Friday, November 04, 2005 || Of flashers, stalkers, molesters and other whatnots.
Listening to: Elvis Presley - Burning love
Post category: Life, personal, musings
Hmm. I've learnt something today. Never bring a camera with you to the pasar malam, for people will think that you're some kind of deluded freak from hell.
Talk about 'la la' ... =/
Hah, my dad and I had a pretty interesting conversation today.
Dad: "Have you seen a naked man standing by the window in the fifth floor?"
Me: "WTF!!"
Dad: "Mummy and the feller next door saw a flasher there. You better be careful when you go out at night."
Me: "Yeah, I'll make sure to bring a camera with me when I go out at night."
Dad: "Must complain already if people see him again ......"
Me: "No need lar. He want to flash, his business lah."
Dad: #@$@#!$@#@%$#$
..... Err. Oh well, the idea of a flasher living two stories above my house is pretty interesting. O.o Good blogging material too, should I witness it! *evil laugh*
Let me tell ya a pretty interesting experience I had with a stalker/rapist-wannabe/whatever a few months ago.
See, as most of you could already tell by now, I'm the sort of 'wild' type. I'm definitely not your average stay-at-home-and-study type of girl, so I frequently go out at night and stuff. (Not after midnight, mind you!) And there was one time, I was walking in this sort of dark alley that led to my apartment.
And when I was walking ... I realized that there was this dude walking in my direction as well. But since he looked pretty young, 15 or so, I didn't really give a damn. =/ But as he neared me, he broke into a run, and he 'bumped' into me and his hand grazed my leg. I was so shocked, my reflexes didn't kick in in time, and I could only gap at his back as he ran away. :/
Of course, I was pretty traumatized, but I got over it pretty quickly. But that wasn't the worst of it. A few days later was Thursday, which was 'Pasar Malam' day. So I went as usual, at around 8.30 or so ... And when I reached my apartment block, the same goddamn indian boy popped out of below the staircase and tried to reach at me again.
Sounds sort of unbelievable, no? But trust me, I'm not bullshitting. :/ The SCARIEST thing was, the following Thursday, when I returned from my pasar malam visit, the STUPID DOLTISH FUCKTARD HAMSAP DICKHEAD popped out at me again, in my apartment block. But this time, I had an umbrella with me (Hah! I stole Pui Yee's technique!) and I almost smacked the dude with it, while cursing all the way. :/
He ran off, of course. (Kudos to me!!)
Honestly, I think that I've been the worst kind of situation any girl could ever go through (asides from actually getting RAPED itself). That's why I was smirking when I read XiaXue's KL post, and she was fussing about getting molested in KL.
Try having some weirdass young fuck following you HOME and trying to grab you in your own freaking territory.
I was so afraid that he'd gather some friends (after the umbrella incident) and gang rape me or something, I made sure I reached home before seven every single time I went out. :/
But of course, it only traumatized and scared me out of my wits for only, like, a week before I went back to my old ways. -_-
Some people never learn. ;) And I guess, I happen to be one of them.
Had a pretty interesting MSN conversation with a good friend just now. For the sake of protecting her privacy, I shall name her BigAss. Because, well, she does have a pretty big one ala Jennifer Lopez. :P
BigAss: So how's your SPM preparations coming around?
Me: Hah, you know me, the word 'study' isn't in my vocabulary. :P
BigAss: What if you get, like, one A?
Me: It doesn't matter. I don't really care.
BigAss: What if, say, that one A isn't english?
Which made my fingers stop, and I was sort of stunned for a few seconds as I pondered that possibility.
BigAss: Like, you know, I know that you have a A1-for-English record, and you've never gotten anything below 80 before ...
Me: 82, mind you. Hehehehe.
BigAss: Yaya, so what will you do if SPM happens to be your first A2, or worse, B or lower?
Me: I'd commit suicide. I'd resit the exam. I don't care.
BigAss: See... you do care.
=/ She got me. She really, really did. Thank you for that moment of enlightenment, bigass. =P
And the convo continued ...
BigAss: To tell you the truth, everybody thinks that you're somewhat playgirl-ish ler.
Me: Yeah? Why??
BigAss: Even my sis says so. Dunno lah. You just look like that type.
Me: I'm misunderstood, as usual. *swt*
BigAss: Why don't you ah? =/ Even Suet Foong and all have already ...
Me: I'll never be able to get the guy I want. I want ... And if I can't get what I want, why settle for second best? I'm really very okay on my own leh. :P
BigAss: Yup, I noticed that. The more I know you right, I find out that you're really independant. I dunno, maybe too independant in your own way.
Mmm, that was enlightening. That wasn't the first time somebody told me that I'm independant. :/ Like a few weeks ago, my cousin sisters were urging me to 'show my older sister that I care' by emailing her more, since she's supposedly depressed ... I remember asking, "Why does she even need me to tell her that I care? I mean, we barely even see each other ler ..."
And my cousin answered, "Your sister isn't like you, you're independant. You can survive, even if you were alone ... But she's alone in HK, with only Martin by her side, and she NEEDS to know that she's loved."
Which led me to think ... Am I really that independant, as all the people in my life seem to think? :/
But one thing I know for sure ... I am not made of steel. I can fall.
Reading Suet Li's post about leadership made me think. Am I a born leader, or am I a born follower?
Frankly, I think that I'm neither. If you knew me personally, you'd know that I'm the somewhat rebellious type that'd never submit to authority, unless I agree with it. But on the other hand, I can't be bothered if nobody listens to me, or follows my orders, as well. Which is why I can handle certain forms of criticisms pretty well. Like the time Minishorts warned me for going down that 'Eliar' lane, and the numerous anti-camwhores posts that are going around the blogosphere (well, I'm a camwhore, and I dare admit that.) ... I'm not even slightly pissed at all. o_O
That's why I get the impression that my school prefects used to sort of hate me, though I was pretty good friends with a number of them. I was caught countless times, red-handed, chewing gum in class and other whatnots. But hey, I happen to think that chewing gum in class is GOOD for me, 'cause with all the boring lessons, I'd fall asleep otherwise. And if a measley piece of gum can keep me awake, hell, I'd chew it. =/
That's why, at times, I LOVE being a girl. We're always underestimated. Let's face it, everybody is judgemental ... And if you placed me beside some bespectacled geek, you'd naturally assume that I'm way less intelligent. I used to hate being misunderstood ... But nowadays, I'm so used to it. I'm enjoying it, even.
One thing I've learnt in life --- Never Assume. Because if you do, you're just making an Ass out of U and me. Err, I got that phrase from a Sidney Sheldon book. Hehe.
Anyway, I'm starting to love blogging. Because I can do whatever I want, whenever I feel like it. I can write whatever way I want and I can post up whatever shitty pictures of myself, should I feel like it.
I don't even have to be honest. My parents yell at me all the time because they think that I'm not being honest with them when I insist that I'm not that bad of a person. Here, I can post up porno, if I felt like it, and I wouldn't give a damn what people have to say about me, because I'm not very emotionally attached to my blog. Yet. Hey, I could even post up stories about my 'sex life' ala Tucker Max style. Yeah, they'd all be lies ... But what I love about blogging, is that I'm in no way obligated to do it in a certain way.
I'm quite happy with myself. I didn't check my traffic for the past three days, and I don't seem to care that its dwindling. It shows, that I'm doing this purely for self-amusement ... And that's that.
Now please excuse me, I have to go out and try to take pictures of the flasher that's living just two stories above me.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 4:13 PM