Thursday, June 29, 2006 || a serious attitude problem
...... *inhales deeply*
I'M DONE WITH MY PSYCHOLOGY ASSIGNMENT. *claps and cheers for self*
I can practically hear the trumpets playing. HALLELUJAH!
Yes, it is a big deal. Yes, I didn't do it last minute (.... Err, I finished it today, I'm supposed to pass it up on Friday, considered last minute ar? O_o). No, I don't know if it's good or if it's a piece of shit.
But at least I did it. :D
Nothing much to blog about, cause life has been oh-so-mundane and repetitive lately. Everyday I wake up, grunt, go back to sleep, wake up again, and then go to college in my lazy manner. ; )
And ohhh, I've really realized that so many people have such serious attitude problems. Tsk. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone so if you're reading this, please don't terperasan. :P
It's like, some people are too fucking narcissistic, some speak through their asses and not through their mouths and end up pissing everybody off, some are big fat hypocrites with a capital H... and hey, despite all the colorful personalities, it's NOT FUNNY. O_o Nor is it even remotely amusing.
Then I dragged BFF Jaclyn for a very serious analyzing session about our own characters to see if we were infected with A Serious Attitude Problem as well. My stand is, how can I notice all these people with attitude problems ...... and somehow am actually one of them, unknowingly?
*gasp* That's wrong, right?!
After much evaluation and going through all the shitty things we've done in our lives (trust me, it's a LOT), we finally decided that my worst Attitude Problem phase when I was like, form one. Cause back then, I was this selfish, manipulative, insecure bitch, so whenever anybody wanted to use my computer to play games or whatever, I'd always go "Okay then so I get to choose the game cause you know, it's MY computer. Duh."
..... *hides behind bush* I KNOW, DAMN BITCHY RIGHT? I had a totally serious attitude problem man. Though luckily, I don't do that anymore. =(
And Jaclyn's Worst Attitude Problem phase was when she was thirteen (thirteen must be our acursed age), lost our good friend's earring, and totally did not give a fuck. The girl screamed, shouted, and demanded her to pay her back, but Jac totally did not even give a hoot and pretended the girl doesn't exist. LOL. Needless to say, she doesn't speak to her that much nowadays.
Nowadays, there ARE times when I think that I'm a super jerk (... the time I sarcastically told an annoying fat guy that he's perfectly sized, and he took me seriously and gave up his diet. Wtf.) .... and there ARE times when I think that I'm a hypocrite (... The first few days and weeks of college, I was a big. fat. hypocrite. :P)
But at least I don't intentionally go around telling everybody how great I am, nor do I pretend to like someone and then backstab her to her enemy, right? Nor do I go around preaching just for the sake of looking all nice and holy right?
And of course, there are the people who speak through their asses and don't know how to be polite. They think they're so funny when they're making fart jokes or dissing someone, but don't seem to comprehend that it's damn annoying. I SWEAR, I don't understand how such people get away without being bashed into mashed potato.
Actually I should learn how to control myself a bit more, since it isn't really any of my business that these people have such serious attitude problems. But if everybody keeps quiet and nobody tells them off, are they gonna live out the rest of their lives with the totally WRONG narcissistic view of themselves, or end up speaking through their ass lips till the day they die? =(
Damn sad right? Tsk tsk tsk. But what can I/we do? =/
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 2:44 PM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 || My so-called hiatus
As you guys, whoever that still occasionally lurks around this outdated blog of mine, you'd probably notice that I haven't updated for like, almost a week by now.
Erm, the thing is, I have shitloads of assignments to do. I'm not saying that I'm spending ALL my free time on my assignments, but life is waaaaay too busy and hectic, of late. =(
shit. I was gonna blog a whole load of crap, but I realized that I only have approximately 48 hours to finish my psychology assignment.
*wipes imaginary tear*
TOMORROW! :D MUST blog tomorrow...
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 12:44 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2006 || Of fun karaoke sessions, a Beatles obsession, and a horny malay dude.
I''m gonna be damn semangat and blog an uber long post, since I've been neglecting my darling blog for such a long time already!
(... unless I get lazy halfway. HAHA!)
In continuation from my last post, my pleading declaration of being infected with an unusual sickness (*cough* damn drama man) ......
I really slept at approximately 7.30 p.m, to find myself awake at 4 a.m, feeling extremely normal, refreshed, and completely healed of all traces of fever. I daydreamed, woke Fifi up, and drank a cup of milo before falling asleep again at 5 a.m.
....... Only to find my perfect, blissful slumber disrupted by a SMS at 7. -___- I jumped at the sound of my super loud Franz Ferdinand ringtone and I thought it was some kinda emergency message or something, since it was SO DAMN EARLY IN THE MORNING *GRRRRRR*
........ And it turned out to be Maxis, smsing me stupid world cup results. -______- Damn tulan!
I went for .... karaoke yesterday. O_o
I know, I know, I can't sing for shit and I probably sound worse than a cow everytime I try, but please don't rub it in. :)

