Tuesday, October 25, 2005 || Lizzy announces that she's hotter than all of the contestants in the Hottest Blogger contest.
I'm bored.
Really really bored.
By the way, haloscan is one f**ked up commenting system. I think I should enable the Blogger's commenting system as well, just for fun. Hehehe.
Anyway, I NEED A NEW BANNER!!! *sniff*
Okay since everybody's fussing over the recent HottestBlogger contest, with people posting up posts worshipping Dawn Yang's beauty, I should ride the momentum as well.
What an outrage!
Why, I'm not hot, is it? I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS SO, okay ...
I am fully aware that 'cute' is not exactly 'hot'. But a kid saying that I'm hot would be ... wrong. Too pedo for my liking, hah!
Well, you get the picture.
*wipes tear*
I'm so touched. :'(
Really. I agree with ya, buddy. =)
Wow ... even the Queen of Narcissism a.k.a Eliza Lee agrees!
Get my point yet? :P
*I'm seriously kidding*
Okay, back to business. *switches to Serious Liz mode*
In my very humble-yet-sarcastic opinion, that contest is a tad too easy peasy.
'Look good and sexy, and you can be the next HOTTEST BLOGGER! It doesn't matter that your blog is purely full of crappy shopping sprees and unidentifiable language!'
Excuse moi, but the last time I checked, blogging was more about WORDS than looks. But nevertheless, I'll have to sourly admit that Dawn Yang is majorly hot, though.
Okay, if I keep this up, I could join a lesbian blogring and nobody'd bother to kick me out.
Poor girls, really. No offence, but they just look plainly bimbotic on that contest page. Of course, when I DID check out their blogs, I'll have to admit that the Sandralicious dude writes pretty well, cause I was expecting a typical SG bitchy blog ala XiaXue style.
Well, I know that I'm a major camwhore, and I never fail to damage your appetites with my shameless self pimping and weirdass posing..
Which, I'm starting to think, may actually be a pretty bad thing. Cause it'd be harder for people to take me seriously, if I come off as an airhead, and there's nothing I hate more than not being taken seriously. :P
But of course, as questionable as my level of intellect is, I tend to believe that I can string a proper english sentence together. Hehehe. And maybe, at times I may even come off as humourous and witty, no?
And yes, though I AM inviting flames .... Don't tell the contestants of the contest about this post, ya?
It's better, I think, to keep the fact that I think that I'm hotter than all of them put together, to myself, and not blog about it here. Hmmmm.
But really. I know that guys think with their loins, and not their brains most of the time, but vote for them if they're GOOD bloggers or writers, not because they have big boobs!
I know that I'm not hot lar. :'( So don't bother telling me that. I'll just continue living in self-denial anyway. :P
I should compose a song about myself, really.
Lizzy is a fat girl,
The sight of her makes me hurl,
But nevertheless, she's still hot,
Too bad she's rounder than a pot.
Instant hit sial.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:07 PM