Presenting a very berry special HALLOWEEN edition, honourably brought to you by Liz.
I guess I'm still an entertainer by heart. Bwahahaha. Though, admittedly, a failed one at that ......
Anyway, I've never celebrated Halloween before. In fact, I didn't even KNOW that it's Halloween, until my friend told me. I wouldn't be surprised if he got the dates wrong or something either ...
Damn. I'd LOVE to dress up like Frankenstein or something and go Trick-or-Treating, though. :(
Hmm, I just uploaded a bunch of videos to YouTube, videos my friend and I made that particular Friday afternoon ....... (Sorry if you're pissed at me, Chrissy, but since you seemed pretty happy about our "debut" on Rojaks, I can post this, right? ^^)
I've realized that I completely SUCK at lip synching (I need classes from that numa-numa dude, pronto!). Talk about a wonderful way to spend time .... Lip synching to dumb songs. =/
And yup, since it IS halloween and everything, I'll post this one up to freak people out.
So-called Penyapu Idols Make a Return --- Minus the brooms and Cally.
I look ....... retarded. You can turn it off if you can't stand monkey-esque dancing. :P Of course, if you wanna watch it, I'd recommend that you wait for it to finish loading first ... I don't really think it's THAT funny (since we weren't lip synching that much - don't know lyrics. Teehee.), more like freaky dancing.
Hmm, I think that I was thinner during January. How saddening. T.T
THIS is the closest 'halloween' picture I could find of us. Note that I used so dark, I look like a chimpanzee standing next to a dove. :/
Anywayz, on a different topic, my friend and I were talking about my blog just now. And he told me that I should pick a 'direction' for my blog ... Should I try harder from now onwards, to be funny and entertaining?
Or should I blog solely about my life and make this a personal blog?
Frankly, I don't really know. O.o You see, if my blog genre is 'humour', I cannot let my serious side to show at all. :( People will EXPECT humour out of me, and if I suddenly rant about my pathetic life or something, they'd assume that I'm making it up and am just being a drama queen.
Both seem mighty appealing. Hehehe.
Anyway, serious crap aside, I don't really think that I'll be able to blog tomorrow (Saturday ... Oh right. It IS saturday already.) 'cause I'm have music practise in church, and I'll most probably be staying over at my best friend's house in Puchong. She doesn't have internet connection, awww.
Who wants to come yum cha at night, SMS me! *grins*
I'm going to take this opportunity to get CRAZY. I think I've been edging more towards my serious side lately, with my squabbles with my parents over my organ and all ... So yeah, hopefully I'll be able to catch a nice movie, and hit on some hotties for fun.
I swear, that's gotta be the ugliest looking canine I have EVER seen in my life ... At first, I thought that it was infected by Scabies or something (hey, my cat died of that okay? And it sort of resembled that dog at the peak of its disease .. :'( ) but according to Dari, it won some kinda Ugliest Dog Award for two years in a row. -_-
INTERESTING ~ I wouldn't mind keeping it as a pet though. It'd make me feel so pretty. Hehehe.
Yesss, lotsa love from all of usss.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 6:51 AM
The blogger:
Self-proclaimed cutie
Constantly lives in denial
Digs hot dark guys, Dean Koontz, black color, gaming, and pigging out.
Layout:*ahem* THIS LAYOUT IS ONLY TEMPORARY!!! I messed up the codes for my new one and I lost my previous one, wtf.