Errr ... sorry, my photography skills are absolutely nonexistential. =(
And yes, that IS Shane Westlife on the screen. LOL.
The place was alright. Song-selection was pretty good. BUT of course, the main attraction was that it was only, get this, FIVE BUCKS for students, for four hours!
Damn cheap right?! It was well-worth singing emo-gooey love songs to noone in particular with my horse-y voice! :D
Of course must cam-whore a bit. Though I don't do it much anymore, I swear. *innocent smile*

Errr ... act-cute pose failures. Hahaha. I hate flash!
BTW, I couldn't stop singing Take That's Back For Good. I think that it's such a sweet song. =)
If you could sense my mood by reading the post itself, you'd probably be able to tell that I'm in an absolutely, obscenely WONDERFUL mood! :D
I stayed over at a friend's place yesterday, and her dad showed me lotsa *GASP* The Beatles stuff, ranging from posters, pictures, those big laser records and even autobiographies!
A friend of his, who was a die-hard beatles fan, collected 'em, and gave it to him when he moved. Or something like that lah.
I WAS ABSOLUTELY ECSTATIC. =D Everybody knows I LOVE the beatles! I was in seventh heaven, checking out their posters and records.
The most horrible thing of it all was that neither my friend, nor her dad, really liked the beatles all that much. =(
Sooooo ... I am an extremely happy girl cause I came today with:

A The Beatles GUITAR BOOK!

Their autobiography, which has tonnes of pictures and not much words. -.- I should've took home their self-penned one instead ish.

... More guitar books. YAY!
Now the problem is, my guitar skills are seriously, in a word, SUCKY. =( Anybody wanna teach me, pleaaaaase?
*heaves happy sigh*

....... :D Guess how much I paid for all of 'em!!! Guess!
I'm gonna go pay my lovely friend a visit soon to try to talk them into *ahem* handing over all the amazing framed posters, jigsaw puzzles and other autobiographies. =)))))
Oh OH this is is too funny to not blog about, though I'm sure that everybody'll roll their eyes at it.
Today, in the bus on the way home, a malay dude hopped up the bus and sat opposite me. Not too bad-looking either, he sorta looked a bit like the Peter pan dude.
This sounds fucking narcissistic but the dude stared at me and went, "wah ... amoi banyak cantik leh. Macam artis ni!" (pardon my suckass malay)
me: (thinks: biasalah tu ....) "Er .... ya."
Malay dude: "Eee apabila you senyum banyak comel ah!"
Me: (thinks: memang la tu ...) "Erm ... yalor ...." *nods*
Malay dude: "Boleh bagi abang nombor telefon ka??? dah ada boyfriend??"
Me: "Takder telefon la, ku ni orang miskin haiya."
(LOL wtf)
Then the dude crapped some other things while I feigned disinterest, until he stopped talking.
... After awhile, he rummaged through his bag and took out a stack of powerpuff girls stickers.
him: "Oklah aku bagi you semua sticker ini, you beri aku nombor telefon you ok???"
I SWEAR to God, I honestly found that SUPER funny. I started laughing my ass off and my friend who was sitting beside me started laughing as well. It was so totally random wei! Stickers!
"AHAHAHAHAHHA you amat lucu la ... nak tukar telefon nombor ku untuk STICKER ya??", I said to him, still laughing.
He pouted, put all the stickers back into the bag, and stopped talking after that. :P
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 11:16 AM
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 || i'm a sick cow
....... I slept at 5 a.m yesterday (guess what I was doing! guess!) and woke up at 8a.m, feeling EXTREMELY grouchy and moody.
... And I started sneezing non-stop. =(
Obviously, the lack of sleep has been at an extremely horrible timing. I'm now down with a flu and a slight fever.
After enduring the tedious college hours, trying hard not to doze off (which I did, anyway.) in class, I came home feeling like a dying, pregnant cow. And my mum helpfully announced that I look like shit today. LOL. Thanks a lot for the comfort, ma.
........ For many many years to come, I will still thank God above that by chance, I don't have classes tomorrow AND wednesday.
*heaves deep, contented sigh while sneezing and swallowing panadol*
KTHXBYE. I'm going to sleep. At 7p.m!
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 9:36 AM
Monday, June 19, 2006 || I am evil, because.
I've always wondered why am I sometimes, naturally, such a bitch. Sometimes I can be really really evil. But why?
The answer came to me today. Why didn't I even think of it before?!?
... MY FRIENDS. Are. A. Bad. Influence. :p
I was gushing to my friend about how XXX is like, an ultraviolet-superduperuber nice guy, cause he always helps me out with my stuff, always offers a helping hand whenever I need favours, and is just.... plainly NICE.
"NOoooo don't tell me you like him. OH MY GODD!", she practically screamed at me.
"Erm no I don't, actually. I was just saying he's damn nice la. He even helped me with my stupd work. Would it be so bad if I did anyway?", I shot back at her.
"Erm, put it this way. You're not that bad looking, I think. Remember what everybody said about YYY and WWW last time?"
"...... Everybody was commenting on how he's so leng chai and his girlfriend looks 10 years older than him?"
"Yes. My point exactly. So in your case, you can be the cuter one lor.", she informed me. -_-
"..........You evil shit wei! You just kutuk-ed my friend!", I exclaimed, slightly pissed off. Haha.
"I was just saving you a lot of trouble lor. He is that bad k."
.......... SO EVIL LEH. But he's really so nice. =(
How many TRULY nice people do you guys know anyway? Chances are, 70% of your friends are like as conniving and manipulative as me. HAH!
(Okay okay, must save face a bit. I'm not THAT bad lah. I erm, clean my dog's poo everyday willingly....... and I sometimes donate to charities and stuff.
I was checking my old mails, and I came across one I overlooked:

