Saturday, November 12, 2005 || Shit.
Shit, I am so screwed.
I've just realized that there is NO WAY I'm going to do relatively well in SPM. Or even averagely well, for that matter.
I must stay strong ....... Yes yes, Eliza Lee isn't a loser. A lazy person, perhaps ... A loser?
*mutters under breath*
And Friendster is just getting lamer and LAMER.
God! First it was the non-stop chain bulletin messages. Then it was the SMILES (I really don't get the point of this. I really don't.). Now it's some kinda 'Yo, I think you and my friend have a lot in common! Let's set you guys up!' thing.
EWW. Fine, I know that I always complain about my singlehood and all, but I'm not interested in dating sites, yeah. *coughs*
Actually, I guess I'm just finding lame excuses to rant. As opposed to being in SPM mode, I'm still dwelling on the sides of PMS.
What to do. Struggling and lazy student, I am. *insert angelic and vulnerable face here*
What is wrong with all the blog wars that are happening in the so-called 'spheare nowadays? O_o
I mean, yeah true, it does make for interesting reads, because really, who doesn't like watching other people brawl it out?
And to think I used to wonder why dogfights are such a hit in Korea. Bleh. Not that I approve of it, I still don't ... :(
Everything's so weird and out of place nowadays. I feel like fighting myself ... Would do good to my mood and ego. *cracks knuckles*
Err. Right. :/
Talk about timing. I don't even have a curfew today and I'm still at home crapping my ass out in this small space of mine. Boo-hoo. :'(
Shit, if only I have something, or someone to take up some of my time. LOL. *hint hint*
Man ... I think I should take up a new hobby. Like collecting stamps, or something, and stop blogging. Or record more podcasts. -_-
And oh, I just ruled off plastic surgery. Apparently, after the whole Dawn Yang fiasco ... It did sort of enlighten me. If I suddenly look ultra chun, people will dig up my ugly past. :(
And again ...... shit!
Woo hoo. DAMN SAD WEI.
Especially since the 'current' me looks better than the 'old' me. Okay, fine, maybe not. But let me continue living in self denial and delude myself anyway.
So if I suddenly look like
.... this, it'd be bad. Very bad. Tsk tsk.
There goes my life-long dream. Boo-Hoo. :(
Shit, I REALLY should take up stamp collecting.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 6:36 PM