the presence of this blog. :D
Guess what I did.
I went to school today. Yes, a miracle just occured.
Hmm, was kind of funny how my friend went: "OMFG! You went to school?! Did the sun rise in the West today?? Waaa, I shall go buy lottery later ... "
Yes, thank you very much, my dear friend, for that moment of comic relief. -_-
Anyway, strangely enough, it felt sort of weird, stepping into my school today, knowing that it's the last time I'll EVER be sitting in my current class. 'Cause, well, Thursday is our graduation day already.
Allow me a minute of nostalgia. *sniff*
Well, hey, I know that I hate school and all, but I do love some of my friends that are in it. :D
Since I'm at it, and since this is probably the last chance I'll ever have to actually act like a rebellious schoolgirl ...
Liz's Commandments on breaking dumb school rules.
# 1-Thou Shalt Not Wear a School Uniform to School.
Okay, to give myself credit, AT LEAST it was my Sports House shirt, which is famous for being overly baggy to the point of reaching my knees.
But it still wasn't a school uniform. How do I get away with it, you ask?
Brains, people. Brains. ;-)That, and a lot of scheming and escapades involved.
# 2-Thou Shalt Bring Your Handphone to School.
Behold my very outdated and boyish N-Gage QD. -_-;;
How do I get away with it?
Simple. I hide it in my pants, which I wear under my long skirt. :P And I hardly think that I'd let the darned prefects grab my ass to check.
# 3-Thou shalt eat in class. And Thou Shalt Not tie your hair into a neat pony tail, and opt to look like the spawn of Ju On, instead.
Okay, granted, I don't let down my hair ALL THE TIME. *grins*
But really, I'm not a fan of tying my hair. No prizes for guessing why. Boo.
How do I get away with it?
Pretend to comb your hair if any teachers walk by. :D I swear, my intelligence is overwhelming. Hehe!
#4 -Thou Shalt Stand On The School Chairs and Pose Like a Ju-On version of Superman.
..... How do I get away with it?
Well, it's not everyday that I do silly stuff like that. Oh, scratch that. It IS everyday that I do silly stuff like that. -_-
#5 -Thou Shalt Flash Your Asses at The Camera and Whoever That Happens to be Passing By.
Uh. No prizes for guessing which ass is mine. -_-;;
*zips mouth before potentially mentioning any 18-sx-related stuff*
#6 -Thou Shalt Say Thank You to the School For All Its Wonderful Contributions Everyday.
Yes yes, thank you very much for all the dreary exams, f**ked up toilets, and PMS-sy teachers.
Hmm. I never really liked my school all THAT much, and yet I feel bad for critisizing them TOO much.
Aww ... It must be my sheer niceness that's getting to me again. >_<
Thought of the day:
Okay, so I woke up at 9 PM, after a very long and lovely 7 hour nap (Hey, I went to school okay!!) and came online to chat and read blogs. Which, is my usual routine anyway.
And, I've realized that almost every apparently well known blogger is blogging about the whole xiaxue and her disabled toilet issue, which, apparently, is now even more serious than ever.
You know, I feel sort of bad for her. Not that I'm on her side, or anything. And yes, I know that I've spoofed her before here, but that was done in good humour.
For whatever that's worth, I've witnessed how powerful an influence of a mere and mundane BLOG could get. Heck, there are at least TWO people on my MSN list who have nicknames with the words XiaXue in them. And they were pretty negative too, so to speak.
I asked a friend, "Why are you planning to blog about her so much? I mean, she's not that cool."
And he answered: "Well, she's a tool."
..... Ouch.
I'll have to give her credit for having guts. I swear, if 70% of my nonexistential readers read my blog because they hate me and secretly want to snigger at me, I'd shut down this blog. I wouldn't even give a damn if it was my source of income, because the way I see life, Life is always filled with opportunities. And it's just up to me to grasp them, no?
Of course, I'm not her. Would be too nauseating to be her.
She's not tactful, that's all. Sort of bitchy and bimbotic too, but aren't we all? I'll have to admit that she's a way better role model than, hmm, me. (Yup yup, If I were her, I'd influence kids to break school rules, even from this post itself. :P)
But thank God, I think that I'm generally somewhat tactful. Hey, I barely piss people off, even in real life itself. Hehehe.
But you know, you could say that people like me, or my friends, are hypocrites. Because even though we don't SAY bitchy stuff in public, what makes you think we're not secretly laughing at the poor fat dude who fell on his ass while ice-skating?
Because, well, let me enlighten you: most of us are naturally mean. That's a fact. Either that or you've already mastered the skills of sincerely being nice all the time.
Well, hey, I'll gladly admit that I'm mean and somewhat bitchy. O_o At least I'm not covering my tracks, right?
Thank God I don't take blogging seriously. I don't even care if I have traffic, 'cause I'm bored of checking it all the time. I don't even talk about my blog in real life, nor do I speak of other blogs and such, 'cause I don't consider XX or whomever important enough to spend time gossiping about in real life. It's just a very interesting alternate reality, no?
And a pretty good way to meet new friends, hehehe, which is more fun than bitching about other people. Wah, I think I'm FINALLY over that 'psst ... hey you know bla bla bla' stage.
Only my friends, and the people that I know, and are in my life, are important to me. :D
With that said.
Guess which one is my leg yo. LOL.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:00 PM