OMGWTFBBQ! Damn funny wei! =.=
Shit. I got mistaken for Mike He Jun Xiang.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 12:30 AM
Sunday, June 18, 2006 || Boys and vows
Seriously, ever since I've started college, all my other friends have been asking me the same thing whenever they see me.
"Woo someone in college already! So got boyfriend already right??"
... I swear, almost everybody asks me guy-related questions, as though I'm some kinda boyfriend hunter with raging hormones. :p
To which, I'll often only grin and reply: "Aw no. My next bf must be my first long-term SERIOUS bf ok. I'm staying single until I meet an uber nice guy I totally like!!"
... Of course, coming from *me*, nobody believed it. Hahaha. So far, I've never been in a relationship for more than 3 months, all of which with dumbasses I met randomly ... and none of them were serious enough for me to even bother proudly displaying him on my arm to my FRIENDS, much less my parents.
"Aiya tell la. Surelyyy got cute guys wat. Who you like la!"
me: "Cute guys? Err. I dunno. You know how I feel about messing with church guys. I don't do that okay."
friend: "Church? I was asking you about college!"
me: "Oh man, what's the difference!!!"
Hahaha, so as it seems, I am taking college rather lightly. Like church. O_o
I have nothing against dating church/christian people, mind you, but I always can't seem to shake off nagging feelings that they're better and holier than I am. Which sorta stresses me out, though it really shouldn't, since I *am* of the same religion myself, right?
BUT my next bf is gonna be a super nice, geeky, godly guy who'll errr ... put in a lot of effort in maintaining our blissful relationship. *smiles dreamily*
"When you have a boyfriend you'll write it in your blog right?" (Damn wtf question. I didn't even know she reads my blog!)
Me: "Nope. The only guy I ever admitted to liking publicly was only Ezra k, you don't see me telling everbody about everything else. -_- And that was only cuz I didn't even GET him, so I dun care la ..."
friend: "Eeyer. Not fun lah you."
Speaking of which, I almost wish that I have someone to set my eyes upon. Like you know, I've never had a crush on anybody since last year, and I kinda miss having someone to drool at, someone to make my heart beat faster. :D
Aiseh. Nowadays even stereo-typically good-looking guys (... the usual ones I always drool over. HAHA.) don't fascinate me anymore.
Shit. Am I becomg asexual?!?!?!?!?!
(... don't answer that question. Huhuhu. =( )
And oh, I've just realized that most of my new guy friends are so totally Jaclyn's type. She lurvessssssss Godly people. Though I'm willing to bet 50 bucks that she isn't their type. WAHAHAHA!
She came over to my college yesterday for some event planning meeting, all decked out in black, with her classic "I'm a virgin, this is a very old t-shirt' black shirt and baggy black jeans. Plus, she put on totally thick black eye-liner, and black+purple smoky eyeshadow around her eyes.
Which, is what she *does* usually look like. But in MY college, everybody was giving her The Eye. LOL.
I swear, I think that she's gonna have a way harder time than I did to adjust in college when she comes next year. But the most unfair shit of it all is that by the time she comes, I WILL BE THERE.
And since we're best friends and all, she'll undeniably already have a "pre-assigned" gang and clique to hang out with automatically, otherwise known as my current classmates. -____-
Damn unfair right!!! *I* had to shred off whatever ego and lanciness in me and damn susah-payah befriended my classmates of the same intake!
And when Jaclyn comes, it'll be all smooth-sailing for her since by then, she'll probably already be kinda close to my college friends since I always invite her along whenever we hang out.
Okay okay, I damn tulan. I've decided to totally ignore her when she enrolls in college. Mwahahaha! Behold my wrath!
(Just kidding. What are best friends for? *rolls eyes*)
OH, just a few days ago, we both swore by Coca-cola and french fries that we will NOT be alone by this Christmas. *ahem ahem*
.... Which is a vow that I think we both are not gonna be able to fulfill. *sheepish grin*
.... We'll all see how it goes. HAHAHA. If it goes wrong as I'm expecting it to, somebody take me out for a "romantic" dinner this Christmas so at least I've fulfilled that vow! I promise I'll be nice!
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 10:40 AM
Thursday, June 15, 2006 || Random emo shit in my life... and of freaking funny OFFICIAL pictures of emotion
I haven't been updating much for the past few days. =(
That's cause I've been in a shittingly bad mood!!! ... And I didn't wanna burden the whole world (that consists of all my *imaginary* readers) with all my stupid problems that nobody is gonna understand or give a damn about.

