Thursday, September 29, 2005 || Pfft.
I hereby declare that Thursday, the 29th of September was a friggin' weird day.
I think I'm sort of PMS-ing today. :/ Had a pretty good sleep .... TOTALLY weird dreams that I don't even want to recall ... and pretty much a weird day.
First of, I wasn't even in a good mood at all, and my dearest friend, who shall remain anonymous, decided to play The Spawn of the Devil and tempt me. *wails* I, Eliza, am usually the Queen of Cursing, but lately, I've actually decided to mellow it down a bit and believe it or not, I succeeded.
For only two days.
Friend: Oi. You really didn't curse for two days already?
Me: Yah. Is that so hard to believe? Ish ...
Friend: Wah. No wonder you got fatter. You know, no tension release ... can get gemuk wan. Tsk tsk.. see now what happened?
Me: I didn't get fatter .............
Friend: Yes you DID! Aiyoh, later no guys want, how? Dahlah your taste so weird and all ...
Friend: Aiya. You know lar. Anyway, like I've always said, fat girls attract a lot of weird guys. Really.
Me: Don't tempt me ........ *tries to smile*
Friend: Fat fat fat fat fat fat fat ...... *chants*
Me: Screw you, you donkey *censored*.
......... *hides in a corner* Sigh, I allowed the spawn of satan to tempt me. I'm so bad. I deserve to die. I should hang myself. I even spent the rest of the day cursing. *wipes teardrop*
And when my friends and I were walking home, we passed a garage, and there were a few la la guys who hollered at us. (I'm presuming it to be Cal, since she's the sexiest.) And guess what.
I looked at them, didn't notice the stone in front of my shoe, and I tripped. I fell on Cal, who lost her balance and the both of us yelped out loud.
My friends gaped at us. Cally was yelping in pain. The guys were having a laugh fest. And I was blushing furiously and almost gave them The Finger. But thankfully, some unknown force in me pulled me to my senses and I only glared at them and walked off with my crushed dignity.
And because I was basically snorting, grunting and cursing the whole day, Jaclyn came home with me, because she was worried about me. (Actually, she just wanted to visit my pasar malam.) And because she kept stuffing her face and singing dumb Westlife songs, I kicked her crotch. In the middle of the crowd in Pasar Malam.
Everybody stared at me. :( And Jaclyn screamed and pointed her fingers at me, as though I molested her. Oh God. Why are my friends and I so thick-faced, and why do we seem to attract embarrassment wherever we go? SIGH.
I swear, I'm in such a bad mood. Perhaps I'm PMS-ing, though I doubt it. I felt like shit throughout the whole day. I was so emo, I even wrote a song.
I think that I'm thinking too much lately. I mean ... I've always been a problem-magnet, but as of late, my life has been somewhat peaceful, and I was thriving in the peace. :( But well ... things are happening again. My feelings are getting complicated again. It's times like these, when I wish that I was a simple and happy-go-lucky person. *sniff*
And on another note, my pra-SPM examinations are coming up. *groans* Why the hell do they have to torture us this way? Goddammit, I hate exams. Sorry ar, I really need to curse today, or I'd go cuckoo. I cannot even freaking get some peace at home ... I mean, I've always lacked privacy, as my house is pretty damn small and everything, but ever since my Uncle moved in (he got transferred to KL, and he was too lazy to rent a place of his own), I've been getting nil privacy. Everybody keeps staring over my shoulders, no matter what I do. I can't even write in peace, without having stupid questions thrown at me. By God, I can't even play my organ in peace.
My only source of solitude is my room. :(
Of course, most of the time, I have friends over, as some of them do not have internet connection, and they use my comp to chat and whatnot ... And I don't even know if it's a good or a bad thing anymore. I think I should take a break from my blog, the online world, and my friends. Just for awhile. I mean ... I love them and all, but I think I should start spending some quality time with myself, and figure out once and for all what path I should pursue, and where do I belong.

I'm a fucking camwhore.
Sorry for the cussing, Lizzy's in a pretty bad mood. :( And yes, i'm fat. My God, I even look
slutty. Now, have you ever seen a fat girl look slutty? Gah. Oh well, since my reputation has been going down the drains, since I turned myself over to the "bad side", some two years ago, I guess I really do have nothing to lose, do I? :( *blows nose*
My flu is killing me. I can't stop sneezing. And I think that if this keeps up, my bogey will be all over the comp screen. O_o Oww, I'm gross.

