Tuesday, January 02, 2007 || Hello, 2007!
Okay, so Singapore was boring, as expected. Actually I think it's just that I'm at an age when I just don't enjoy myself on trips with my parents anymore, as much as I would with my friends ... O.o
So blablabla ... it was a bore. I barely did anything besides waste money and cycle around Geylang. So if you're a Singaporean and happened to see a chick with messy hair and baggy clothes cycling aimlessly on a red bike, chances are, you saw me. Wtf.
So anyway, here are some very WTF-inducing stuff my very dysfunctional family has said to me throughout the SG trip: (pics later)
Aunt: Wahhhh compared to February, thinner already wor ... Good! Did you lose a lot of weight ah?!
Me: Err ... no. A bit only. I tried jogging more ...
Aunt: Oh no wonder you have thin legs. Good ah! Next time wear shorter skirts and wear those SHORT pants that can see your whole leg wan ... tomorrow we go shopping and buy ok
Me: My skirts are already quite short ... if I wear them any shorter people will call me a slut ...
Aunt: No such thing, let them say lah! When you're young and thinner you must flaunt it! You wanna wait until you're old and flabby only wanna dress sexily is it?!
Me: .... Okay. =/
Mum: Kissing is only an activity a boy and a girl that are physically attracted to each other do ... it's nothing.
Me: ...
Cousin: OMG you finally cut your hair! It's a lot better than the ugly damn long straight hair you had the last time I saw you ...
Me: ...
Dad: Drinking is already bad for men ... if for women, it's EVIL.
(him saying this led to a very heated argument about woman rights. He says that being a feminist is a sin. -_- I disagreed and we ended up arguing damn long over this)
Man, my family is dysfunctional. *sigh*
OHH anyway, there was this relative of mine who went to china or some place to learn some kinda fortune telling thingy. And when she saw me, she told me that she doesn't think that I'll be a very happy and fortunate person in the future.
Which REALLY FREAKING PISSED me off! I mean, it's just soooo rude to shove something I didn't even ask for into my face, whatmore it's so negative. I almost told her something like "Nobody defines my destiny except myself and my Lord Jesus okay, you stupid cow.", but I thought that it was a bit too hypocritical. Hahaha
Damn annoyed. Suddenly have my very bad fortune told to my face in such an insensitive manner. Ergh. -_-
Pictures! The whole reason my parents insisted we visit Singapore was 'cause my cousin recently gave birth to a baby. =D
Awwww now isn't he adorable? His dad is korean, and I think the baby has his dad's korean eyes. O.o
Anyway his name's Johnathan. Which is a nice name ... considering the fact that my cousin almost named him Pluto. O_o''
Hehe my maternal instincts have officially emerged! ME WANTS CUTE BABY. Rawr.
I didn't even take a lot of pictures, since we didn't do anything. Except visit my cousin's shop and shopping. So I camwhored in the toilet. (Wtf)
... And took pics with the baby. :D
Oh yeahhh, I met Jojo Struys in my cousin sis's beauty shop in Marina Square (or something). She's a model/TV host/Malaysian actress if you didn't know ... I heard about her from Jaclyn, who was swooning over how pretty she is. She's apparently rather good friends with my cousins? O.o
She is very nice and seems very down-to-earth in real life. I took a picture with her, though I look like a shitbag next to her. -_-
I cropped out a bit of me 'cause I'm mortified at how large I look beside her. Wtf
And ohhh, SG girls seem so dolled up! O_o So many of them had fake eyelashes and were wearing dresses in shopping malls.
I feel inferior when I'm there. Like I'm so immature and lazy to dress properly and put on more makeup. :(
Okay I haven't decided on my New Year's resolution yet. Damn.
Anyway, my new year's eve was rather ... interesting. I feel bad that I couldn't make it to Jaclyn's farewell thing though I was back from Singapore at the time. =( But ah well ... everything was, like I said, rather interesting.
Of course the best part of the night was when someone opened a bottle of whiskey, and I immediately became a lot more friendly and cheerful after a few sips of it. Hahaha!
Okay, gonna go decide on my new year's resolution before the day ends. Omg I have no idea.
2006 was a really good year. 2007, bring it on!!! (am hoping that 2007 will be even better *ahem ahem*)Labels: pictures
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 2:45 PM