Nah just kidding, pic was taken last weekend when my mood was still *okay*. Btw my camwhore skills deteriorate like shit.
Proof that I've officially evolved into a baboon: (baboon, cause since I USED to be normal and human. Evolution backfired yo.)
1) I now do not curse at all. Whenever I feel like cursing I lower my head, squeeze my eyes shut, and think of South Park characters bombing themselves.
2) I now don't use makeup. I mean, don't be stupid lah, I do use pressed powder but it is NOT considered makeup, since nobody the hell knows anyway. If you wanna put makeup, might as well go all the way and put eyeshadow/eyeliner RIGHT?
Which I don't anymore wtfx100.
3) For two days in a week, I've worn what I call my "holy" t-shirts. Baggy, oversized t-shirts with holy messages engraved on them, all of which I've purchased through various camps and events. Those that everybody knows I only usually wear when I'm sleeping.
4) I'm becoming a lot more erm, reserved and less self-conscious, therefore I keep on eating. Cuz I just don't think about the calories anymore. Which is why I'm gonna get obese within a week.
5) I am also becoming EXTREMELY pissed at myself and majorly depressed.
Damn stupid lah when I think about it. ALL my friends told me to not give a damn about the authorities or holy peers and just be who I am, but I *still* get damn paranoid and try so hard to be someone I'm not, and try to transform into someone whom I think will be accepted.
.... WHICH FUCKING BACKFIRES OKAY. My self-love, confidence and self-esteem has diminished to shit. I am the most stubborn person on earth ... even though I know I should try to be a better person, I still keep on thinking
Now, who the hell are YOU that I'M trying to please? (err, I guess I should say that my parents aren't inclusive. wtf.)
The worst part is, I really honestly don't think I'm a bad person. Okay fine, I drink occasionally, swear a lot (used to, anyway), I hate staying at home and I always go out till damn late at night .... but seriously, I honestly don't do anything remotely horrible!
The more I think about it the more pissed I get. Haha. Besides, all my effort freaking backfires.
Just now, when I was walking home from dinner, some indian dude passed by me and went "hi amoi ... " or something like that. You know, the usual shit girls get lah.
And I sneered at him and called him a fucker to his face.
........... I really don't usually do that. -___- It just goes to show what a bad mood I'm in. Wtf. And I guess I'm bearing a really shitass testimony since I was wearing my "Get High with the Most High" t-shirt.
.... To save myself from this misery, I officially declare that I do not give a shit anymore. I think that instead of being a fake, polite hypocrite ... I'd rather be myself. Who cares if people think I'm a spawn of the devil? =)))))))))))))))))))
My REAL friends don't even remotely like the fake me. Right?!
*sigh* I feel so much better already.
Enough emo talk. :D Anyway, I was doing my psychology assignment and I found some serious-shit funny pictures from the textbook itself.
By the way, my assignment's the Theories of emotion ... Frankly, I don't know shit about the James-Lange theories and all, but at least I'm trying. *puppy dog eyes*
Then I found "official" images of emotions from the textbook. Which seriously cracked me up the first time I looked at them.

Happiness, as demonstrated by a dude who looks retarded.

Surprise, clearly written on the face of a square-faced chick with bushy eyebrows. Surprise, surprise.

Alright, this picture DID evoke sadness in me. HahahaHAhaha.

Alright, I MUST not look like a stunned rabbit like him whenever I feel damn scared. Cause erm, can see double chin. =(
And last but certainly not the least,

WAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA OMG look damn gay wei! Anger!
If *I* suddenly lost my temper and burst out in anger, I would certainly make a face like

More appropriate, no?
...... *contented sigh*
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 1:10 PM
Monday, June 12, 2006 || Meet the inner bitch in me
My inner bitch is dying to come out and BITE.
Shitlah I'm having a major identity crisis over here. So much that I'm gonna blog whatever crap that comes into my mind.
OH I was helping Suet Foong with her english assignment on the Grimm Brothers just now, and I was absolutely fascinated by a write-up I found on The little red riding hood.
People actually thought that the underlying meaning of the innocent fairy tale was *gasp* ... awakening sexuality!
"The red color of LRRH's hood, according to Bettelheim, symbolizes her unconscious sexual desires. He sees the gift of the hood by the grandmother as representing a transfer of sexual attractiveness from an old sick woman to a young healthy girl. The grandmother is a symbol of the little girl's mother. When the wolf eats the grandmother it represents the little girl's wish to get rid of her mother so she can have her father all to herself."
Now, why didn't I think of that when I read the book when I was younger?? It does kinda make sense, but it's so gross. In a funny way.
And experts also believe that by Little red riding hood's body language and all, she had unconscious desires to be seduced by the wolf. OMG damn funny right?
Hallelujah for the fact that I'm not in Suet's english class, or I would NO DOUBT write a longass entry on all the innocent sexual underlying themes in fairy tales.
Oh, the guy who told Jaclyn she's fat asked me out. -_-
"Are you free this tuesday?", he asked me, ignoring Jaclyn who was rolling her eyes and smirking away.
"Uh, depends. Why."
"I wanna ask you out lor. I can come pick you up in the evening, we can go for dinner or something ma ...", he went on.
"Wah ... sounds awesome. But no thanks, sorry.", I told him, before flipping my hair and walking away. (LOL just exaggerating)
Mannn, the dude is irritating. Why do I find so many people irritating nowadays? Is it because I'm PMSing or something? =(
The inner bitch in me is DYING to just crawl out of her shell and give everybody two cents worth of my opinions. Wahaha!
When karma slaps you back in your face
"Do you know the meaning of 'sinister'?", my dad asked me just now.
"Of course lah. It means hmm ... evil, cruel. Threatening. Something like that lah. Why?", I asked him in return.
"Oh .... no lah. It just occured to me that it's the PERFECT word to describe you. WHAHAHAHAHAHAA!". He almost fell on his ass laughing.
" ..... err daddy, it's not that funny."
Fast forward to an hour ago, my dad was bustling around the kitchen, preparing food and cleaning up cause his PASTOR is gonna pay our humble home a visit. *looks at sky*
He was scurrying around and he stepped on Fifi's toy, which is a mouse that squeaks really loudly when it's squeezed. :P
.... My dad has a HUGE phobia of rats, and he thought that it was a REAL rat, so he yelled and jumped around.
"TIUUUUU NIAMA!!!!!!", he yelped, still jumping around in terror.
I looked up from my dinner, smiled sweetly, and went. "HI PASTOR SAM!"
Dad: "WHAT THE F*!!! Sorry pastor, I was----- .... Ehh where got???"
And then I fell on my ass laughing. =D
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 11:08 AM
Friday, June 09, 2006 || Lots of pictures :D .... And of B.O
MV outing with hot Alabama chick pics!
Jaclyn, Katherine and I met up with Candis, a really pretty girl from Alabama (OMG I LOVE SOUTHERN ACCENTS!) in Megamall on Tuesday. :D

