Monday, June 19, 2006 || I am evil, because.
I've always wondered why am I sometimes, naturally, such a bitch. Sometimes I can be really really evil. But why?
The answer came to me today. Why didn't I even think of it before?!?
... MY FRIENDS. Are. A. Bad. Influence. :p
I was gushing to my friend about how XXX is like, an ultraviolet-superduperuber nice guy, cause he always helps me out with my stuff, always offers a helping hand whenever I need favours, and is just.... plainly NICE.
"NOoooo don't tell me you like him. OH MY GODD!", she practically screamed at me.
"Erm no I don't, actually. I was just saying he's damn nice la. He even helped me with my stupd work. Would it be so bad if I did anyway?", I shot back at her.
"Erm, put it this way. You're not that bad looking, I think. Remember what everybody said about YYY and WWW last time?"
"...... Everybody was commenting on how he's so leng chai and his girlfriend looks 10 years older than him?"
"Yes. My point exactly. So in your case, you can be the cuter one lor.", she informed me. -_-
"..........You evil shit wei! You just kutuk-ed my friend!", I exclaimed, slightly pissed off. Haha.
"I was just saving you a lot of trouble lor. He is that bad k."
.......... SO EVIL LEH. But he's really so nice. =(
How many TRULY nice people do you guys know anyway? Chances are, 70% of your friends are like as conniving and manipulative as me. HAH!
(Okay okay, must save face a bit. I'm not THAT bad lah. I erm, clean my dog's poo everyday willingly....... and I sometimes donate to charities and stuff.
I was checking my old mails, and I came across one I overlooked:

OMGWTFBBQ! Damn funny wei! =.=
Shit. I got mistaken for Mike He Jun Xiang.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 12:30 AM