My black and white baby.
This is my second boyfriend ... My baby dearest ~ For its sweet tunes actually help keep me sane. My third boyfriend's my phone, while my fourth is my camera ... (Okay, too many boyfriends lar.)
Hmm, don't have a first boyfriend though. Anybody wants to take up that slot? LOL. I'm a pimp.
Later, fellow angels. (For if you actually read my blog, and are willing to put up with my nonsense, you definitely MUST be an angel. :) )
get down to
Binnie's tag as soon as I can! And if I manage to dig up my old pictures, I'll scan 'em up and let you guys have a laugh fest. =)
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 6:12 PM
Wednesday, September 28, 2005 ||
Currently Reading: Into the Blue by Robert Goddard
Listening to: Balada Para Adelina by Richard Clayderman
I've had the best sleep of my 2005 life! *is happy* For once, I could sleep endlessly without tossing and turning, and the weird intervals when I'd wake up for no particular reason. Had the weirdest dream ever, though. I dreamed that Ivy dearest got married to Vincent, right after SPM. O_O Ouch, that girl'd probably kill me or something, if she finds out.
I should be dreaming about my own wedding, instead of hers! Eesh.
Anyway, last night was interesting. I was reading my other blogs, from its earliest posts, and I've found out that the person I am today, is an incredibly different person than the person that I was. Sort of odd, because I couldn't really recognize half of the entries that I wrote, once upon a time, and it was almost as though I was reading 'em from a stranger's point of view. The feeling is weird, but oddly refreshing.
I'm never going to stop blogging. :D It'll be damn fun to re-read all my blogs again, ten years down the lane.
Anyway, I found this poem or whatever you'd call it, from my older blogs. Frankly, I don't remember writing it ... I guess at that point of time, I was in a dreary and morbid mood.
Tantalizing shadows,
Haunt my dreams,
I toss and turn, heave a sigh,
Until the dark figures pass me by.
So many faces,
I see in me ...
Evil sneers, obscure facades,
The nightmare awakens me as the faces all fade.
Why am I drowning?
Reluctantly swimming ...
In tumultuous currents of envious waves,
I don't have the strength to live at this pace.
God in heaven, if You're here,
Utter soft whispers into my ear ...
Promise me gently, don't leave me in haste,
Tell me my life has not gone to waste.
Restore my faith, dry my tears,
The Faces are returning, resuscitating my fears,
Try as I might, I still sleep in fright.
But once upon a time, I had you by my side.
Well, I liked it. :D
Today was so fine. I woke up at 1, played with my dog a bit and I headed for my friend's house to help her with her SPM Art paper preparations, which will be tomorrow. :( I swear, some of the questions are so bloody funny, I laughed my ass off the minute I set my eyes on them.
Anda telah tersesat di sebuah hutan cendawan raksasa. Hutan tersebut dipenuhi dengan pelbagai jenis cendawan. Batang cendawan ini pula berduri dari pangkal hingga ke atas. Kebanyakan cendawan ini tumbuhnya di tepi sungai yang airnya berwarna ungu kebiru-biruan.
Am I the only person on earth who finds this funny? -_- And another one went like:
Kacang dan huruf-huruf sedang bermain bola sepak di sebuah padang yang besar. Gunakan imaginasi anda.
...... What the? LOL, I swear, the people who set the questions must be really retarded imaginative people. Like, am I supposed to draw a bloody peanut with the alphabets E, L, I, Z and A playing football in a nice, big field? The peanut become the goal-keeper, is it? Sheesh.
Anyway, my friend decided to pick the Monstrous Mushroom question, cause the rest of them were even more ridiculous. Good luck, pal, I'm sorry I wasn't much help. 8-) And to Cal, Lilynn and the rest who are sitting for the paper: All the best! Liz loves you!
I'm extremely blissed out right now. I just took an hour-long shower, gave myself a nice pore mask and washed my hair. :D Palmolive is great, my hair smells amazing. I should really pamper myself more. =)
I think I may just have ate a lil' too much, though ... *sigh* Woe is me, woe is me. In form 1, I lost nearly 8 or 9 kg, due to my VERY low self image and obsessive dieting. And in a span of four years or so, I think I've gained back all the weight I've lost. Now, is that a good or a bad thing, I can't decide. Oh well. Whatever will be, will be.
I have so many things to write about, but I can't seem to find the inspiration to do so. Oh well, I'll leave them for another day, I suppose. I even want to write about school, like Wen Che did, but I'm just not in the mood right now. Sorry, girl. I tend to enjoy writing more when I'm in a downright nasty mood. O_o
I wonder how are my school friends. I mean, our 'gang' hasn't been going to school for the past week or so, by now, so I have not seen them for quite some time. :'( Well, except for Ivy and Chris, whom I meet on a regular basis.
I miss them.
Maybe I'll take up their invitation for steamboat at Sunway, for this Sunday. I mean, I AM sort of broke and everything, but friends are more important than money, right? =D Christine dear, if you're reading this, you and Ivy are invited too. I'd SMS you, but I know that you guys probably turn off your phones while studying, so I guess I'll just call you this Friday or something.
Hmm, it's weird how I don't seem to think about my school friends all that much when I see them regularly, but I sort of miss seeing them now. And I've been waiting for this moment since FOREVER. The moment when school'd be over and I'd have no obligations to enter the grounds. Heh.
Oh well, I guess I'll ask them out more once this whole SPM crap is blown over with. For now, I don't really intend to barge in on anyone, just because I am not studying. Haih.
Anyway, my friend borrowed me this!

