Tuesday, August 08, 2006 || Hanging out with mum and dad
Mum and dad have been bickering a lot more than usual lately.
*falls off chair laughing*
Okok, before you call me evil that I'm actually laughing at the fact that both my biological parents are arguing over nonsensical, nonexistential issues, let me explain.
My dad is retired and he basically spends a whole load of time at home bumming. (lucky dude, grr) ... and lately, my mum's getting slightly healthier and she keeps on going out with her friends and shit.
Dad is jealous of her friend, cause he says that mum treats that chick a lot better than him. (I foresee this to be a future squabble between my future boyf and I - I always seem to treat my friends better. :X )
"But she has cancer ....", mum whines.
"But I love you and I want you to show me that too!", dad whines in return.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA damn funny lah, I tell you. Since it was the last day of my holidays, I figured that instead of stoning at the mamak stall like what I usually do, I decided to stay home all day and hang out with my family. (something I haven't done since God knows when)
I ended up smirking, laughing and giving dumb remarks/suggestions the whole day.
"You know what I think, I think dad has male menopause!", I announce.
Mum nods and agrees with me. Dad glares at me.
"I think mum should bring dad along for her outings!", I gleefully announce again.
Dad nods and agrees with me. Mum glares at me. Mum and dad ignore me and glare at each other.
Bwahaha, fucking funny lah. I swear to God, sometimes relationships are such a hassle. o_O Which is exactly the reason why I've been single for so goddamn long (I'm lying). By now, I don't even like boys (I'm lying again). Especially cute ones (I'm bullshitting).
Oh yeah, I told my mum about this guy I used to like (okay okay, I know I liked a lot of people before, cannot ah? :( ) that suddenly told me he likes me. Damn wtf man, why is it that when I was SO bored and miserable, all the guys I was pining for were damn out of league, and suddenly when I'm having the blast of my life, all these guys suddenly fall at my feet holding a "I WANT YOU, YOU WANT ME TOO? KTHXBYE" sign? =.=''
"Does he have a car?", she immediately asks.
Damn wtf, I thought she would've given me some weird religious lecture on Dating the Holy Way.
"Er ... I think he shares with his bro, why?", I answered.
"EH then good lah. Ask him to fetch you to college everyday lah!", mum enthusiastically answers.
"Er ... he's not in my college or living nearby wei. What the. Anyway I also don't like him already."
"Don't care lah! If he got car don't tell him whether you like him or not lah, let him continue guessing and you can force him to fetch you to college!"
..... Words of wisdom from my religious-but-materialistic mother. =.=''
Gawd, college is starting tomorrow. On the bright side though, two people told me that there are cute guys in the new intake! W00t. Eye candy is almost a necessity, people.
Hahaha okay, gonna go watch my parents fight again, so I can offer my 'constructive' opinions again. :D Now I think they're fighting over the furniture in their room wtf.
I swear, I don't wanna sound like some kinda horny chick or whatever cause I'm not (LOL), but if I was married and my spouse had so much free time ....... Instead of fighting, let's have sex baby. Talk about a BIG waste of quality time.
As they say, Make love not war. HAHA. Now those are words of wisdom ya'll.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 11:45 AM