Wednesday, May 03, 2006 || I absolutely love my mutt <3

I fell asleep last night, only to wake up to my dad's loudass screams.
... Cause I fell asleep on the sofa last night while reading Dean Koontz's Fear Nothing, with Fifi curled up in my arms. Awwwwww.
dad: "I don't understand how can you fall asleep with that thing! You're gonna get ashtma yerr and so smelly .. "
-_- t
Awwwww I love my furball to bits. Like, I really REALLY love my pooch. =(
Sometimes I feel surprised at the deep, profound feelings I have for my .... dog. Even when I'm not staying at my house and all, I usually only really miss my doggy. I'd call home just to ask my parents how's she doing.
And when I'd reach home, Fifi'd make whiny yelps and jump around. :P As though she's demanding to know where I was ... *aww*
Fifi the doggy is probably the ONLY thing on earth that loves me and expects nothing, absolutely nothing from me. Even if I smacked her ass and refused to feed her for a few days, she'd still come running to me when I call her. Or it. Whatever.
I think that God created dogs to remind human beings that we should love that way. So loyal, so selfless. =)
I don't understand people who abuse their dogs. Or would rather let their dogs or cats DIE when they're sick, instead of forking out a bit of money to save their lives.
I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 *bloodshot eyes*
I remember when my cat, Tigger, got some skin disease ... I had to freaking beg/borrow/steal so much money to bring it to the vet okay.
... Though the bloody fucked up vet gave him some medicine that seemed to make the skin disease spread faster. Gargh!
And its fur started falling off completely, and its skin turned scaley. =(
It died mewing in my arms. =(((((((((
.... And I cried for two weeks. =_=
So when I first brought Fifi home, when it was a few months old, she caught some kinda skin disease as well. I was heartbroken and thought that like Tigger, she'll probably die whining in my arms again and leave me alone with my misery.
But she didn't!
Awww I looooooooooooove my best friend/pet/precioussssss Fifi. *sniff*
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 8:28 AM