Monday, December 25, 2006 || Not quite Christmas
*quick post before I rush out*
It's really weird. I can't quite fathom it, but it just doesn't feel like Christmas this year. I don't know why. I just don't *feel* the mood, the bliss, or the joy that I usually feel when it's nearing the 25th of December.
Then I remembered - isn't Christmas all about giving? Damn. My stupid kiamsapness got into the way of things this year, and I didn't buy anybody presents. I mean ... I AM broke, but what excuse is that, when I was planning to go out clubbing or something? =/
So I rushed out of the house. And bought (hopefully) everybody presents. Not expensive ones, but I hope that they'll do.
I dunno ... maybe I'm just hoping that giving my friends presents tomorrow will make Christmas feel like it again - a season of love and giving?
Ohhhh well ... Merry Christmas again! Muakz! Sorry if you're my friend and I didn't get you a present yet. I'll make it up to you a thousandfold next year! :D
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Phat Culture had a nightmare at 6:49 AM