Thursday, June 15, 2006 || Random emo shit in my life... and of freaking funny OFFICIAL pictures of emotion
I haven't been updating much for the past few days. =(
That's cause I've been in a shittingly bad mood!!! ... And I didn't wanna burden the whole world (that consists of all my *imaginary* readers) with all my stupid problems that nobody is gonna understand or give a damn about.
Nah just kidding, pic was taken last weekend when my mood was still *okay*. Btw my camwhore skills deteriorate like shit.
Proof that I've officially evolved into a baboon: (baboon, cause since I USED to be normal and human. Evolution backfired yo.)
1) I now do not curse at all. Whenever I feel like cursing I lower my head, squeeze my eyes shut, and think of South Park characters bombing themselves.
2) I now don't use makeup. I mean, don't be stupid lah, I do use pressed powder but it is NOT considered makeup, since nobody the hell knows anyway. If you wanna put makeup, might as well go all the way and put eyeshadow/eyeliner RIGHT?
Which I don't anymore wtfx100.
3) For two days in a week, I've worn what I call my "holy" t-shirts. Baggy, oversized t-shirts with holy messages engraved on them, all of which I've purchased through various camps and events. Those that everybody knows I only usually wear when I'm sleeping.
4) I'm becoming a lot more erm, reserved and less self-conscious, therefore I keep on eating. Cuz I just don't think about the calories anymore. Which is why I'm gonna get obese within a week.
5) I am also becoming EXTREMELY pissed at myself and majorly depressed.
Damn stupid lah when I think about it. ALL my friends told me to not give a damn about the authorities or holy peers and just be who I am, but I *still* get damn paranoid and try so hard to be someone I'm not, and try to transform into someone whom I think will be accepted.
.... WHICH FUCKING BACKFIRES OKAY. My self-love, confidence and self-esteem has diminished to shit. I am the most stubborn person on earth ... even though I know I should try to be a better person, I still keep on thinking
Now, who the hell are YOU that I'M trying to please? (err, I guess I should say that my parents aren't inclusive. wtf.)
The worst part is, I really honestly don't think I'm a bad person. Okay fine, I drink occasionally, swear a lot (used to, anyway), I hate staying at home and I always go out till damn late at night .... but seriously, I honestly don't do anything remotely horrible!
The more I think about it the more pissed I get. Haha. Besides, all my effort freaking backfires.
Just now, when I was walking home from dinner, some indian dude passed by me and went "hi amoi ... " or something like that. You know, the usual shit girls get lah.
And I sneered at him and called him a fucker to his face.
........... I really don't usually do that. -___- It just goes to show what a bad mood I'm in. Wtf. And I guess I'm bearing a really shitass testimony since I was wearing my "Get High with the Most High" t-shirt.
.... To save myself from this misery, I officially declare that I do not give a shit anymore. I think that instead of being a fake, polite hypocrite ... I'd rather be myself. Who cares if people think I'm a spawn of the devil? =)))))))))))))))))))
My REAL friends don't even remotely like the fake me. Right?!
*sigh* I feel so much better already.
Enough emo talk. :D Anyway, I was doing my psychology assignment and I found some serious-shit funny pictures from the textbook itself.
By the way, my assignment's the Theories of emotion ... Frankly, I don't know shit about the James-Lange theories and all, but at least I'm trying. *puppy dog eyes*
Then I found "official" images of emotions from the textbook. Which seriously cracked me up the first time I looked at them.
Happiness, as demonstrated by a dude who looks retarded.
Surprise, clearly written on the face of a square-faced chick with bushy eyebrows. Surprise, surprise.
Alright, this picture DID evoke sadness in me. HahahaHAhaha.
Alright, I MUST not look like a stunned rabbit like him whenever I feel damn scared. Cause erm, can see double chin. =(
And last but certainly not the least,
WAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA OMG look damn gay wei! Anger!
If *I* suddenly lost my temper and burst out in anger, I would certainly make a face like
More appropriate, no?
...... *contented sigh*
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 1:10 PM