Sunday, March 04, 2007 || The guy we want
Was just thinking ...
What my mum wants in *my* boyfriend: Must be rich and very nice to his potential mother-in-law.
What my dad wants in my boyfriend: Must not look like an insect, or bear any resemblances to any animals whatsoever, or that particular insect/animal will stick around as my boyfriend's nickname forever.
Weirdly enough, my love life is one aspect of my life that my parents are not worried or concerned over. -_- I think that all those hours I spent talking about my dating philosophy and ideology must've rubbed off on them.
OMG ... I think that they actually trust me to make the right choices on this one. Though I'll also have to admit that I always somewhat handle it rather well. I sometimes wish that I don't, cause doing the right thing also really hurts a lot, most of the time. -_-
Andddd I just made a very fascinating discovery: I don't like clubbing. *gasp* very surprising!
I mean, I just go clubbing cause there basically is nothing else to do. I absolutely adore the music and dancing -- but the occasional *really* horny guys, the smell of cigs that lingers around until you get a 1-hour bath, the loudness.
I don't really love it. O_o I think that I should go back to my mamak days --- except that all my friends who used to lepak in mamaks talking rubbish are now into clubbing. Gah!
I am going clubbing later. But only because I have nothing else to do. And I think that I've said it before ... doing something definitely tops staying at home watching re-runs while thinking of all the stuff I could be doing to make my life more interesting. Who likes feeling lonely?
What *I* currently want in a boyfriend: Someone who'll watch the re-runs with me. And laugh with me about all the stuff we could be doing to make our lives more interesting - yet we still opted to hang out at home.
oh ... and play PS2 with me.
*** Post note - thoughts before sleeping: - felt super lazy to dress up for clubbing, and thus I wore a plain skirt and a kiddy-looking blue T-shirt. *yawn* no skimpy clothes! who cares if people think I'm weird.
And oh man, Flam and Qbar is sooo ... seafood-ish. o_O
- Number of guys I thought was cute: 1?
Number of guys who asked for my number: 4
Number of guys whom I purposely gave the wrong number: 2
- it was soo boring at first that I went to watch the Liverpool VS Man U match. I didn't know who I was rooting for so I had mixed feelings when Man U won. ahahaLabels: personal
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 11:02 AM