Friday, June 02, 2006 || The biggest, most fabulous decision of my life.
I have been feeling and looking like a piece of overweight turd lately, mainly cause Jaclyn's staying at my place for her hols.
I shit you not. Juggling between classes, PS2, cooking + eating (me cooking, Jaclyn eating), gossiping and watching B-grade movies ... I am drained and horribly LACKING sleep. Less than four hours of sleep a day is NOT enough.=(
I'm so ZZZ-ed out you could call me a fat chicken and I'd still smile sleepily at you. (I'm lying)
ANDDDDD, I made the uber biggest, impulsive, "fantastic" decision of my life. =)
To ...........
*insert imaginary drumroll*

*coughs* Erm. Right.
Seriously, don't even ask me why I did it in the first place. I was feeling bored, sleepy and impulsive (and massively bored with my normal old hair) .... and VOILA, my new screwed-up hair.
I sort of regret not braiding ALL my hair. But omgwtfbbq, I'd freak out even more if I have exactly no hair to comb at all.
What terrifies me more is the prospect of what it's gonna look like (hint: shit) when I take out the braids when I get bored of it. Haiya.
I was whining to Jaclyn about my fugly hair and she was all, :"Dude, if you wanna pull THAT off, you're gonna need a LOT more attitude than this. Pretend you reaaaaally dig it man! If anybody tells you it's fugly just pretend to disagree and argue that it's cool ...."
Okay okay. Right. I'm LOVING it. Hooray.
(^ bad pic)
And oh, Jaclyn got her nose pierced.
My "lovely" mother's reaction when she saw my FANTASTIC, AMAZING, FABULOUS braids (just following jac's advice yo. I'm digging it! *coughs*):
"OH MY GOD you trying to be a nigger?????"
Me: "Holy ... OH MY GOD how do you the word nigger???"
"Lovely" mother's reaction when I told her I was planning to pierce my nose:
"You ... are.... NOT ... piercing your nose. NOT."
Me: "But why? Jaclyn's nose nice wat ... =("
"No, she looks like a cow now."
Me: "OH MY GOD!!! WHAT!"
Which, in conclusion, I have a funny mother. -_-;;
In college:

Freaking Weird picture of me. (I was tempted to use the F word. But huhuhu ... =( )

Even weirder picture of me.

..... ERRRRR.
Ah, why am I posting such bad pictures of myself? Ah yes, I must be too sleepy to think straight. That must be it.
I reckon that I should photoshop my pictures a bit. But since my eyebags are practically permanent for the week .... don't care lah. *nyehehe*
Suet and her friends keep on asking me why are the dudes and dudettes from *my* intake, myself inclusive, are so quiet. :p
Frankly, I have no idea why either. I'm just presuming that everybody's still not in their comfort zones (like me in mamaks :D ) yet. Either that, or we have a lot of PR skills to work on. LOL.
(IGNORE EYEBAGS!!!!11111oneone)
This girl, people, is prolly my closest friend in college for now. Her name's SK and she REALLY REALLY reminds me of Cally, and even looks and dresses like her!

My self-proclaimed "cool" hair. Err.

Don't I look sooooooooooooooooo sleepy? *grin*
Damn shitty man. No wonder Xiaxue proclaims to never post up un-photoshopped pictures. Wahaha.
GOSHHHHHHHHHHH I AM SO MOODY AND SLEEPY GAH! Jaclyn went home today (hallelujah! :P ) so I can finally have enough sleep! *tee hee*
Since I don't have classes or anything tomorrow, I anticipate a FULL, LOVELY weekend of blissful beauty sleep and ponderings over what the hell am I going to do with my hair. =)
.......... OH I forgot, I have appointed with the job agency chick (at States, PJ) tomorrow to hunt for a weekend job. Wtf.
... I really hope I'll be able to get a job (I need the moolah, and frankly I HATE asking for cash from The Parents) ... but if I really do, it'll mean that I'll have totally not much time for my usual excess sleeping and stoning anymore.
And weekend late movies! ....... And weekend mamak sessions!
*sigh* Oh well. A lady's gotta do what a lady's gotta do. *cringe*
Wish me luck, people. =(
.... I got myself a job. O_o
Now, why was that easier than I expected?!? A part of me was sorta hoping that I'd come home unemployed. *shy*
.... Cause you know, since I supposedly have training next Friday (or something) ... this will officially be my LAST FREE weekend.
Okay lah, I'm just overreacting. =P
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 10:17 AM