Tuesday, March 07, 2006 || I'm so nervous.
Hi, imaginary readers of mine! *waves frantically*

I've been thinking about getting a new pet. I absolutely LOVE and adore Fifi, my dumb but cute pooch, but I've been thinking of getting another pet as well. Mainly to 'brighten up' my house, have something new to coo at, and so that Fifi would be ... entertained.
But what should I get?

A cute cat?
... I like cats too, and believe me, Fifi likes them as well. Haha. But I'm not sure if all cats'd be able to get along with a dog.
I used to have a FAT gray persian cat named Baby, and she got along with Fifi great. (.. cause the only interaction they ever shared was all the times Baby tried to steal Fifi's food, with Fifi chewing off Baby's ears. And vice-versa.)
But my dad has some weird lung problem, and he proclaims that cat fur is the cause of it, so he happily gave my Baby away. Though, till this day, I still suspect that the main reason of his evil deed was only because he was tulan at Baby scratching his stupid speakers.
... So no cats. -_-
I think that I might get a rabbit.

I used to have two fat (..why are ALL my pets fat?!?) rabbits. But I remember that they used to shit everywhere, ALL the time. Until both of them died of diarrhea.
... So I think that I'll get a pair of hamsters.

They're cute, right?? ... as long as they don't bite. =/
I've been trying my best to cure my Internet addiction, of late. I mean, I used to not be able to go through even a DAY without going online to check my mail or chat. Or blog.
But I don't want to be too dependant on my trashy computer anymore. Life is more than the Internet, no?
Anyway, a lot of people eat, breathe and sleep The Internet. You know, people who only make friends online, find girlfriends online, play football online (er, not sure about this lah), read e-books online instead of the real thing ......
I don't want to be like that. Yup, I have made many good friends online, and I'm happy that I met them.
But I am aware that I have been spending a bit too much time online, even during my high school days. I can't believe it, how my friends and I would even skip school to visit cyber cafes every once in awhile.
I don't regret it, because I still wouldn't have done anything differently, but I don't want it to continue.
So ... Less internet and computer for me, huhu. =( I've been spending more and more time with my good friends, at the library getting good books to read, and other whatnots.
I'm trying hard not to show it, but I am actually bloody nervous about my upcoming SPM results. I know, I know, I didn't study, therefore I know I don't deserve to get good results ... but I'm VERY scared of getting horrendous results.
I just wouldn't know how to face everybody ... I know that most people would probably only go, 'Haha, Eliza wat. She never even study. Expected lar...' ... but I KNOW that a lot of my relatives and friends that don't know me well will ASK me wtf is wrong with me, seeing as how I got straight As for UPSR and PMR without tuition or studying.
And I think that I'd sound majorly stupid if I tried explaining that SPM is different. heh.
That's one of my (many) weaknesses. I'm kind of scared of being viewed differently by others, of being judged, and critisized behind my back. I've faced a lot of that kind of shit in life, and I managed to disregard and ignore my fear of it for two years in school, because it was the easiest way for me to move on and not give a damn.
But I'm still scared. What if I fail? What if I don't get As at all?
I can't predict how would I react, but I know it definitely is not going to be pretty. I don't want to throw myself down Gasing Hill, or follow the smelly tides of Klang River.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 1:43 PM