Saturday, December 16, 2006 || KILL ME
Today was undeniable the worst day of my life, 'cause I officially spent the day doing nothing. Seriously, being bored is such a horrible feeling. =(
Being bored and dead broke, is an even more awful feeling. =(((( Cause without money, I can't even go out. Oh my God!
I was so bored, I spent the whole afternoon watching some emo korean movie (the Classic) on PeekVid and ended up wiping my tears in front of my comp.
I was so bored, I tried to do 30 sit ups and push ups. I could only do it on a mat and not on the floor, wtf. Now my ass bone hurts. If my ass even has a bone. Blah ...
I was so bored, if somebody I detested asked me to kiss him, I'd freaking jump up and scream "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!".
I was so bored, I spent an hour of my life sitting on my balcony and staring at all my mum's plants.
I was so bored, I spent the next half an hour playing my guitar and singing mournful emo songs that I barely know the chords to. Wtf. My neighbours must be having nightmares now ......
...... This is bad. o_O'' And next week's Christmas ... I don't even have money to go Christmas shopping. =( My parents don't even wanna give me my monthly allowance, since December is supposedly a holiday.
Wtf is the logic in that! I don't have college means I don't have to eat and socialize issit?!
Please excuse me while I stab myself. =.=
------ EDIT -------
Okay while I'm at it I might as well complain about other stuff. I just realized that I made the biggest mistake of my whole 2006 by cutting off my hair last month.
Stupid lah. I cut it off coz everybody was insisting that my hair was too long (it was long enough to entirely cover my boobs), and that I'd look better with shoulder-length hair. Everybody including the guy I liked mindf*cked me into it and I succumbed. -____-''
See last time my hair was so much cooler!
Ignore the stupid pose ... *points fervently at hair* It was red, braided and LONG.
I'm lazy to post up a picture of my current boring short black hair, but yeah, those who saw my recent pics on my blog should know. O___O
Everybody has new hairdos and cool hair now. While I now am stuck with looking like a desperate housewife. *depressed* Well, minus the hair-dye, make-up and contact lenses (which were my fave bday present ever! right.), I guess I look errrr .... more homely and less high maintanence? Wtf wtf wtf.
Nowadays I only put concealer (okok powder also sometimes), do nothing to my hair, never put eye shadow anymore, contact lenses expired (and not planning to buy again, unless its another present hahaha) and I have nude short nails for guitar. Wtf!
I used to be so much cooler than I am now. O.o'' That is my conclusion.
Okay nevermind me, I'm just finding more reasons to build up the anger and frustration in me. So I can kick ass at badminton and jogging later. ROAR!!!
*scurries off and continues to mope in conner*
P.S. Oh since I'm so bored, I just went through my dressing table and I've realized that it must've been a mistake that I was born a female, cause I don't own a single piece of accessory. At all. O.o I don't have any earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and I only have ONE rubber band and ONE hair clip. Wow!
That's it, I'm officially abnormal. O_o I'd make a super low maintenance girlfriend man, since my bf wouldn't need to buy me anything pretty. OmgLabels: Rants
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 5:10 PM