Err .... Katherine and I in Joshua's car.

Nasi lemak! (A.K.A FAT RICE =( )
We brought her to have lunch at the Little Penang Cafe at Mv's.
... Truthfully, the food kinda sucked. :P Shhh! Candis liked it ...

OMG, this is what I look like when I camwhore with a hot white chick.
Fugly wei! *hides in closet*

Err ... Jaclyn, Camho-ing with Candis. o_O
No prizes guessing who looks better. TEEHEE.

Uh ... a pic of us. :D
The thing is though, I didn't expect her to be shorter than me. o_O

Greedy Jaclyn.

Greedy Jaclyn again.
Eeyer Jaclyn, your tongue damn gross man. HAHA.

Group pic of us! *wink*
Man, she was so nice to talk to. I should totally hang out with her more and try to copy/steal/absorb her southern accent. =D
College pics!
Jaclyn came over to my college today to have lunch with my friends and I. o_O
She wanted to meet my good friend, SK, and as it turns out, they liked each other. =D Everybody got along pretty well.
*smiles sheepishly*

But erm, this is what I'd look like if I sat next to Brad Pitt. Wtf. Like damn happy and high only.

...... When I was taking this picture, I didn't realize that I was leaning on the table, crouching my legs and really sticking my butt out.
So Suet Foong and her friends passed by and laughed their asses off, cause I presume that they all got a lovely view of my ass.
.......... o_O

May, Suet Foong and I. =D Suet's friend had shaky hands. Heehee.
*shuts up*

High school EX partner and I. *mwahs*!

My gay pose of the day. Btw, that's my good pal!
I shit you not. She's funny as HECK man.

Gay pose of the day #2

Err ... cam-hoing with Daniel kacau-ing at the back. :P

Some of my college peeps =D I like this pic!
Alright, for most days, I have to take advantage of the oh-so-'wonderful' public transportation system and ride the bus home from college.
Today was like any other day.
BUT today, the bus was PACKED with people. I'm not kidding you, I felt like a smashed sardine in a can.
......... And the lady squashed up beside me had horrible, terrible, horrid, utterly dreadful ........
I was scowling and wrinkling my nose at the horrible smell. =.= And after some time, the woman caught my eye and freaking smiled at me.
Obviously, being the nice person that I am, I had to smile sweetly back lah, despite feeling urges to hand her a deodorant.
So I really, really felt like dying in the bus. The worst part was, the malay woman on my other side had a LOT of perfume on. Like omgwtfbbq damn horrible can.
....... I don't use perfume, so that isn't a problem for me .... but PLEASE slap me if I have B.O. =((((((
I really, really don't wanna inflict the same kind of mental torture upon other people. :'(
.... I would actually try sniffing myself, but my degree of narcissism and self-adoration has reached a divine, infinite level .... and even if I smelled like cow shit, I'd still think that I smell like a field of lilies. Not that I'd know what a field of lilies'd smell like. HAHA.
So here's the scary but utterly inescapable question. DO I HAVE B.O?!?!?!?!?!
Smell me, honey. Huhuhu.
Shit man, when I think about what the bus smelled like also I feel like I could puke already. Ladies and gentlemens, use deodorant if you have B.O. =( Or take more baths. :D
*sighhh* On a totally unrelated note, I love Rod Stewart's voice. So husky and sexy.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 1:28 PM
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 || A day full of OMGs
Nowadays, I often find myself checking out indian and malay guys. OMG.
...... I think that I'm becoming pretty racist. Towards chinese people, my own kind. OMGx2
I hung out with a girl from Alabama in Megamall today, and I found myself sorta developing a twinge of a southern accent by the time I came home. OMGx3
I couldn't stop checking her out! Her eyes are such a pretty shade of blue-ish green! ....... Which means I'm probably about 40% lesbo by now. OMGx4
I've decided that my intense phobia of roads HAS TO BE CURED. Cause yesterday, when I was supposed to walk across the road, I ended up sprinting across like a nervous penguin.
And I didn't realize that my jeans was pretty low, so that when I was attempting a penguin run, all my college friends could see my panties.
I talked to a cute mat salleh guy named Brandon today, and I almost went into 100% flirt mode. Luckily I caught myself blinking happily at him and stopped in time. I was this close to asking him out to go ice-skating with me, how lame is that?!? *wipes sweat*
I consoled myself with the fact that he's probably used to the attention already, being in Malaysia. I MUST NOT BE FLIRTY! ...... Though he had blueeee eyes. =(
... I think I'm guilty of really, really swooning over stereotypically good-looking people. Which means if I were a guy, I would't drool at myself, since I'm not STEREOTYPICALLY good-looking.
........ I saw a guy who looked exactly like Sawyer (LOST) lining up for movie tix today.
........ My parents were tickling each other on the sofa just now. WERE THEY .... FLIRTING?!
Today is a good day. =D I'll post up pics later if I don't get lazy. haha.
goshhh, don't you just LOVE caucasian's eyes? =( They're really so pretty!
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 2:44 PM
Monday, June 05, 2006 || The VERY sensitive "fat" issue in a girl's life
Today was damn funny. :D
Ok, let me summon all my story-telling skills ....
Today, Jaclyn, Liz (meee!) and Cally went out to yum cha, for old time's sake.

