Sunday, November 20, 2005 || I loooooove kids.
Listening to: Sugar Ray - Fly
Mood: Mellow
It turns out blogger doesn't have a password-protected post feature. O_o
Nevermind, so be it. Though I'll really have to admit that my petty problems with my parents, my ex best school friend, and whatever else has nothing to do with this blog, as I'm trying to make it as impersonal as it can get so that no hard feelings will come with blogging anymore.
Still love it, though. :D
And I'm pretty weird. Whenever I'm feeling really angry or sad, I need to do something to fill up my time and slowly come to my senses. Hence the second post in the same day. Which, is written, ultimately to make myself feel better. Hee-hee. =)
Anyhow, this is going be something like a prequel to a post I wrote around last month, about attending a kindergarden graduation ceremony.
See, a few months ago, I actually *gasp* volunteered myself as a teacher's assistant at, get this, a KID'S camp, which is aimed at kids aged from 4 to 8 and held at an kindergarden. Actually, I wasn't even interested in noisy kids back then, but I was forced to volunteer along with Jaclyn and Ivy, hehehe. And besides, I needed the certificate and pictures for my SPM Moral Project. -_-;;
And it has been possibly one of the most life-altering experience of my life. No kidding.
Slightly late to post about it, ay, but I shalt do so anyway. It'll do good for my mood, hehe.
I miss them all. =(
So I was assigned to help Martha, a lovely, motherly lady from the US with the eight to nine year olds. And the other assistant assigned to help out was, err, Cally. Best friends DO stick together, ya.

Me, pretending to help the kids with their craft. But in actuality, I was posing for the camera, cause I needed 'proofs' for my moral project, per se. -_-
I think that the so-called moral project that our lovely education ministry has bestowed upon all SPMers is total bullshit. Seriously, nobody sincerely does the required volunteer work. Talk about teaching teenagers to lie, hehe.

A cute kid, Josiah, Joshua, and Cally. And don't mind me saying so, but these people (excluding the kid) have made HUGE differences in my life, merely by just being there. :D

Another picture of me pretending to help out the kids, for my moral project. Haha.
And, the coolest thing was, Joshua even drove us (Jaclyn, Cally, Me, and the four teachers from America) to the KL Bird Park the next day. Cause, well, he's nice. Lol.

Eh, so cute. Hornbill trying to eat the sampah. Hehehe.

I love swans ... SO beautiful! >_<
When I was younger, I used to love the story of The Ugly Duckling. Heh, you know, the story of the ugly duck that was shunned by its family and peers because it was brown and ugly. So it went into seclusion, and it grew up into a beautiful swan, prettier than all the ducks who shunned him in the past.
I love the moral value in the story ... Don't you?

I can't remember the name of this bird ... O_o But its so cute. Haha.
I didn't exactly camwhore much, yeah.

Kevin, doing a Chicken Run impersonation.
This kid is the cheekiest feller I have EVER had the privilege to meet throughout my whole life. -_-
Me: Eh Kevin, who is Jesus?
Kevin: CHICKEN!!!!!

This is Joel (I think?!?), a really really smart three year old with purple fingers. Hah.
Soooooooo cute!

This kid, Justin, has REALLY made a difference in my life, though he'll never ever know of it. Hehe.
I never knew I had the capacity to adore anybody before. But I absolutely adore this kid to bits. Still do. In fact, not intending to sound pedo or anything here, but I think I actually have deeper feelings for Justin than for Ezra, who was supposedly the biggest school-girl crush of my life.
=( I miss the kid.

Justin, taking care of his 3 year old brother. Everybody say this with me: AWWWWWW!
Eheh. Their mother is a lucky lucky woman.

What would I do to return to MY childhood. Look at them, they look so happy, young and innocent.
And since everybody seems to hate me for camwhoring:

This kid is going to grow up to be soooo pretty.
And this kid is going to be a HUNK.

Damn it, talk about perfect features. Tsk tsk. And yeah, that's my eye. =/
Carlo's dad is mat salleh, I think, which explains the ultra leng chai face. Lolz.

*cracks knuckles* TIME TO HUNT FOR A CUTE BOYFRIEND!!!!
No lah, just joking.
But really, I wish I could rewind time and relive that four days again. Meh, to tell you the truth, I even told my counsellor/teachers/friends/whoever who bothers to know that I'm reconsidering to be a child therapist or kindergarden teacher.
These kids, they're all awesome, amazing kids with SO MUCH potential that I see in them. I think I used to be like them, hehe. But I never had somebody in my life to inspire me to be a great person, when I was growing up.
Which probably explains the less-than-great person that I am today.
All of us, we have people we look up to, people we want to be like. When we were much younger, it was the action heroes we'd watch on TV and probably our parents. Somewhere along the way, I found that I didn't look up to my parents that much anymore, not enough to want to be LIKE them. And the heroes I watched on TV ... I soon learnt that they were all fake, just like Santa Claus and the North Pole doesn't exist.
I still wish I'd met someone who inspired me to grow up to be an amazing person, though. Maybe I'd have turned out differently ... Better, even. =/
Maybe I can be that someone in somebody else's life.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 4:41 PM