She's on Duty, starring Kim Sun-Ah. =D
Yup, I've been dying to watch this since forever. I guess you could call me a korean freak, cause I'm extremely knowledgeable about korean movies, serials, celebrities and whatnot. I probably shouldn't have watched Winter Sonata and Autumn in My Heart when it was aired. Now I'm hooked. Argh.
*runs off to watch The OC*
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 9:43 PM
WARNING: Pictures, weird recordings, and a load of crap ahead!
I woke up at approximately 1.20 pm, receiving a rather frantic phone call from my bestie, as most of you already know, Jaclyn. She forced persuaded me to follow her to Pearl Point, as she wanted to visit the Cyber Cafe, shop for some dye and have one of our regular sessions of Pearl Milk Tea consumations.
Of course, I agreed. I'm just such a nice and dutiful best friend, aren't I?
So we had a pretty good time bonding, eating junk food, crapping and laughing our asses off at each other's lame jokes. Trust me, we have quite a number of lame jokes and puns that we've accumulated over the years. :/
Hmm, Jac is having her accounts exams tomorrow, but I can't fathom how she'd rather spend her time doing ...

Caught in action, baby.
........ this.
And yes, there are times when she deliberately dresses like a guy, just for the sake of it. And yes, she's stealing a pic of Amber Chia, again. (
-_- stalker ...) And no, she isn't a lesbo. You know, I believe that all bookstores and magazine vendors should
tighten their securities so that
horny people like Jaclyn wouldn't be able to snap pictures of gorgeous babes with their phones.
Thank God we don't have playboy. O_o
Anyway, we've decided to buy at least three pairs of THIS shirt, for our upcoming Port Dickson trip with the gang. :D

Hawaiian style. Beaches, here I come.
Of course, we did not buy it lah. Not yet, anyway. Heh. Kind of cute, no? Except for the fact that it's probably tailor-made for GUYS.
Oh well, who cares right? I can cross-dress as much as I want and still be straight, can't I? *pouts*
Okay, okay, I'm getting a lil' too bimbo.

Uh. I don't really know what to say about this.
So anyway, after we were done buying and talking about nonsense, we headed back for my place, cause Jaclyn's mum had to work overtime and Jac was too lazy to catch a cab home herself. *rolls eyes* That picture is taken in the cab, by the way.
I'm starting to think that my friends are getting sort of annoyed at me for bringing my camera almost everywhere I go. Ish.
And, because we were bored at my house ... What else could we do, besides
cam-whoring?Record ourselves crapping, of course. I'm not about to start audio blogging or anything, cause I basically have a very sucky voice, but this shall be my first
audio post! Listen to it if you want, you don't even have to download it. =D And if you don't want to pollute your ears with our voices, well, scroll down. :P
Birthdays, Sex Lives, and a whole lot of Crap.
Sorry for my crappy voice, I have a sore throat. -_-
And thus, the cam-whoring begins.
I did not have enough sleep yesterday (refer to my previous post T_T) and yes, I was hyper, so the pictures are sort of ugly. O_O I ditched my usual *smile at camera* pose, and opted to seriously 'uglify' myself. Which worked. :/
Never mind lah.