Was nice to see her today. :) We hardly ever meet up anymore, since we're all so busy nowadays!
Then, a guy friend or ours coincidentally came into the cafe.
So obviously, he joined us for a bit to chat.

The dude and a ghost.
I was contemplating whether or not I ought to consume the oh-so-delicious nasi lemak sold at the cafe, since it IS 'fat rice' and I'm not exactly not fat. :P
"Weiiiii .... am I fat ah??", I asked the Guy Friend.
Guy friend grins at me and goes. "No leh, you're just nice lor I think. SHE is fatter loh ....", while POINTING AT JACLYN.
Jaclyn raised her eyebrows at Guy Friend. "Oh ... so you're very thin hor?"
I tactfully jumped in and tried to divert the topic, but without much success. "Heehee ... it's okay lah. Me and her are about the same size wat. :D So the nasi le--"
Guy Friend: *butts in* "No loh, you're not lor ... Anyway I never said I was thin wat. I'm big-sized. And she's fat. BWAHAHAHA!"
Me: "... Uh oh ....."
Jaclyn's eyes blazed over with fury and I was about to pretend to go to the loo to avoid the drama .... but Guy Friend then spotted one of his friends and gleefully went to greet him, oblivious to Jaclyn's anger.
Jaclyn was PISSED, man. And I'm not even exaggerating. She looked like she was about to tear his pants into half. HAHA!

Jaclyn: "I don't get it man .... Have I ever called HIM fat before??"
I wisely shook my head. "No ar ... I don't think so."
Jaclyn raises her fist into the air. "I'm fucking offended okay. To be called fat by someone who is obviously fatter than me is a big fucking insult! What is he trying to get into?! Damn offensive okay ...."
Playing the role of a perfect best friend, I smiled encouragingly and agreed with her.

Jaclyn: "THE WORST insult on earth is having someone who's not better looking than you comment on your looks. First time a guy insulted me TO MY FACE wei. Wtf!"
Me: "Oh yes ..... Now you know how pissed I was when XXX called me flirty. Oh mama mia, I don't even wanna talk about it ..."
Jaclyn: "I don't get it lor ... Why these people wanna downright offend you this way? Very fun to piss someone off is it? Why do they want an extra enemy over a friend?!"
Me: "Er .... I don't think he meant it lah. Hahahaha. I think he was only joking la ... errr .... it was uncalled for, but you know. I guess he didn't mean it."
Jaclyn: "I swear, if I get the opportunity, I'm gonna kick his balls man ........"
Me: ".............. o_O"
Moral of the story: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Or it's gonna hurt like hell anyway. :P
But anyway, I still don't understand people who purposely put other people down physically. (or mentally!) =( I DO think it's pretty offensive. Especially if it comes from someone you least expect the most.
But still ... Damn funny right! Now you people know, don't EVER call a girl fat ah! :P
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:00 PM
Sunday, June 04, 2006 || My perfect lover
Okay okay, enough emo posts. :D
Just thought I'd do Jon's tag.
Eight things I want in a lover:
- The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover
- Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover
- Tag eight (EIGHT?!?) other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
- Have fun doing it.
*cracks knuckles* Alrighty ....
Has to be a guy
I'm totally straight. I think men are sexy. ;)
Accepts me for WHO I AM
This is so SO important to me, since I have that stupid phobia of being judged. I'd freak out if I found out my boyfriend doesn't think I'm good enough for him. =(
*weak grin*
Has to be 'In My League'
I usually don't believe in 'leagues', but c'mon, let's face it. Everybody has gotta be out of league of SOME people. It's only the matter of taste, personal preference etc. :P
I am the dumbest person on earth when it comes to falling in love.
I ALWAYS fall for guys who are out of my league. (e.g. A lot older, taken, too hot for me to handle, too talented, too FAR etc)
The next time I fall for anyone, it's gotta be someone who doesn't make me turn into a puddle of shy mush. Uh. Right.
Not too metro
My perfect man would be someone who wouldn't mind getting sweaty and doesn't mind having normal, messy hair ... And not someone who spends more time getting his hair done than me. =_=''
Rugged, ruffled-looking guys are SO sexy can. Especially tanned guys. Ooooo la la, me like.
A best friend
Someone I can talk to for HOURS and hours and still not run out of things to talk about. =)
Someone who'd come to my place and stay up all night TALKING (not anything else ah, don't think dirty!) to me. Someone I can trust and bitch with.
Not bad looking.
At least not bad lah. Not too much to ask for right?
I know I may not be gorgeous bla bla bla BUT I'm not horrible looking as well. =(
Same religion as me
Not that I'm a religious bigot or anything, but seriously, I really don't want religion to be something we'd argue about.
Besides, I do love God, so I'd be happier if my man'd understand that. :P
Satisfies me emotionally and physically
I want someone who'll put up with my EMO moments and knows how to comfort me when I need it. =P
And someone who'll satisfy me physically. Yum.
..... *sigh* Wishful thinking, right? =(
Ohh my perfect lover, where art thee?!?
Okay, I tag: (I dunno, I think I'm gonna tag those that I think are still single. *hehe*)
Sapiensbryan, if you're free?
Jin! I'm curious. ;)
Ann jie
Joshua lim? if you're free...
Errr, no idea who else. If you're single, do it! :P
Thought of the day:

