Tuesday, November 29, 2005 || Of SPM blues, funny 'fan' pictures, my 'desperate addict', and my horrifyingly scary face.
Some dude on MSN: Not studying ar, Liz?
Me: Nope.
Some dude: SPM over alredi?
Me: Nope. Still got two more subjects ...
Some dude: If you dont study now, next time have to work very hard wan wor...
Me: Well, I'll work hard then ...
Some dude: Seriously damn hard, you know?
Me: ... Yup. =) As long as I dont have to study stupid subjects that I was FORCED to study in the first place, I'm prepared to do anything. (Don't ask me about this, its one area in which I'm totally GUNG HO about, and I'm pretty sure that nobody wants to listen to grandmother stories =( )
Some dude: Aikz ... I guess you're planning to find a rich lou gong chai den. (KILL me for saying this, but I seriously can't stand La La english ... T.T )
Me: ... No way. =/ Don't be so fickle-minded and judgemental lah, don't naturally assume that I'm lazy just because I don't study the way you do.
Yeah, pretty rude of me right? =.= But honestly, there's nothing I hate more than people jumping to conclusions about me merely by what I say or how I act alone. Geez, you know, the world is special cause variety exists. I'm here to maintain that balance ... There are kids who study, there are kids who don't. There are kids who do drugs, there are kids who don't.
And in both cases, I'm the latter. =P
I've met many different and interesting people from many walks of life. And, well, I know what kind of a life I want to lead. :D I have this friend, her sister is this REALLY good kid. 10As for SPM, straight As for STPM and such. And after she graduated from college with honours ...
....... She became a cocktail brewer in Zouk. =/
And her side of the story was this: For all twenty plus years of my life, I never lived the life I wanted. I studied because I had to, nobody gave me any other choice. And now that I'm old enough to stand up for myself and make my own decisions ... I'm living my own life. I love to drink. And I love brewing drinks. And that's that. I know that people are talking about me, but I don't care, because for once in my life ... I'm enjoying myself.
Which was and still is an eye-raiser for me. I mean, I shouldn't be one to judge, but the first thing that came into my mind was, 'Man, this chick totally wasted ALL THOSE YEARS of hardcore studying ...'
Eek. Seriously wasted. For me, I'm not planning to waste any time. I'm enjoying myself and living the life that I want, everyday. Now, even. And whatever consequences are in store for me ... I'm actually looking forward to them! :D
Lovely lovely SPMers, only two or three more days left of horror. Chill out and good luck, aite? =) No point crying over spilled milk, so lets just inhale deeply and CHILL. =D
Serious stuff aside, now's time for some light-hearted moments. Which, was supposed to be the main flow of my blog, until I got carried away way too often. -_-
Erm, it says, 'Eliza's secret assasin ... You mess with her you'll face my blade'
... Supposedly inspired by my so-called trademark pose, from Kok Loong. Who, apparently, is going to be the future member of Insulyna.
Watch out for ninjas in black!
Actually, I always thought I looked like Pontianak, or Ju-On in my so-called 'trademark' pose. And suddenly, I'm a ninja, LOL.
Let's overlook the fact that I look perpetually retarded here, shall we all? =)
Yup, where're your fingers ah, Woon? Wahaha.
So I came home, after pigging out at McD, and I came online to hear from Asyraf that I have a 'Desperate Addict'. Automatically, I headed for his site, and much to my horror/amazement/amusement, I saw these pics from this post.
Errrrrr ....... Not exactly my best picture, I know. In fact, probably one of my worsts.
Seriously, am I scary??? =( NO RIGHT?!?
AGREE WITH ME, or embrace my wrath!
Snarl indeed. =/
And after chatting with Asyraf on MSN a bit, he went, 'Eh Liz, you should take a picture of yourself holding a kitchen knife, you know. While hugging that teddy bear of yours. So sadistic and scary.'
Dammit, I seriously look like CHUCKY. Or some kinda serial killer. =(
... One random fact about Liz, she never turns down the prospect of a camwhoring session. LOL!
And thus, the evil streak in me begins to, well, reveal itself.
I seriously look so morbid here. Like so sad and gloomy. The sadness in my eyes signifies the sorrow in killing my, err, teddy bear. Now, that's some camwhoring lessons for you.
HAHA, I look bad there as well. But seriously, I HONESTLY think i should go try out for one of those local pontianak productions.
Like, it could possibly even turn out to be something like THIS:
*DOUBLE GASP* Got blood somemore!
Well, in my HONEST opinion, this dude has majorly kick-ass photoshop skills. *SALUTES*
I wouldn't be able to do that in a thousand years! Really!
And I showed that picture to a lot of my friends. And they all had these to say:
1) Wah! Nice photoshop!
2) OMFG Liz, you look like a goddamn serial killer/ghost/shit/pontianak in there. DAMN SCARY!
I know I possess the amazing ability to look scary. Don't need to flatter me and feed my ego. :(
Haha, like I was any of those in the first place. LOL. Just feeding my ever-expanding narcissism, buddy.
In conclusion, I tried to, *ahem* show off my photoshop skills as well.
Am I as good as thatfreak, the dude who photoshopped my horrible lovely picture into a cinema ad?
Am I am I am I? :( *puppy dog eyes*
My inner voice is going, 'Damn Liz, enough of this shit already ...' T.T
Okay! The OC time!! ^^
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:56 PM