Tuesday, November 22, 2005 || Liz is hurt. And saddened. :(
Listening to: Kim Bum Soo - Bo Go Ship Dah
Mood: Hyper
Okay, I PROMISED myself that I'd refrain myself from blogging today, much less twice in a day ... But I can't help it. This is simply too good and juicy to pass up.
And oh, I've managed to destroy all the spybots. There were 130 spywares in my computer. =( And um, I noticed that two of them were called Adult Store (wtf?!?!?).
Err. Right.
Okay, like many many of my previous posts, this post is undoubtedly going to make me look utterly dumb and bimbotic. But I shall let that slide, hehehe.
*enters stupid-brainless-pathetically-funny mode*
Anyway, I heard from a friend of mine, who shalt remain anonymous, that one of his friends commented that I am a lesbian, after reading my blog. Because, well, I write about myself and my best friend, Jaclyn a lot.
I profess that my feelings are hurt. ='(
No lah, I was in a normal mood (meaning I was my normal, cheery self yeah.) so I started laughing.

Presenting the lesbians of suemefordreaming.blogspot.com. Ignore the tummy, it's merely an optical illusion.
Do we look like lesbians to you? DO WE?!?!?
Fine, maybe we do lah. But that's because we're BEST FRIENDS, per se, so we tend to spend a lot of time together. It has always been that way, since we were both eight years old or so.

I plead thee, look past my retarded face, my weird smile, and my disastrous hair. It was probably the worst phase of my life, after my, er, form 1-3 insecure apple-haired phase.
So how do you explain this?! Cally joined our low-profile best-friend partnership this year, after she moved to Old Klang Road. So now we're all happily a threesome, is it? So now the three of us are performing lesbian acts, is it? (Granted, probably nobody'd be remotely interested in watching THAT, given the huge lack of sex appeal on our parts ...)

Those were the days ... Now gone like the wind ~ Again, ignore my hair.
How about my school best buds and I, then? =(
Actually I probably shouldn't have posted that picture up, seeing as how Suet has already cut all ties with us. But this is the most lesbian-looking picture I could find. -_-
And anyway, I'm from a girl's school. Which, of course, all-girls schools are often rumoured to be packed with lesbians/bisexuals/whatever.

When, in actuality, I think I only personally know maybe two lesbians. Well, unless there are a lot more closet ones lurking around.
I DO know a couple of bisexuals, though. O_o It seems that bisexuality is the new black. Actually, there are times when I think that I myself am bi as well, seeing as how I have tendencies to drool over hot chicks. But I pretty much clarified that I'm straight, cause despite me going 'WAH! HOT CHICK!' at certain pretty girls, I do not have any intentions to have, err, further relationships with them. LOL.
I honestly wouldn't mind being bi, though. Seriously. Then if my future boyfriend (if I ever have one, that is ... huhu) ever drooled at other chicks, I'd at least be able to understand WHY is he drooling at them ... Right?!
This is seriously funny lah. Why is everybody so crazy and free to make such stupid assumptions about each other? So what if I prefer pussies to dicks, anyway? -___-
*just joking*
Discrimination. Bleh.

These two dudes take a lot of pictures together as well. Does it mean they are gay? =( Fine, they probably are, but there's no way anybody can prove it, right? =(
Since I'm SORT of on the subject (not really), I was shaking my leg a bit when I was having lunch with my friends just now. Out of habit. I'm pretty sure that everybody does that every once in a while ...
And my friend told me that he read in some health mag or whatever that when one shakes his/her leg, it means that your body is subconsciously telling you that you are high. High as in horny-high.
Crap, now I'm going to have all sorts of weird things in my mind whenever I see anybody shaking their legs.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 11:19 AM