Tuesday, September 26, 2006 || I WANT
I WANT: (almost need)
1) A gay best friend. A guy that I can go shopping with, bitch about my hair and nails, and one I can hang out with all night at his or my place, just gossiping.
And the best thing is, we'd never fall for each other. =D
2) Cookies and cream ice cream.
I want!!!!! =(
3) More trustworthy girlfriends in college. The keyword's trustworthy. :-(
4) My ROOM for the week. How am I supposed to sleep in someone else's room for one bloody week? I cry, laugh, read and watch porn in MY room. *sigh*
(I was only kidding about the porn bit. HAHAHA)
5) To be single (haha, I'm good at this, no worries there!) and free of emotional burdens for at least a few months. No guys (or girls, that has always been an option. JK) for me!
6) To exercise and work out more. I dunno, if I'm fit, I'll probably feel healthy and fit too, right? (= Plus I'm undeniably getting fatter from the lack of exercise, of late.
7) ....... Even though I've been skipping classes a bit this sem for TOTALLY WRONG reasons that I shan't get into, I REALLY hope that I'll still be able to get good results. Fingers crossed, yo!
Dad forced me to follow him out for supper. Well, actually, he bribed me with Rm10, and since I'm such a broke person now, it's easy to buy me over ......
"Not eating ar you??", he demanded, while gobbling his food.
"No ..... it's 11 o'clock. You're not supposed to eat two hours before you sleep. -_-"
"I'm on a diet.", he proudly announced, while petting his bulging tummy.
"..... You're eating a large bowl of wan tan mee and you call that having a diet?!", I almost screamed.
"Wantan mee is low carb!"
-_-'' Oh man, my dad is funny. What's worse, he lost a Rm10k check that he was supposed to keep on my cousin's behalf.
I feel like making a funny comment now, but I totally relate to him. I sympathize. :) Now I know where I got 99% of my genes from. =D
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 4:53 PM