I wish.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:00 PM
Saturday, June 03, 2006 || Bitch mode
*Bitch mode*
I have a "friend", who almost ALL of my friends hate, cause she's what *we* refer to as "a freaking cheap girl".
I kid you not, she changes boyfriends like dirty underwear and flirts around with ALL members of the opposite sex, even if she's already in a relationship.
Of course, the most ironic thing of all is that she has the nerve to diss many of my friends and I behind our backs, telling other guys that we're so flirty, slutty, and et cetera. When in reality, almost all of us are single and NOT looking, as opposed to her, as she's practically not single and STILL looking, if you catch my drift .....
She also disses our fashion senses and shit. But everybody puts up with her cause she's the type that'd practically cry if she hears stuff that she doesn't wanna hear ...... So well, why go that far to tell her off right?
Lately, however, a guy friend of mine told me that she's been telling everybody around her bad shit about ME.
Apparently, she tells all the guys (and girls) that I use makeup and do "a lot of stuff" to my hair to .......
Attract attention from the opposite sex.
In other words, she just freaking labeled ME cheap. =(
The funny thing was, the first time the guy told me that, I found it SO ironic that she was calling ME cheap ... and I ended up laughing it off. I even went as far as to jokingly confess to her that I use make-up cause it's fun (it IS wat, wtf) and that I have pretty bad eye-bags, so I tend to try too hard to conceal them...
(In my own defence, I do know that I do a LOT of stupid crap to my hair, like dying it red and braiding it ... but pleaseeee lah. I know for a fact, even before actually doing it, that having red hair and funny braids does NOT make me look "prettier". Or more "attractive". =( Is it a crime to be curious and experiment just for the sake of it?!)
So I shrugged it off. Then a few days ago, a girl friend asked me if I have "really bad eyebags" ........
I told her "Yeah, I DO have bad eyebags, since I've been sleeping so late for the past few months" ... And then my friend told me that she heard it from her. -____- In other words, she not only told the whole world that I'm supposedly flirty and slutty, she ALSO innocently blurted out my biggest flaw to the universe.
OKOK, I know the eye bags thing isn't a big deal, since I'd openly admit it to just about anyone if they asked, and I'm sure that despite using make-up to "conceal" it, people can still tell that I have eyebgs .... but what REALLY REALLY pisses me off is the fact that she was supposed to be a friend and despite that, she STILL bitched about me behind my back.
Do I look flirty and cheap to you? I swear to God, I almost never flirt. At least, I REALLY don't think I do. I HATE girls who bat their eyelashes, pout and whack every guy's arm with a passion.
And maybe I do look better with normal black hair and a bare face. I'm not even gonna argue with that. But is it a freaking crime to use make-up? I use my own money to buy the shit on my face (and hair, haha), not yours. -_-;;
One of my biggest phobia and fear in life is actually being judged. And talked about behind my back. I feel damn sad and depressed everytime I feel pressured to be somebody I'm not, or when I'm judged for being who I really am. The most miserable phase of my life back when I was thirteen, wasn't REALLY because I looked really fugly back then .....
but it was miserable cause I knew that everybody talked about how I looked physically. Call me weak, but I absolutely cannot stand the feeling and I don't even wanna begin to learn how to stand it.
Right now, I've known for the first time in my life, what it feels like to REALLY REALLY HATE someone. I swear, I've disliked people before ... but I've never really HATED anyone's guts before.
..... I don't like the feeling. Everytime a guy tells me how manja and sweet she is to him, everytime I hear from a friend about all the shit she says behind my back, everytime she disses any of MY friends to ME ......
I feel this insane desire in me to just punch that innocent face of hers.
Or taking advantage of the fact that I KNOW she's pretty insecure and will be really depressed if I told her she's fat or something.
But no, I must control myself and refrain from doing anything of the sort. =( The only place I can vent my frustration is this blog (since she doesn't read it, heh), cause I don't really wanna stoop to her level. And I don't know, even though she's pissed me off so badly, I STILL don't really feel like inflicting the same kinda pain unto her, though she deserves it.
And to the bitch: COME ON, you and I know for a fact that I'm single because I'm too fucking busy and fussy, NOT because I wanna be "entitled" to wag my boobs at every male I see. You don't have to publicize that. Cause I think that you and I both know pretty well that I'm not like you.
And now, get the hell out of my life.
...... *sigh* Now I actually DO feel better. Blogging is good!
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 1:00 PM
Friday, June 02, 2006 || The biggest, most fabulous decision of my life.
I have been feeling and looking like a piece of overweight turd lately, mainly cause Jaclyn's staying at my place for her hols.
I shit you not. Juggling between classes, PS2, cooking + eating (me cooking, Jaclyn eating), gossiping and watching B-grade movies ... I am drained and horribly LACKING sleep. Less than four hours of sleep a day is NOT enough.=(
I'm so ZZZ-ed out you could call me a fat chicken and I'd still smile sleepily at you. (I'm lying)
ANDDDDD, I made the uber biggest, impulsive, "fantastic" decision of my life. =)
To ...........
*insert imaginary drumroll*

