Monday, November 14, 2005 || Dramatic Farewells.
Oh, my beloved and lovely-yet-possibly-nonexistential readers of ... Truly, I have missed you all so.
Ish, drama betul.
Anyway, I'll be having my much-anticipated SPM exams in less than 15 hours ... HOW COOL IS THAT?!?! Oh, how I've been awaiting this moment since the day I was born. To sit in stuffy examination halls with a few hundred zombie-like creatures with the clock going 'tick-tock tick-tock ...'
Oh, the sheeer joy of it. Ish, I should really start being more sarcastic. :(
I ate THIS for dinner yesterday.
Such a dutiful SPM student, am I not? Hahaha.
"FAREWELL!", says Liz.
To her messy cupboard, usually plagued with underwear and untouched, dust-covered revision books.
For the sake of protecting whatever that's left of my reputation, I removed all the underwear. =(
"GOODBYE!", bids Liz.
To her lovely, dirty and long fingernails, which she'll undoubtedly have to cut before the clock strikes midnight.
No crude comments about how ugly they are k? I don't go for manicures. :(
And just to prove what a loyal and studious girl I am by making such lovely usage of her time.
Ho shit, apparently, my lack of sleep is taking its toll on me. My trademark pose is in danger!!! Noooooooo!
Once I'm done with my fucking SPM, I'm DEFINITELY going to that much-needed diet and sleep like a pig to cure my eyebags. Mwahaha!
Today was damn funny.
So I in my room, changing, when I decided to sleep on my bed and relax in the nude for awhile. So I was lying on my bed and I remembered that my ass-kissy tuition teacher hasn't come around for the past two weeks (actually, I forgot to call him to, LOL), so I decided to give him a call and ask him over to help me out with my physics, which I have not read since May of 2004 (Yeah, I'm screwed.).
So I was dialing the number when my mother suddenly barged in, yelling, "Eh, where's my shelltox???" WITHOUT KNOCKING.
And bearing the fact that I was naked, I screamed.
My mother screamed.
My tuition teacher picked up his phone at the same time, heard us screaming, and he yelped as well.
WTF. Damn it, its not even safe for me to be naked in my own room anymore. What a tragedy!!!
What I'm planning to do during SPM: Sleep a lot. Eat a lot (Eh, must maintain the carbs .. More energy!).
I wish I had the balls to do this. My friend and I were crapping the other day, and I came up with a really beautiful plan to 'make SPM memorable'.
See, horribly unfortunately, I'm seated RIGHT IN FRONT of the examiner's desk during SPM. So before the papers start right, I ought to make a BIG fuss and go, "SHIT! I can't bloody sit here!!! NO FENGSHUI, DAMN IT! Lilian Too said cannot face South during exams!!!!"
And when the examiner asks me to STFU, I can just continue muttering under my breath. And replay the whole scene for the next 3 weeks, so that the whole school will have my antics engraved in their brains (thus gaining myself more popularity, hah!).
So, you see, when I get my results during March, and assuming that it's pretty bad .... I can easily go, "SHIT! I knew I should've faced south! Lilian Too is NEVER WRONG!!!" and walk away grumbling. Thus, nobody will even bother comforting me or sympathizing with me. (You see, there's nothing I hate more than sympathy. :( )
Okay lah, no offence to fengshui fans. :(
And AFTER SPM, I'm going to:
Hit on cute guys.
Dye my hair.
Get a job. (Maybe?)
Eat A LOT OF GOOD FOOD. While, err, jogging.
Watch every single movie I've *coughs* missed out on.
Did I mention party?!?!?!?!
And oh, I think I'm annoying the pants out of everyone around me by singing The Carpenters' - End of the World. :( With edited lyrics. 'Why does the sun go on shining ... Why does the sea rush to shore... ? Don't they know, its the end of the world ... It ended when I applied for S-P-M ...'
Yeah. Annoying indeed. BUT the future looks promising! Woo hoo!
I suppose I should say something like, I'm going on a hiatus and will only be back on the 3rd of December!, but I'll still be around. Sheessshhh, I need guestbloggers!!!
*wipes tear*
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 9:36 AM