Saturday, October 15, 2005 || Liz is sick.
To all my beloved and perhaps nonexistential readers that only exist in the narcissistic parts of my mind:
Lizzy is sick.
I came up with a pretty bad flu yesterday night, which led to a horrendous sore throat ... which led to fever. @_@ So as you can probably tell, I'm in a pretty bad condition right now.
But, I'm getting better! ^_^
I even managed to drag my ass off my bed in the evening to have dinner (porridge, not KFC ... T_T) with my friends. But I was so woozy, I ordered 'teh panas' from the porridge stall owner, and when the kopi guy came, I asked for 'chee cheong fan'.
Indeed, signs that my brain is going down the drains.
I would love to be humourous, narcissistic and amusing (my conscience tells me that I was never humourous, narcissistic or amusing, but I shall brush it aside, and consider it hallucination on my part) , but I simply can't. My brain is dysfunctional and my body feels like marshmellow.
(Trust me, when you have a fever, because you were walking in the pasar malam when it was raining, it feels as though your nose is about to bleed and drop off any minute. And as for my body, due to the extra flesh that I'm always carrying around, it probably feels like marshmellow all the time anyway, but today, I feel extremely mushy.)
Another sign that my brain has already been flushed down the drains: I start using words like mushy.
I can't blog or write today. I can't form a sentence without making a fool out of myself. T_T If you're bored, go read my older posts lar!
(I may be sick, but yes, still as perasanted and narcissistic as ever.)
Anyway, I'll announce the winner of the so-called contest tomorrow. Jaclyn will be the judge, as I'm pretty much dysfunctional at the moment. :P
If I'm not back by tomorrow, you can pretty much sum it up that I'm in Hospital Bahagia, or perhaps I have moved on to another much more beautiful place. (Touch wood!)
Goodbye, cruel old world. :'( Thank you all for reading me. Remember that I'll always love you guys... Not because I want to, but because I can.
LOL. Lame pun, huh? Go read my previous post if you don't get the reference.
Lotsa love,
The Sick Liz.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 12:15 PM