Sunday, May 07, 2006 || My Astro-ic misery
Today (or rather, yesterday) is a bad day.
A bad bad day.
As if this wasn't enough.
I went out to buy a contact lens for my poor, short-sighted right eye (my left eye is normal. Yay!)
And I came home, tried the contact lenses, and when I took them out ....
I don't know why, but now there is a f*cking hole in the middle of the tiny, transparent contact lens.
WHICH MEANS I WASTED MY MONEY. NOTHING, absolutely nothing in the world annoys me more than knowing I wasted my own money. Great, now everybody knows my weakness and everybody can steal my money to make me cry.
I swear I feel like crying. I really, really feel like crying cuz it isn't even cheap to begin with.
*damn emo*
Then I made the mistake of watching I Not Stupid 2. My expectations weren't high, but I ended up crying at least 3 times during the show.
(maybe partly because I'm already so emo lah)
I'm very very impressed by that show since it kinda blew me away. ='( Watch it, people! And the kung-fu kid, Joshua Ang, is so cute!

useless pic of me uploaded coz seeing myself makes me happier. Er.
... And I was being such an asshole all night cause my dad was DAMN pissed over Astro being spoilt, and not being efficient enough to send someone over even though he has been complaining since Wednesday.
Dad: "@!#!@! I CAN'T believe they're being so damn irresponsible. I called them three times today and three times also they said they're going to call me back. SEE UNTIL NOW, STILL NOBODY CALL!"
Me: "Yalah! Tsk tsk ... bad service lah. You go read all their advertisements they always claim to have good customer service one!"
Dad: "Damn it! How can I be paying more than 100 bucks every month and now there's not even anything to watch!"
Me: "Yeah man. Must complain wan lor this kinda things. For all you know later they next Friday only come and fix it!"
Dad: ".... You make a good point! I go call them again!"
And after I added so much oil to his burning fire, he finally called Astro like, five times today. Each of his phone calls pissed him off even more, since the customer service people were so dumb. AHAHA!
*hehehe* I was kinda cheered up watching my dad so annoyed. I mean, c'mon, at least someone to share my misery with.
.... And even though Astro is being a bitch, when there's no Astro in my house, all my dad's energy is focused on regaining his precious TV programs, and less energy is devoted to annoying me and calling me fat. :p
Too bad, daddy. For me, it's a win-win situation. LOL
Eh can you believe it? I'm actually reconsidering to return to the optical shop tomorrow and complaining that the contact lens was spoilt when I opened it, and it isn't my fault. To see if I can manage to talk them into replacing my hole-y one.
But is that cheating? =.=
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:53 PM