Monday, May 15, 2006 || Why the hell do people change? =(
Okay, times change, people change, right?
This is damn lame and boliao, since it's SO .... related to friendster.
I feel like refraining myself ... but I MUST blog about this! It's f*king life-altering ok!
Okay, back in 2003, when I was still growing out of my fugly stage, I had a massive uber humongous crush on this guy. I was totally so smittenedd by him that even throughout 2003-2004, I still thought about him all the time.
He was, like .... THE guy of my dreams. *shudders*
But anyway, it was one of those massive girly, kiddy crushes ... y'know, the whole 'adoring-from-afar' thing. Cause I never really got the nerve to hit on/flirt/seduce him. And I'm mighty glad I didn't, anyway.
So days go by and I totally lost touch with him.
THEN, out of the blue, I bumped into his friendster account.
Back then, I liked him cause he was:
- cute (hell yeah)
- spoke pretty good english
- rugged looking
- .... good looking (so sue me, I'm sure everybody has liked someone out of their league before)
- amazing leadership skills, excellent. Me like.
But NOW, three years later, he:
- wears makeup <----
- has shiny, sparkling, spiky hair
- ..... Lala
- WEARS MAKEUP!!! <---- still can't get over this. heh.
- still kinda cute ... but in a 'wooo lookit me, I'm a leng chai with cool hair' kinda way. Not the brooding, mysterious way already. =(
- obviously doesn't really speak english anymore
- .... a model. o_O
.......... I feel like smashing my brains into the toilet bowl. From a guy I was sorta crazy over, I've realized that he's in actuality the kinda guy I avoid all the time.
Shitlah I feel SO lame and pathetic now. Dumb crushes, begone!
I immediately called my friend up (who knew him too) and whined for a bit.
She said:
"Ah ... well, I guess he must've suddenly discovered that he's good-looking."
Life is utterly ironic.
Okok, three years ago *I* was a different person as well. Back then I was innocent, polite and nice. Just three years later, I'm insane, rude and .... still nice. :p Right?
Shucks. People change so much. Change terrifies me, because I'm so afraid of someday becoming somebody I'll actually despise. =(
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:02 PM