
Monday, May 29, 2006 || The Eliza Lee alter-ego controversy.

Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:00 PM


The blogger:

  • Lazy

  • Self-proclaimed cutie

  • Talented

  • Constantly lives in denial

  • Digs hot dark guys, Dean Koontz, black color, gaming, and pigging out.

  • Layout: *ahem* THIS LAYOUT IS ONLY TEMPORARY!!! I messed up the codes for my new one and I lost my previous one, wtf.

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  • THE quiz.
  • I wanna lose five kg
  • My first day in college
  • A beginning to a new chapter in my life!
  • Enter the bizarre world that is my Family.
  • My indecisiveness striking me where it hurts the most
  • Why the hell do people change? =(
  • A taste of paradise in Restoran Talipon.
  • The tale of a prickface and my bloody ear.
  • A very special post dedicated to a very moronic bi...
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    Favourite Posts

  • My life is too short.

  • What makes Liz a girl pretty?

  • Blogging for fame?

  • Reasons why Liz'd make the BEST girlfriend ever.

  • The craziest weekend EVER.

  • Liz spoofs famous bloggers.

  • You're not exactly Prince Charming, bitch.

  • A Crazy foreigner from camp.

  • My cute Fifi is a bad camwhore. [Pic post]

  • My SG trip. [Pic post]

  • 'Party' with the gang. [Pic post]

  • Ugly pics from a pretty fun camp. [Pic post]

    Tag me!


  • Clareen's
  • Carmen's
  • Evon's
  • Gavin's
  • Jin's
  • Joshua's
  • Joshua Loke's
  • Lee Quin's
  • Michy's
  • Wen Che's
  • Wen Lin's
  • Suet Foong's
  • Joshua Lim's

  • The Writers:

  • John Ling
  • Yvonne Foong

    The Famous Ones I read:

  • Kenny Sia
  • Minishorts
  • Edmund 'Swifty' Yeo
  • Bryan Boy
  • KY Speaks
  • Kamigoroshi
  • XiaXue
    Rojak Daily

    My Must-Reads:

  • Darien's
  • Jin's
  • Suet Li's
  • Kyels's
  • Jolene's
  • Asyraf Lee Photography
  • Binnie's
  • Prashanth's
  • SapiensBryan's
  • Cheryl's
  • Vincent's
  • Xen0's
  • Yuen Qi's
  • Ann Jie's

    The Exchanges, etc:

  • Life Feel
  • Binnie's TwentyFourSevens
  • Josh's Blown Fuse
  • Avril Freak Ken
  • Funny Junk

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