Monday, March 12, 2007 || Home Alone.
I just discovered that my parents are smart people.
Really, really smart.
See, they were planning to go on a Holiday for a week in March ... without me, because I basically wanted to PARTYYY WITHOUT PARENTAL SUPERVISION!!!!! see what it's like to live alone.
... And they were SMART enough to pick, of all weeks, my EXAM week to take their much-desired holiday. What the?!
Now I have to clean the whole house, feed the birds, dog and tortoises, wash my own clothes, wash the dishes, cook ...... all while trying to cram in last-minute information for my exams. =(
*BIG sigh* Plus, I think that I may just get my first non-A ever for my English paper. I managed to escape that fate for my EN101, but I don't think it'll happen again for EN102, seeing how screwed up my assignment marks were. (I don't even wanna go there ... *pissed*)
Why lah? =(
Oh, so mummy wrote this out for me to help me "survive on my own".
... As though lah I'm very helpless and could potentially kill the dogs and tortoises by forgetting to feed them. =(
Why don't my parents *ever* trust me? But I'll have to admit, I laughed when mummy handed me the paper.
I'm gonna be alone for a week! Wow. At times like this, I wish that I have a boyfriend who could come over to watch crappy movies and play PS2 with me. I can even totally play 'guy'
games like football/NFL/Need for speed!
Yes yes I'm very love deprived. Yes yes I'm very cuddle deprived. :(
Okay I guess I'll just invite random friends over to crash at my place. And I guess I'm competent enough to not burn down my house. Heehee
P.S. Jaclyn is back from Terengganu! Nice to have my best friend around again.Labels: Miscellaneous
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 1:56 PM