I think I look like I came out of a scene from 'Pontianak Sundal Harum Malam'. Or whatever that movie was called.
Err. Bad hair day. ^^;;

Liz tries her best to look vulnerable and cute, but only succeeds in looking pathetic and weird.
Wah. Really bad hair day. Check out my killer eye bags .... O_O

Enough said.
Oh well. ^^;; I'm the perfect definition of a failed camwhore. Mwahaha.
Am feeling sort of sleepy and very unphilosophical at the moment, so I shalt stop here. I'm feeling very light-headed yo.
Cheers. ^^
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 2:05 PM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 || My Phobia arises
You know what? The Gods of sleep MUST hate me a lot.
Yesterday, I was kept awake all night, because I was thinking about what Joshua said. And of course, the guilt was biting at me.
And let me tell you what happened today. Well, just ten minutes ago, actually.
So I was nicely tucked in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying my best to fall asleep ... But a big, shadowy black figure flew into my face.
I thought it was pontianak, or something. Seriously. So I screamed, threw my blanket aside, and jumped towards the switch to turn on my room lights.
Turned out that it was a moth. But I swear, this one must be at least half the size of my hand, and the sight of it made me vandalize rule number one of my fated Seven Rules over and over again. I feel pretty lame for saying this, but I am afraid of moths. I mean, I have this severe phobia of butterflies and moths ... which developed since I was a kid, don't ask me why.
I remember crying my eyes out, when my parents dragged me into a Butterfly Farm, in Cameron Highlands.
Really weird phobia, I know. By the way, just a bit of extra knowledge for ya, it's called Mottephobia. I should sign up for a membership at Most people are afraid of heights, even though it's highly UNlikely that they fall off tall buildings ... So I'm afraid of butterflies, just the same way. My friends used to laugh at me all the time, over this. :/ But nowadays, I can't really stand discrimination, so there!
SIGH. Now I'm all alone in the hall, as the darned moth drove me out of my own room. Sigh. Nobody is online to talk to me, and the only company that I have is my dog, who is busy wanking.
Just kidding. My cute dog doesn't wank. And even if she does, I absolutely refuse to acknowledge it.
Damn. Maybe I should use a broom or something, and poke it out of my room. Why isn't anyone online? I mean, the only people who are online are la las, and they're all doTAing. I still don't get what's so addictive about Dota.
Since I'm so fully awake and rejuvenated, perhaps I myself should try out Dota, just to see what's the fuss all about.
I'm so very awake, and so very bored indeed. Talk to me, someone. T_T
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 7:01 PM
Monday, September 26, 2005 || Turning over a new leaf :(
Okay, Liz has decided to turn over a new leaf. Hooray?
I wonder what got into me yesterday. It must've been a serious, serious case of guilt conscience. Yes, thank you very much, Joshua, for making me feel as guilty as sin. =D
And I actually came up with a list of to-dos, for myself, since I AM going to change. Or at least, try my best to.
1) I will try my best to hold my tongue, and not curse too much.
2) I shall try my best, in all circumstances, to smile sweetly at my parents, regardless of how annoyed I am.
3) I will not think before I speak, for this is really absurd, come to think of it.
4) I should start calling everyone names like Dear, Darling, Angel or Baby, instead of the usual Stupid or Ass.
5) I will maintain my wicked sense of humour, but I will not gloat at other people's misfortunes, like the time my friends laughed their asses off at a bespectacled guy with buck teeth, who tried to hit on C, and I laughed along with them.
6) I will try my best not to break all rules, though I still believe that rules are made to be broken, or the world'd be such a boring place.
7) I will read my bible more, and be a better example to my slightly more 'sesated' friends.
...... Well, seven is enough. Seven is the holy number, after all. And believe me, even though I'm trying my best not to be too hard on myself, it's pretty hard to keep it up. Sigh.
Friend: You know, I dig guys with afro hair-dos. Or mohawks. Yummy.
Me: You're f-- Uh. I mean. Yeah, you're weird.
Friend: Eh? Trying to mellow it down ar, Eliza? Haha ... I'll give it two days.
Err. Well. I AM trying! God save me, bad habits are like super glue ... And also, I'm trying to get rid of my evil smirk. Really. And I've decided to eat as much as I want, without stressing out about my weight, and we'll see how it goes ....... hah. Oh well, who cares if I get fat? Ish.
I think I should think twice about calling everybody nice nicknames. I don't know, I just have a thing about addressing people with their real names. -_- I usually go for 'Dude', for people I don't know that well, 'Oi' for people I semi-know, and more offensive ones for the people that I'm really close with. Sigh.
Of course, I still call my parents mum and dad, lah.
I have a back ache, and a slight case of migraine. Ugh. Someone give me a massage or something? T_T
And, before I begin my slow and subtle transformation, and turn myself over to the good side, I have some last words. Written while the Mr Hyde in me still reigns.
To whomever it may concern:
