Thursday, September 21, 2006 || fugly hair, begone!
*bimbotic entry ahead*
People, it's THAT time of the month and year again! ......
....... For a haircut! :D
My hair is fucking fugly at the moment, and I definitely need a change. Fugly hair is a BIG phobia of mine.
Speaking of which, I kinda miss my braids. =((((
At least it was kinda outstanding, right? Compared to my typical, average, hopelessly blah hair now.
Anyway, I am paying a visit to the hairdresser's this Saturday to hopefully get a cool spankin' new 'do!
I wanna get one of these hairstyles!
Bloody drastic and risky, since if I
do attempt short hair, I'd have to chop off
all my long hair. =(
And I still remember how fugly I looked in form 1 with short hair, and how everybody laughed at me. LOL
... plus the fact that my face is round. Meh ...
I kinda like this too. It would annoy the crap out of everyone to have strands of hair sticking out in front of my face. But my fringe isn't long enough for this .... -_-''
Ah, the sweet, innocent, girl-next-door look.
I'd only need to cut a straight fringe and cut off like three inches of hair.
But double yew tee eff would the difference be from my current blah hair? The more drastic the better, I'd say! :D
Okay, my personal favourites:
Er ... I honestly don't know how to achieve this look. (Permed hair + ironed fringe??)
But damn cool, can! w000t. Then I can start using black eyeliner and purple lipstick to achieve the whole look. :D
My personal favourite:
Err ... ignore the huge boobs please. But I fucking love this hairdo. But I don't see anyone with "weird" hair like this around ... So how would the hairdresser understand? O_O
*drooooooooooools* Then I can pull off the goth look. (... yeah right)
Okay! Wish me luck and courage this Saturday! *cracks knuckles*
Digressing, my dad is totally right: I have horrible taste in guys. Anyway, I showed my dad DickFace (the guy I used to reallllly like) and he said he looks like a praying mantis. WTF!
Then the other day, he saw me walking with some dude I barely know (who isn't DickFace) and he commented that "this new one" looks like a grasshopper.
"Girl, you have BAD taste in guys. How can all your boyfriends look like INSECTS?!?"
... Poor grasshopper dude, who's innocent. HAHA
DAMN, now I know where I got my horrible mouth from. =.=''
Oh yeah, speaking of my bad taste in guys, Dickface is such an ass. We're still friends, so we still keep in touch, SMS and stuff. Though, I dunno, I AM trying to stay away from him.
Him: Wanna yum cha tomorrow? Got class?
Me: Sorry la, I wanna go out in the morning to help a hot guy with his assignment bwahahaha
Him: Ok nvm, I go watch movie with hot chick bwahahaha
...... Man. Damn gay. =.='' And come to think of it, we're probably more similiar than we thought we were. HAH
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 1:00 PM