Monday, November 07, 2005 || A weird day, Liz's act of heroism and random crap.
Post category: Life and nonsensical humour.
YESH, I got over my hungover state.
Today is weird. Very very weird. :/ I couldn't wake up for church (Ooo great, there goes the #32523th sin I commited this week ... 'REPENT, child!', says my inner voice.)
So when I woke up at 3, I decided to head for Pearl Point to do some shopping and drink some milk tea by myself. I wanted to call the gang, but I assumed that they were all in MV or something, as usual. Hmm.
Anyway, when I arrived at the Pearl Milk cafe, I sat down, and the owner of the shop stopped me and went, 'Hey ... Your friend is here. She's sitting at that table. But she went to toilet for half an hour already, her drink is still there though ...' in canto. O_o I was kinda taken aback.
So I went to the table that was so-called occupied by my friend and I saw THIS:

And the first thought that creeped into my mind was, 'THAT STUPID CALLY.'. Yeah, Cally has a weird habit of ordering one cup of chocolate milk tea, and one cup of tap water for her cig buds. -_-
And yesterday being the third time she asked me out and ffk-ed me, I was somewhat incredulous at actually bumping into her today. So I sat there, with my Nasi Lemak and Pearl Milk tea, and after fifteen minutes, Cally sauntered in.
"EH?!?! ELIZA!!! :D So ngam wan?"
So she sat down, puffed at her stupid cig (Girl, you gotta freaking STOP.) and gave me my second shock of the day.
"Eh, I'm not going for SPM lar. I told my mother already."
Me: "WHAT THE FUCK?!? SOHAI!!! Eh CHEEBYE you gonna let me face it alone???" (Sorry for the cussings, people, I was traumatized.)
Her: "You don't sit also lar."
Me: "Don't be STUPID ... -_-"
Her: "Eh, even if you don't study AT ALL, you'll still get at least 3 or 4As, like in your trials. But I'll fail everything. My BM also feh-lou already. What's the point?
Gah. Sigh, now I AM feeling scared. But come to think of it, her absence from SPM wouldn't actually affect me, since we're in different schools anyway. Bah. And yeah, I still am sitting for it. I'm not weak ...... Right?
Yes, Liz, you can do it. You're strong enough. Yeah.
Anyway, we chatted for awhile and was discussing the utter suckiness of Carlsberg when The Bestie Jaclyn dropped by. After a MAYBELLINE MAKEOVER SESSION. By God, I nearly died laughing when I saw her ... Green eyeshadow, eye liner, pink cheeks and all.
HAHAHAHAHA. She won't let me upload her pic here today, so too bad. :(
After that, was *supposed* to return with Cally to her place. Wanted to try to get drunk and high ONE LAST TIME before I start studying for my SPM. (Yeah, I'm planning to start studying some crap tomorrow. And by the way, I don't drink ALL the time, so don't call me a drunken bitch. :( Besides, I don't even get drunk or high easily. Bleh.)
So I called up my dad. Made sure it was okay with him that I returned home at 11 or 12 at night. Settled everything.
"Eliza, tomorrow only I come find you lah."
Me: "I'm supposed to start studying tomorrow!"
"Monday is the Sabbath day lar. Don't study lar."
Shit. (Not literally, in my case. :p)
BOO! What a WASTE of my extended curfew.
Anyway, wanna know what's the worst thing ever? I came home, realized I forgot to bring my set of keys (or maybe I left it somewhere. Hm.), and my parents weren't home, cause they thought that I'd be back late, so they went grocery shopping at Carrefour.
Yeah. So what to do, I was left stranded in my own boring area. Plus some of the mamaks were closed. Wanted to go to my friend's house in Jln Gasing, but I'm actually quite scared of taking cabs at night. So I was just lurking around in my area, looking for a Ramlee burger stall that's open.
Goodie. Much to my surprise, there really was one stall that was open. Whoopie!
And yes, just to prove that I'm not really a bitch, and beyond my cold demeanour lies a really very good soul, I did a very lovely and honourable thing today.
I saved a kitten.
Okay, okay ... No big deal, right? But geez, as though everybody does that. If not, there wouldn't be starving animals lying around. But this kitten was really poor thing ... It was wet from the rain and all, plus it was all alone. :( So I ran to the nearest Indian shop, begged for an empty box, and bought a packet of Whiskas for the cute lil' feline.
Then, I sneaked it past my guard and brought it home with me.
Photographic evidence of my, erm, heroic display of affection for hungry souls:

Haha! This is the third freaking kitten I rescued this month okay.

The other two kitties that I rescued a few weeks back, plus a very inquisitive-looking Fifi the Poodle.
Mmm. I'm going to leave it downstairs, beside my neighbour's house later. The old woman there has a soft spot for cats, and she'll take care of it for awhile I guess.
Ever since my parents discovered Ares, my music folder has been filled with a lot of crap. HECK, they even downloaded Limp Bizkit - Rollin'. Ish.
Well, actually, the song itself is pretty good. But it gives me shudders and brings back bad memories. 'Cause it reminded me of my pathetic existence back when I was thirteen and fourteen.
Mmm, I remember the time my school held some kinda carnival when I was in form one. And in that carni, was a disco that was held in my school hall, with a Radio 4 DJ or something.
So back then, I was this shy, pathetic and geeky girl with weird hair (*cues Radiohead-Creep here*) and unlike all my friends who wore Jeans and figure-hugging Ts, I wore my oversized XL sports house T shirt and track bottoms.
So obviously, I was a bit out of place in that particular disco/dance floor. A bit is an understatement. :( Ivy and Cass were having guys hit on them while SF, Chris and the rest were dancing, and they all left me standing in the corner, holding the stuff that they bought.
Yeah, the poor, loser, nerdy girl, standing in the corner with three bags, staring dolefully at the 'cool' crowd. Ditched by her friends, with nobody to talk to.
Rollin' was playing on the speakers. :( I swear, after my SPM, I'm going to crash a club, force the DJ to play this song, and this time, I'M GOING TO DIRTY DANCE ON THE DANCE FLOOR.
But nah, I don't blame them anymore, cause I looked like this:

*wipes teardrop*
But of course, somehow, I got through that insecure-pathetic-loser stage. Ergh. But then again, because of those stupidly insecure times, I STILL AM wary of speaking to strangers, and I'm still pretty bad at making conversation with people I'm not familiar with. Bleh.
And last year, my school friends had the nerve to tell me that I was ditching them all the time for boys. Dammit, I wasn't ditching them because of BOYS, I was ditching them cause I was having fun and they were too engrossed in their own lives to care. :/ Sort of funny, how Jaclyn and I hit on a bunch of Sri Hartamas guys in The Chicken Rice Stall last year in megamall (We were dared.), and when one of them gave us his number, Suet Foong nicked it and got the dude to be her boyfriend. Hah.
So, yeah. Life goes on. I think I've already been through the worst of my life. That's why I'm pretty confident that SPM won't kill me, unless I fall sick or something (TOUCH WOOD!!!).
Sheesh, I so hate judgemental people. I hate it when the 'good' crowd in my social network disses my 'bad' crowd. Who the heck are you to judge, anyway? :/ Not like I asked for your opinion ... Hmph!
Yea, I love my friends.
Anywayz, I think BryanBoy has some serious competition.
Picture source: Jaclyn's phone.
... Plus they are people I know personally.
Love ya people. Now, I gotta go get the cat to someplace safe.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 4:00 PM