Please do forgive me if I burst, for I am not thinking straight, and may come off as offensive, under such ridiculous circumstances. For gone is my sanity, to the darkest and most shadowy ends of the earth.
And may I be touched by the hands of Patience, for without her, I am sure to jump right into the boiling rivers of hell. Please bless me that I may be able to tolerate a certain few doltish, stupid and depressingly narrow-minded people that seem to seek to annoy the pants off me. May I not speak my mind, and label them disgusting twerps, to their faces.
To a certain member of the male species, that called me a bitch not too long ago because I never bothered saying Hi nor did I bother replying because I away and irritated by your presence. God bless you. Thank you very much for adding me again, and bombarding my MSN with requests of certain tips on how to pick up girls, and various flirtation techniques. And of course, the nudges. Very nice and thoughtful of you, but even nicer and more thoughtful of me for attempting to be less of a "conceited bitch" and trying my best to talk to you, as a potential friend.
I failed. I apologize, but please stop talking to me about hitting on girls ten years your junior, you *bleep*ing pedophile. I'm simply not interested, nor am I experienced enough to offer advice on that. Simply put, you are a dick.
And to that other dude, who sends me at least 10 nudges in a span of three minutes, bugging me to meet you ... Bugger off. Gah. I feel so much better after getting that off my chest.
Oh, before I forget, the three asses who were driving a Proton Waja, who stopped in front of me, at the bus stop, and honked really loudly, thus almost causing me a major heart-attack. Screw you. I do not intend to die so young, thank you very much.
I am in no way bullshitting, nor am I being overly 'perasan' or sensitive. I usually do not bother much, but I guess my patience is reaching its limits, and I do not want to be like Jaclyn, who nearly karate-kicked some twit the other day, for getting on her nerves. I did not have the priviledge to acquire any form of martial arts, and I still regret that.
To those who think that they're better, smarter and more talented than me, and have told me that straight to my face. Continue wallowing yourselves in your bulging egos, while you still can, and await the day when I'll painfully prove you wrong.
To the people who love me. I love you too.
To my parents, who never trusted me with anything and think that I'm a weak shadow of my very capable and beautiful older sister. I honestly believe that I was the one who was born with the potential, and my sister was born with the guts. It's just too bad that I couldn't have both. But I will now.
And as for the Malay Trials exam, which I screwed up, because I was high on a caffeine overdose and migraine, may I be blessed with Amnesia, that I will forget the RINGKASAN that I did, instead of the RUMUSAN. That is why, how I got the highest for my essay paper, which was on the same day, is beyond me. Peace to my brains.
And to my real friends, who've accepted me for who I am, and have been there for me throughout the years, no matter how big of a prick I was, I love you all.
I'm glad I wrote this. Now I can put it all behind me, and move on.
Dr Jekyll, here I come.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 7:09 PM
Oooookay, I just wrote up a really long post, but my computer suddenly restarted on its own. Arr! *breathes deeply*
Anyway, Cally's "Pre-birthday" celebration yesterday was interesting ... For one, since it wasn't the actual date, she only invited her best friends and her boyfriend. (aww, I'm honoured!) And since she was SO nice to invite me, I shall sort of dedicate a post to her. Tee-hee.
Friendship, is one of the many things of the world that truly intrigues me. There are probably more than 6 billion people in the world, and it's just so cool how some of us manage to click, and become good friends. :D What are the odds, of you and I becoming friends? And that's why I truly adore most, if not all of my friends. Hehe.
Hmm, when Cally and I first met, she had really long, rebonded hair, while I opted to tie my messy shoulder-length hair in two pigtails. Yes, what a poor creature I was. She and Pui Yee, one of my good pals, were church friends and Pui Yee introduced her to me. I still remember the times Cal had a humongous crush on Wayne, and how Wayne'd secretly complain to us about her persistence. :P And the times we were roommates, at Youth Adventure Camp, when we'd moan about our sore legs, ugly looking bugs and secretly gossip about the cute guys. Of course, I barely even remember the names of those guys anymore, but I still remember what fun we had, and our alertness at jumping at various opportunities to talk to them. Ahaha ... Those were the days, alright.
Not that they've changed. Things are still pretty much the same, and I'm still that gawky girl, though I'll have to say that my hair is not that bad, anymore. And of course, throughout the years, Cally, Jaclyn and I have formed an almost unbreakable 'threesome'. I've known Jac since forever, and because of our contrasting personalities, we never really managed to click with anyone else, as a group. Haha. My school friends, church friends, and best friends were pretty much on different friendship levels, as most of them had nothing much in common. :P
So ... I'm happy that Cally's one of my newest best friends. =) Muakz, babe!
Of course, I took pictures!

