Friday, November 18, 2005 || Blissed out, tired, and happily gay family members.
Heh. Though you guys are probably sick of my SPM rants.
PHYSICS 1 - No idea. Was probably okay, though, considering I 'shot' my way through the whole thing.
PHYSICS 2 - NO COMMENT. There was a question, 'Namakan Get Logik M' ......
And I answered: GET LOGIK M. Talk about holy cheese. -_-
PHYSICS 3 - You guys REALLY should see the experiment I came out with. I nearly fell off my chair laughing at my own creativity cum stupidity.
Overall, err, considering 0 preparation for it, guess it was okay. Left a lot of blanks, though. Wanted to write something like 'Tolong bagi aku pass!' in all the blanks, but I figured ... What if it was an old, pregnant, moody lady?
Die. Hehehe.
Anyhoo, not going to stress about exams today. Pretty long post ahead, I think. (Cause I have a lot of free time, per se. =P)
*blushes furiously*
Tsk tsk. What was once a lame, pathetic existence of a doofus-ish girl is now getting influential, I'm telling ya.

Ju On esque mode, I call it. ;) I know you've seen this picture a lot before lah. Lazy to take new ones, hah.
And now, see THIS:

W00t! Another Ju On-esque pose! =P But honestly, this probably kicks the ass off mine. How'd you edit it to be so scary and cool?!?
Featuring fellow blogger and SPM-er Vincent!
I'm getting influential ya. Soon, I'll be technorati's top search, instead of Dawn Yang.
CONTINUE SENDING ME THE LOVE, YA'LL!!! Spread the love! World peace! It's all for a good cause, really. *coughs*
You know where to reach me. HAH!!
Hehe, if you've been following my blog, you'd sort of know that there is a pretty huge fight in my circle of friends. And the main characters, Ivy and Suet, had a bitchfight today.
What's more scary than cockroaches are REAL LIVE PMS-sy women, I'm telling ya. *shudders in horror at memory*
Quite sad eh. It's so close to the end of school, yet everybody's fighting. Mm, I blame it on SPM, for no apparent reason. =P
Hehe, for the first time since my SPM started, my father finally decided to lecture me about my intense lack of studying. Which sort of surprised me, 'cause he's usually a pretty laid-back type.
See, one thing that is pretty unique about my family; We're not scholars. Almost all of my relatives, my immediate family inclusive, are somewhat street-smart and definitely not bookworms. I'm probably the first person in this family chain to score straight As in all government exams (excluding SPM, but I shalt ignore that for the time being.).
So, you see, I have this aunt. She is sort of crazy. She isn't exactly downright insane but let's just say she's REALLY crazy. Think Pinky in Pinky and the Brain. The ghost in the Ghostbuster's team. Err, Shin Chan in ... Shin Chan. =/
And obviously, crazy parents'd produce crazy kids. And her son, my cousin, who happens to be 12 years my senior and my older sister's partner-in-crime is even Crazier.
I thought I'd seen it all. I really thought I did. I thought I was the craziest, since I have tendencies to post up stupid pics like this.

But this guy kicks the arse off mine in the insanity department. My crazy aunty is a bloody rich lady in Singapore (Which means I should kiss her ass. So I can go there for an extended visit and kiss XiaXue's ass. And get her to publicize my blog, woo-hoo! :P), therefore she sent her beloved son to US to study, like all loving rich mothers should. And so the son went, all alone, to embrace a new country, culture and society.
He fell in love with America, all right. And became happily gay. (No pun intended. I have nothing against gays and bisexuals anyway. Do you?)
And he was never a 'study person', like me. He is probably as selamba as me.
*plays X files theme song*
And he forgot to renew his student Visa a few years back. And didn't give a damn about it. So now he's, erm, sort of like Tom Hanks in The Terminal, if you catch my drift.
CAN YOU *censored*ING BELIEVE IT?!?!?!?!
I didn't know until a month ago or so. Hehe. I was definitely shocked out of my wits. In fact, I dont think that I'd have found out if I didn't pester my parents to let me make an overseas call to him, to beg him for a place to stay in US after SPM. -_-
When I really think about it ... It runs in our blood. My family members are all professional hippies. We're a bunch of devil-may-care, lazy (if I may say so. Sorry!), carefree people. That's why I tend to ... stray a lot. =/
My dad is a retired sales person who lives on potato chips. My mother is a housewife who manages to catch every single episode of War and Beauty, without fail. My sister is a sassy air stewardess with a sharp tongue and brains, who made some VERY wise investments in God-Knows-What over the years. And happens to live in Kowloon, Hong Kong, with a handsome rich mat salleh boyfriend who moved to HK and bought a house there because of her, and she flies to Milan, Paris and other glam places every holiday to shag interesting men enjoy herself.
Me, I'm a hopeless journalist-wannabe, who thinks that she has massive potential in possibly achieving great things in the world, but fails to realize how lazy and possibly how untalented she is.
Yes, weird bunch we are. Weird post, huh? I don't know, just felt like writing about it, hehe.

I REALLY DO LOVE YOU ALL. As nonexistential as 'you all' are. =P And really, I'll love you more if you guys gimme more Ju On-esque pictures! LOL
Eh, come to think of it ... With weird blood running through my veins, will I someday become a lesbian and find myself stuck in Moscow?!?!?!?!
I usually don't do this, but. KNNOMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!oneone
Ya, I know I'm lame.
Edited: FINALLY, after five hellish days, I've had enough sleep!!! (Enough sleep, in my vocabulary, means more than 8 hours of slumber =P)
NO studying or books today. Hee Hee. Such a lovely lovely day. ^_^
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 2:15 PM