Thursday, August 17, 2006 || Babi!
I deleted the long previous post coz someone apologized to me after that post was written and I decided to just forget about it and let things be.
I MUST REALLY BLOG MORE!!!!!!!!!11111oneone
Like seriously, I'm totally losing interest in my blog. *gasp* Kesiannyer blog aku ni. But no matter! Plus life has been so dramatic lately, and I really dislike writing about stuff that happened a few days ago. =.=
Someone teach me how to regain my motivation to blog. Hohoho.
Oh by the way, since my college friends have officially formed our "Babi" gang, I've been totally abusing the word "babi". Haha! By the way, don't ask me who's the real-life inspiration behind our babi club ... I'm not telling nyehehehe.
Call me babi Liz, man. (okay sometimes I'm so lame I even surprise myself. huhuhu)
So yeah, I went to McD with Jaclyn just now, after I photostated tonnes of fliers for my college's upcoming event. I'm on the organizing committee, you know! Yeah wtf. I'm soooo unreliable and most of the time I'm too selamba to do anything. *innocent grin*
Okay in McD right, there were a bunch of McDelivery dudes stoning at one table (wtf, don't need to work ah those people) and they kept on hooting shit at me from their table. To which of course I ignored them. Then one of them got freaking brave and decided to try to talk to me.
(omg, damn daring right? I could've reported them to the manager and got them fired. =( hmph.)
"Leng loi aper nama?" (hamsap malay dude)
...... was my enthusiastic response. WTF!!!!!!!x1000000
"What the fuck?!" (Jaclyn)
"Apa?? Har?? Nama adik apa??" (hamsap malay dude, who apparently doesn't give up easily)
"Nadia.", I said again while rolling my eyes and eating my french fries. Wtf Nadia? Where did I get that from? Damn random wei.
"Oh .... Nadia boleh bagi bang telefon number ke?? Kita semua mau la!!!", horny McDelivery dude asks me on all the other horny malay McDelivery dude's behalfs.
"Eh ku takda telefon", I curtly told him while frowing. Still munching on french fries. And also while replying a SMS. HAHAHA
"Habis you sedang pegang ape??"
"Eh uncle ini kamera lah", I piped up.
WAHAHAHA wtf. The horny malay dude was like O_o'' and finally got the message and walked back to his table to his awaiting horny friends.
"Are you fucking high on something ah?", Jaclyn demanded to know after the dude left.
Hehehe. Oh well. At least that was funny. :D
Oh man, SO much funny shit has been happening to me lately. I swear I'm on a funny roll. Even my family life is seriously damn funny at the moment, okay. :D
And even botak Fifi is so funny, since she peed on dad's favourite plant bwahahaha. And shitted near the flower pot. :D By the way, Fifi's well again! I wanna post up pics of what she looked like when she was sick but *I* freaked out when I looked at them and deleted it.
Oh in case you were wondering why was I saying that it was my fault right, she wasn't exactly sick. More like, burnt. Cause day before my college camp, I accidentally spilled REALLY hot chicken soup on her ... she yelped and whined a bit and seemed okay soon after, so I figured that she's alright. =( However, when I returned from camp, I noticed that her entire back was red and black with funny wounds and patches all over.
Which was REALLY GROSS OKAY. I honestly thought she was gonna die. And I would've spilled hot chicken soup on myself too if she did (TOUCH WOOD!) since it was my fault. =( But I furiously rubbed Aloe Vera all over her for the past few days and now she's okay already! Albeit a bit bald.
Aloe vera is the shit yo.
Okay I swear that Il'll die die blog at least once a day. Er ... or two days! I promise to myself. Or there's no way I'll ever fulfill my "dream" of recording my life in a way that I'll never forget it, even if I get amnesia or something (TOUCH WOOD!). :D
P.S. What is it with some guys? Some guy got pissed at me coz he saw me walking with another dude. Like damn wtf right, since he isn't even my boyfriend or anything like that. Anyway the guy and I were only walking.
I told him that he isn't my boyfriend and I'm not giving him the privilege to be some freaky possessive/jealous dude.
....... He got bloody emo. =.='' I was shocked okay. And everybody knows I freak out when somebody tries to bermanja or beremo with me.
Tsk tsk tsk. Bigggg turn-off, hun. @_@
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 12:35 PM