A very "excited" Cally, and the present Jac and I got her.
But of course, being the very nice and creative people that we are, it is necessary that we provide certain ...... obstacles.

A not-so-happy Cally, struggling with her present.
Seriously, that girl has the funniest expressions ever. I mean ... I've never really met anyone who has a more comical face than her. :P
And as for the present .........

In my opinion, a pretty horrible looking bikini, but Cally likes pink, and we thought that it'd make a funny present. Hehe.
Ta-da! ... Honestly though, I'd walk over my own dead body before I wear that. Haha ... Oh well, it's definitely a much better present than the tampons Jaclyn got me, and the vagina wipes I got for her.
Yes, we are a very sick bunch indeed.

One of the reasons why Cally's house is one of my favourite 'drop-by' places. :D
I think I look pretty bad here ... but Oscar the Shih-Tzu is the cutest thing I ever laid my eyes upon, since the day Fifi dug her way into my heart. :P And if you didn't already know, Fifi's my pet poodle. ^^

A very doleful looking Oscar. Hehe.
I should totally matchmake Fifi and Oscar, lol. The combination is pretty weird, haha, but I'm sure that they'll have absolutely adorable kids. *dreams*

Aww, kawaii, no?
Too bad Oscar's castrated. Bleh.
My camera ran out of batteries before we even
reached the cafe to meet our other friends. It's times like these when I feel like
banging my head on the wall for my forgetfulness in charging necessities like my phone and camera. Argh!
Anyway, I was really bored yesterday, so I edited the pics for fun. :D Not that I'm trying to '
Kenny Sia, kay?
And before I forget,
Daniel won Malaysian Idol. Our generation is indeed going down the drains. I mean, no offence to him, cause I'm sure he's a really nice guy and everything, but I'm sorry to say that he is definitely NOT the most talented contestant. Nita should've won, sigh. But I guess we're more superficial than I thought, heh. I won't insult him for winning ....... But it's just sad that someone more talented, with a nicer voice did not win the "Idol" title.
I'd write more, but I've realized that I'm really getting very long-winded. -_- That's just so grandmother-
ish, the way I go on and on about things ... hehe.
As usual, I'm in dire need of
sleep. Honestly, I think I should start sleeping earlier. *yawns*
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 6:00 AM
Sunday, September 25, 2005 || If I ever ...
Okay, part of my efforts to transfer my stuff over 'ere.
Anyway, even though it's sort of amateurish, this is probably the favourite poem I ever wrote. Cause, even the story behind it is sort of memorable. :D
At around the end of last year, I met this really interesting guy, whom I sort of started to like. I wasn't in love, I guess, but the turmoil of emotions were sort of overwhelming, heh. Of course, knowing me, I never really told him that I liked him. I'm just weird, I guess.
So, I wrote this poem for him, though the poem was sort of inappropriate, since we weren't even together or anything. But before I could ever muster up the courage to let him read it, the dude told me that he was going to migrate someplace else with his family. -_- Come to think of it, it was a really strange phase for me.
But we've lost contact. Heh. It all turned out for the better, I suppose. But regardless, I still do love this. *sniff* Ohhh well.
If I Ever
If I cried out for you,
In the darkest of nights,
Would you reach for me and hold me tight?
And slowly lead me to the light?
If I called your name,
Whenever Grief came,
Would you answer my meek call?
And hold my hand throughout it all?
If I had to leave you alone,
To answer my call, my journey back home,
Would you shed a river of tears?
And wait for me a thousand years?
If we left each other's embrace,
A change of heart, a twist of tastes,
I'll let you know that I'll always be there,
To have and to hold, to share and to care.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 6:02 PM
I've decided to delete my so-called portfolio at, so before that, I need to move all my "creative" works that I posted there, to my darling blog ... >.<
Seriously, I need to change my writing style. :/
Dedicated to nobody in particular. Actually, I can think of some people, but it'd be way too embarrassing, hah. The guy in the story was originally named Mark, but I changed it, cause almost all of my stories have 'Mark' in it. So school-girl of me ...
By the way, Happy Sassy Seventeen, Cally!