*coughs* Erm. Right.
Seriously, don't even ask me why I did it in the first place. I was feeling bored, sleepy and impulsive (and massively bored with my normal old hair) .... and VOILA, my new screwed-up hair.
I sort of regret not braiding ALL my hair. But omgwtfbbq, I'd freak out even more if I have exactly no hair to comb at all.
What terrifies me more is the prospect of what it's gonna look like (hint: shit) when I take out the braids when I get bored of it. Haiya.
I was whining to Jaclyn about my fugly hair and she was all, :"Dude, if you wanna pull THAT off, you're gonna need a LOT more attitude than this. Pretend you reaaaaally dig it man! If anybody tells you it's fugly just pretend to disagree and argue that it's cool ...."
Okay okay. Right. I'm LOVING it. Hooray.
(^ bad pic)
And oh, Jaclyn got her nose pierced.
My "lovely" mother's reaction when she saw my FANTASTIC, AMAZING, FABULOUS braids (just following jac's advice yo. I'm digging it! *coughs*):
"OH MY GOD you trying to be a nigger?????"
Me: "Holy ... OH MY GOD how do you the word nigger???"
"Lovely" mother's reaction when I told her I was planning to pierce my nose:
"You ... are.... NOT ... piercing your nose. NOT."
Me: "But why? Jaclyn's nose nice wat ... =("
"No, she looks like a cow now."
Me: "OH MY GOD!!! WHAT!"
Which, in conclusion, I have a funny mother. -_-;;
In college:

Freaking Weird picture of me. (I was tempted to use the F word. But huhuhu ... =( )

Even weirder picture of me.

..... ERRRRR.
Ah, why am I posting such bad pictures of myself? Ah yes, I must be too sleepy to think straight. That must be it.
I reckon that I should photoshop my pictures a bit. But since my eyebags are practically permanent for the week .... don't care lah. *nyehehe*
Suet and her friends keep on asking me why are the dudes and dudettes from *my* intake, myself inclusive, are so quiet. :p
Frankly, I have no idea why either. I'm just presuming that everybody's still not in their comfort zones (like me in mamaks :D ) yet. Either that, or we have a lot of PR skills to work on. LOL.
(IGNORE EYEBAGS!!!!11111oneone)
This girl, people, is prolly my closest friend in college for now. Her name's SK and she REALLY REALLY reminds me of Cally, and even looks and dresses like her!

My self-proclaimed "cool" hair. Err.

Don't I look sooooooooooooooooo sleepy? *grin*
Damn shitty man. No wonder Xiaxue proclaims to never post up un-photoshopped pictures. Wahaha.
GOSHHHHHHHHHHH I AM SO MOODY AND SLEEPY GAH! Jaclyn went home today (hallelujah! :P ) so I can finally have enough sleep! *tee hee*
Since I don't have classes or anything tomorrow, I anticipate a FULL, LOVELY weekend of blissful beauty sleep and ponderings over what the hell am I going to do with my hair. =)
.......... OH I forgot, I have appointed with the job agency chick (at States, PJ) tomorrow to hunt for a weekend job. Wtf.
... I really hope I'll be able to get a job (I need the moolah, and frankly I HATE asking for cash from The Parents) ... but if I really do, it'll mean that I'll have totally not much time for my usual excess sleeping and stoning anymore.
And weekend late movies! ....... And weekend mamak sessions!
*sigh* Oh well. A lady's gotta do what a lady's gotta do. *cringe*
Wish me luck, people. =(
.... I got myself a job. O_o
Now, why was that easier than I expected?!? A part of me was sorta hoping that I'd come home unemployed. *shy*
.... Cause you know, since I supposedly have training next Friday (or something) ... this will officially be my LAST FREE weekend.
Okay lah, I'm just overreacting. =P
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 10:17 AM