Monday, May 22, 2006 || A beginning to a new chapter in my life!
Ahhh, I REALLY should force myself to blog more.
Can you imagine if I'm too busy/lazy to blog when I'm still bumming (sorta), what'll happen to my blog when college and "real life" (a.k.a the boring life) starts again?
Which, in my case, will be tomorrow. *cues funeral music*
Okay, before I blog about my boring life, I'll do the meme Jin tagged me with.
Four movies I can watch over and over again:
- Sex is Zero (korean american pie-ish movie, which is bloody gross but DAMN VERY funny.)
- City of angels
- Shrek! Best walt disney movie ever, in my opinion.
- Basic instincts. (haha, just joking. Didn't like it.)
Four places I've lived:
- KL? -_-
- Singapore
- uh ... Butterworth, Penang
- Jaclyn and Pui yee's
(at this point, this meme seems VERY familiar. I think I've done it before. O_o)
Four books I'd recommend to anyone:
- Nicholas Sparks - Message in a bottle. The first book EVER to actually make me cry, with tears dripping all over the pages. Haha.
- Dean Koontz - Watchers. This is probably my favourite book ever. Seriously, go read it. Classic.
- The Five people you meet in heaven - can't remember who
- ......... no idea
Four of my favourite dishes (MY FAVOURITE QUESTION!)
- CHEESE BAKED RICE!!!111oneone
- Junk food
- I generally adore eating almost everything. EXCEPT seafood.
Four sites I visit everyday:
- =)
- all of my friend's blogs, and random blogs.
Four places I'd rather be right now:
- Mamak
- Pearl point's pearl milk cafe, before they shut the whole place down for renovation. =(
- Australia. Cause it doesn't seem as out of league as the States.
- anywhere but sitting in front of the comp, blogging while dreading the beginning of a new life and new responsibilities.
I tag:
Jon Ling
Ann jie?
you, you, you.
Okay, people, let me begin by saying that Over the hedge is a million times better than The Da Vinci Code. Because well, the Da Vinci code movie was a really big disappointment. =(
AND, I've put on weight, suckas! ........ I've never been thin in my entire life, and it sucks to put on weight when you simply can't afford to. Especially when all your fat accumulates in your face, which produces a really bad effect.
After watching the Da Vinci code, Jaclyn, Suet and I met for dinner at IOI and watched Over the Hedge after that.
Oh, I'm pretty happy that Suet's in Life college. So even if I'm a social reject, I'll still have ONE buddy! *thinks happy thoughts*
And I was REALLY trying pretty hard to cut down my, err, usage of vulgar language. Though that really failed, especially whenever Jaclyn's around. =(
And I even stopped wearing all-black outfits and dark makeup! That shows how much effort I'm putting in to become a good, nerdy college girl.

...... The result, however, leaves much to be desired. I look like a drag queen wearing her daughter's shirt.
I can't believe this. I'm already hating myself.
me: "Weiiii sui por ... I mean, Pui yee, next year come to Life college ok!"
Pui yee: "What's that?"
me: " .......... a college -_-"
Pui Yee: "No leh, I think I'm going to TAR ..."
KNNCBMCH!!! (sorry *blush*)
I don't expect anybody to understand this, but I just wish time would freeze and I wouldn't need to grow up. All my friends and I are going totally different ways, and that'll inevitably change things.
I actually DO feel very emo now cause now that everybody's so busy, we're all gonna drift apart sooner or later. How could new friends ever live up to six years of friendship and hardships, right?

I <3 style="font-style: italic;">this path. I think that I'm a slightly better person that I was, and that in college I believe I'll learn the true meaning of humility and responsibilities.
And that's good. I was SO close to going down the slutty, 'LOOK AT ME' camwhore, narcissistic, lan ci bitch lane.
Now I have short nails. (usually they're damn long and blood red/black) .... And I'm oddly quite satisfied.
The next step is gonna be a LOT harder, for me.
See, the only reason I always fall into this habit is cause I find thrill in breaking rules. So sue me for that. But I'll really try to be a good student in college anyway, cause I'm paying for my own college fees.
(I applied for a loan, and I'm supposed to freaking repay them every month when I'm working. So it's technically MY moolah. =( )
Shit, damn emo everytime I think about it. I get even more emo when I remind myself that I need to sleep damn early tonight or I'll oversleep tomorrow.
I'll come back and whine tomorrow. =P
*pops champagne* Here's to a new chapter of my life. :D Which, if all goes well, may be even better than the last. ;)
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 9:44 AM