Friday, May 12, 2006 || The tale of a prickface and my bloody ear.
Short post today cause I'm damn tired and sleepy. And not in a majorly good mood, either. :(
Not gonna blog about how we spent Jac's birthday today, since I already gave her enough limelight yesterday.
... And my blog is about me. Me. Me. Me. Me. :P
When I was in my pasar malam today, I accidentally bumped into some dumbfuck indian dude.
The Asshole was all "pukimak naib pundek! *insert hindu cuss word*!" even after I apologized. Into my face!
FUCKERRRRRRRR. If I was a guy, I swear I would've punched him. I'm a girl half his size and already I felt like majorly slamming my fist into his face!
SO rude, right? I mean, it's one thing to be pissed about me accidentally bumping into you, but it's another to curse at me.
So never mind. Cally, Jaclyn and I walked off, and I thought it was all over, albeit still feeling rather pissed over being called a naib pundek.
Then I passed the indian dude again, and he was like "jumpa nanti! *smirk*".
'....... Okaaaay.', I thought.
Then on my way home, the asshole suddenly popped out. And asked stupid shit like "Kamu semua berkerja keh? Mau pergi disco? Jom, aku bawa!"
.......... Prickassdickfacecunt. If I was a guy, or a somewhat taller girl with a martial arts background, and he was alone, I'd freaking throw him into the drain.
DAMN geram okay. -___-
Okay this is kinda disgusting, but last week I pierced my ear. And today, when I was trying to take off my earring, due to massive inexperience, I sorta twisted it and ended up hurting my ear.
It bled. And it was damn pain. ='(
I'm proud that I didn't cry though. I think it must've been partly because I was still pissed about the whole indian guy episode.
So I washed my bloody ear and waited an hour or so before putting in a tiny stick again.
... I realized that the hole was 70% closed up already. Wtf?
I felt gushes of terror that I'd have to pierce my ear again and go through the horror all over again ... Feeling an andrenaline rush, I kinda STUFFED the stick into what's left of the hole.
...... And the next I knew, I was hopping around my room yelping "OWW OWW OWWWCHH!".
Though I still didn't cry. Yahoo.
AND OH ... Chris Daughtry's out of American Idol? Like wtf?
Isn't AI supposed to be the talent show? I'm kinda amused how it's so ... crappy, compared to Rockstar: Inxs. Damn wtf.
Like hello. J.D Fortune VS Taylor Hicks. Or even Marty Casey VS Taylor Hicks. Sadlah, luckily I'm not in that country so I wouldn't be tempted to vote.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 4:03 PM