Thursday, October 06, 2005 || Blogging for fame?
I hereby announce that I'm back to normal, and over and done with my narcissistic phase, as you all have witnessed in my previous post.
Don't be scared, ya? =P
I've just realized that Jaclyn and Cally read my blog, from time to time, because Cal yelled at me just now, and told me to take off that pixelated picture of her. I only smiled, and I shan't bother to do so. :P
Well, I've mentioned them quite a bit in my older posts, and they're pretty much the only friends I'll ever tend to mention, because I know for sure that they wouldn't mind if I post up pictures and stuff about them. I know, for a fact, that some people don't like to be mentioned, and I strongly wish to protect their privacies as much as I can.
I mean, I can blog about my life, and whore my pictures on the net, but I doubt that everybody'd be as open minded as me, so to speak. :D Except for my best friends, of course, who are the best.
So anyway, I'm not crapping away here for the sake of it. I do have a topic in mind, and it's probably really boring and whatnot, so if you intend to read this ... bear with me, aite? ^^
Behold ...
Liz thinks that blogging for fame is overrated.
Okay, I started this blog sometime in August, plainly because I was bored. And it was the period of my post-korean-and-anime-addiction, whereby I realized that after investing all that time in downloading stupid series and animes, I had nothing else to do, when I'm online. So I opened this blog, for the sole purpose of amusing myself.
And the main reason for this blog STILL is self-amusement. And if other people are amused by what I have to say, though I can't fathom why, I'll be very happy as well. :D
And before I started visiting Jin's site, I had absolutely no idea who Kenny Sia, or XiaXue was. Imagine my surprise when I found out that there were such things called "celebrity bloggers" (yes, I used to be pretty outdated. Still am.) and that the whole blogging community was nowhere near as simple as I thought.
I freaked out when I found out that Kenny Sia has more than 15k visitors to his blog per day. 'You've gotta be kidding me ...', I thought in disbelief. It IS kind of crazy, knowing that more than fifteen thousand people in the world are interested in what he has to say, everyday. Sort of intriguing, really.
And I'm saddened by the fact that ever since August, I do religiously visit such 'popular blogs', and I even know the name of Kenny Sia's Hair Saloon and Minishort's boyfriend. Heck, I don't even know where my classmates cut their hair.
Is that sad or what?
And yup, I'm pretty happy that in the short time that this blog is up, I've met a couple of really really nice people, which makes it an awesome bonus for me. Friendster is crap, for finding new people to chat with, for it is invaded by All Things La-La, and nobody uses ICQ anymore. :D And yes, these people are all great writers/bloggers/whatever.
What struck me as weird was the fact that many of them seemed to, er, have really strong opinions about the 'blogosphere'. There were a few whom I briefly chatted with, who felt that they wanted to be the next Big Thing. And there were also a few who seemed to be positively gung-ho about proving their points that blogging for fame and/or money is wrong.
I found it quite amusing, actually ... O.o Because, well, if you asked me for my opinion on this matter, I probably would just shrug my shoulders and mutter: "Whatever.", which probably proves that I'm an opinionless bitch. But no matter. I am stating my opinions right now.
I find it stupid. Because at the end of the day, a blog will always just be a blog, and I'm pretty sure that most of us do not revolve our lives around blogging. And if one does make money through his blog, well, good for him. It's not like me bitching about it will do any good. And even if it does ... as mean as I am, why would I want to potentially hurt another human's feelings?
Frankly, everything in life is overrated. Sex, romance, fame ... And now, to add to that ever-expanding list, blogging.
Of course, I do think that chewing on other people's success is lame. For example, let's say Binnie (um, don't mind if I use you as an example, Binnie? ^^ Consider it free advertising. Though probably 'tidak berhasil'.) may have a larger readership than I do, because she's funnier, prettier and writes better than I do. So assuming that I'm jealous (which I'm not, by the way ...) of her success, I decided to start dedicating posts to point out why am I better, and why do I think Binnie sucks. (Again, just an illustration. :P)
Obviously, Binnie'd hunt down my blog, and probably retaliate with a couple of "why do I think Liz sucks too'-ish posts, right? And her fans and readers'd probably stalk my blog as well, to kick my ass or whatever. And they'd probably return, thus resulting in the increase of my traffic. Because, well, let's face it - everybody loves controversy ... and as much as it'd annoy me, I'd definitely read a blog that disses me, or my friends.
It's like The Da Vinci Code, really. Christians all around the world are appalled by its content, but they still walk to the bookstore and buy the book, don't they?
So yeah, eating at another person's success is dumb. At the end of the day, you probably wouldn't even get credit for your efforts ... Of course, by all means, if you feel like dissing somebody else is going to do you any good, go ahead.
I have a very weird outlook on life, per se, and basically, I do whatever I want, whenever I want, as long as nobody gets hurt in the process. As long as it amuses me, and wouldn't harm me or anybody else... by all means, I'd do it. If I decided that Kenny Sia, Darien or whoever has an interesting style of writing, who would stop me from trying to "blog" like them, should it amuse me? O_o
Of course, I'm not that easily amused lar, or my days and nights'd be easily filled.
Haven't you remembered that I'm a nice girl? *blushes*
If I'm good at drawing, I'd be an artist.
If I'm good at singing, I'd be a singer.
If I'm good at blogging, I'd be a blogger. (?!?!?) Er. I mean, pro-blogger?
And in whatever I'd want to do, obviously if I think that I'm good at it, I'd want to be recognized for it, right?
So what's the big deal?
With that said, I'm not interested in blog politics. I'm not interested if Furong Jie Jie is ugly (though I'm ashamed to admit that I'm aware of her existence ... -_-). I'm not interested if XiaXue thinks that KL sucks (though I'm probably a hypocrite for saying this, since I do know about it ... Hmm.) And honestly, if a friend were to tell me: "Liz! I want to be a celebrity blogger and start kicking Kenny Sia's ass!", I'd only widen my eyes and go: "Really? Cool!"
Because that's what friends are for. :P They support each other.
By the way, want fame? Here's what I think you could do:
1) Post naked pictures of yourself on the net. Doesn't even have to be artistic. And, offer free sex from time to time.
2) Bitch about all the celebrity bloggers. Even the international ones. But make sure that you're completely anonymous, and pretend to be someone of high intellect and wit, who Hates the Famous Ones for Solid Reasons.
3) Open a blog that goes something like: Buggy's Neopets Tips and Cheats Bloggy. (I swear, some of my friend still play that. O_0)
4) Pimp Lizzy's cute chubby cheeks
Care to add to the list? :P
If any of you guys intend to go down the so-called Fame road, I wouldn't care. I'll probably even be your fan and supporter.
If you're good.
And unless anybody plans to sell their bodies via the net, I don't see what's wrong with anybody aiming for the stars. :D
You know, I'm happy that nobody reads my blog, because I'm sure that if people did, I'd be majorly screwed over for this post. *shrugs*
By the way, I don't plan to aim for the stars.
I'm aiming for the moon. ;)
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 4:14 PM