Wednesday, February 22, 2006 || I don't like FFk-ers.
-_- I swear, I think I'm damn unstable. One day I'm moody, thriving in solitude and nature --- the next, I'm all energetic and dying for human company. =D
The latter is what happened to me today. I woke up extremely early (I swear, anything before 11 is EARLY in my books.) ... feeling completely rejuvenated and surprisingly cheerful, after yesterday's episode. I made plans with a friend late yesterday night to catch a movie today, but the ass SMSed me at 11.30, going;
Hey ... tomorrow only we go okay? I wanna sleep until at least 2 pm today. =(
@!@!#@#@$ You stole MY line, bastard. I can't stand people who FFK. Seriously. *coughs*
Then I proceeded to sms another friend to ask her out for lunch. She wasn't much help either.
Hehe ... tomorrow lah. Today my Boo Boo is free, he's taking me out on a date. =)
THE PAIN THAT STABS THROUGH MY HEART. *faints* I was SO tempted to reply with something sarcastic like "Wtf is a Boo Boo? A new range of soft toys I didn't hear about? :-O", but of course, the angel that resides within me stopped me. =)
... So I ended up going back to sleep. LOL.
I woke up at 3 something, cause I received a SMS from Jaclyn. My ringtone happened to be bloody loud.
(My SMSes are blue, Jac's are pink.)
I'm back from school. Later wanna go eat dinner?
Now lah. What later
I wanna sleep first. 4 o'clock we go k ...
*fast forward time to 4 o'clock*
I woke up feeling blur, sleepy and slightly high in the head.
Mali mali HOM! Wake up, asshole! (HAHA, I know I know, I'm funny.)
Oh God ... you are so lame ... I will wear my clothes now then can go edi. You too k
Okay. I shall put my wand aside 'N put on my wiz robes. After that, I will cast level 3 transformation and transform myself into the beautiful Eliza Lee. I will also have to cast level 9 heal for the bruises from the fights I had with the thugs last night when I rescued the old lady.
I see. Pls take your time. I fell on my bed. Now I'm trapped! My bed doesn't want to let me go! I feel like I'm being eaten ... AH!!
I quickly finish my spells. As I walked out of my house, a level 3 orange rabbit ambushed me! I had to cast level 8 Punch to destroy it, and now its corpse is lying in front of me! I am king! Mwahahaha
...... Fren, dis is not a who-is-lamer contest. Go change ur clothes n faster come.
Okay. I will fullfill my destiny of coming to your rescue as we dine in OUG. As prophecized in the sacred books.
Hehehe okay lah. I'm on my way ...
...................... APPARENTLY, all those adolescent years which I blissfully spent playing stupid RPGs has affected me in more ways than one.
I am feeling sleepy, hungry, smirk-y, holy, horny, pretty, tipsy, petty and funny. Today was good. Cally was sexy.
Nah, just kidding. Am not thinking straight. =D
Heh, I just tried unblocking all the dumbos I blocked throughout the years. Unfortunately, my goodness lasted for less than half-an-hour, after some ignorant dude kept on bugging me about my nickname (....Which was, Baby, I love you to want me), tried forcing me to play O2jam (*smacks forehead*) and attempted to ask me for my number.
Wtf. My path to redemption and goodness is still far far away. Tsk tsk.
By the way, who ever knew Wild Things was a porno-ish movie? I thought it was supposed to be a psychological thriller, okay! ... Stupid friend recommended it to me. And there were lesbian scenes, threesomes and all.
... Plus the main guy character was sooooooo annoying ah. Denise Richards is hot though. @_o
...... *goes watch Saw again*
People, lend/recommend me good shows! My friends are all out of good movies already, since I took almost everything they had. HAHA.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:13 PM