Soft symphonies and mellow melodies radiated from my radio, filling my ears with a sweet tune as I huddled in a corner of my bed. I hugged my pillow close to me and I squeezed my eyes shut, a light attempt at shutting out all the meaningless tunes and gripping memories. I felt as though my head was in turmoil... voices screaming at each other, memories colliding like an endless waterfall of misery and fumbled emotions. I felt tears welling up for what must have been the hundredth time and I covered my face in my blanket to stifle a cry. A cry for what I had, gained and lost. A cry for the hurtful words, a cry for the lies and a cry for my pain. Cry, cry... like a little baby, unable to crawl on its own. A helpless being, a nobody on my own. I tilted my head back and felt my heavy eyelids flutter and close, feeling myself drown in deep waves of tarnished emotions and fragments of memories. And the nightmare and dreams started all over again...
"A penny for your thoughts." A deep voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw a tall, dark-haired stranger with intense brown eyes leaning on an old oak tree with a soft smile playing on his lips. Feeling embarrassed, I averted my gaze. Here I was, sitting in a park bench in the most secluded spot I could find, sobbing silently. The fact that I was approached by a sullen stranger didn't help at all. I felt somebody sit beside me and the Stranger placed a handkerchief in my hand.
"The weather sure looks beautiful from here, doesn't it? I never fully appreciated it until I looked at its wonders from this angle." the voice continued. I sniffed and looked up... the white fluffy clouds did seem to be particularly beautiful today, forming a beautiful shape with the sunshine glittering around it. I took the handkerchief and sniffed into it while muttering a weak 'thanks' and I stood up, hoping to find another place to be peaceful and alone with my misery. "Wait, my name's Mark, I don't know why you're crying but you seem like you could use an ear... or just a friend. Maybe I could make it less painful for you, if you'd let me..." the dark-haired stranger earnestly said, looking me in the eye with those intense yet dreamy eyes. I felt a choke in my throat and I crumbled... unknowing at that time that a simple action from a normal stranger would change my life forever.
I never knew what joy was until I met Caleb. After our odd beginning, our friendship developed and bloomed like a sunflower in the midst of summer and sunshine. Somehow, our relationship seemed to strengthen me and for once in my life I could forget my problems and worries and be truly happy. My parents being on the verge of divorce, my fights with my best friend and my deteriorating grades... all the problems in the world couldn't seem to falter my new-found joy and happiness as long as Caleb was there to soothe me with his soft deep voice and smiling eyes. I ended my life-long search for bliss. I've finally found it and the bliss was Caleb.
Unknowingly and suddenly, our friendship blossomed into something else... I couldn't be happier, couldn't be living out a more perfect life. Everything else seemed blurry to my vision... the only clear spot was him.
"Feel this..." familiar arms enclosed around my waists and firm hands encircled around mine, bringing it close to his chest. I could almost feel the light heartbeats... "Can you feel this? It's all yours...It started beating to it's rhythm the day I met you... " a familiar voice whispered into my ears. I nestled in his arms feeling a spurt of an indescribable joy and sheer happiness from the bottom of my heart. 'This feeling will never fade... not till infinity. How did I ever live before ever experiencing this?' I thought. We were young, full of zest for life and in love. A fortress of love was built on the solid grounds of trust and understanding... Being in love, our world was full of rainbows and songs, true happiness radiated within our laughter and our tears were wiped away by tender kisses and light caresses. The sky was a deep shade of blue... with bright twinkling stars accentuated by cotton-like clouds that were barely visible. The moonlight danced and shone, perfectly reflected on the soft waves of the calm river. "See all this beauty? See those stars and the moon? They're all twinkling for your smile and shining for our love..."
"What do you mean you have a date?" an angry voice snapped impatiently over the phone. "This is the third time you're blowing me off this week... I didn't think that a normal guy would affect you and us so much. I really don't believe it..." I felt myself tense and tersely retorted:" He means a lot to least he understands me, which is much more than what I could ever say about you!" I heard the dial tone and instantly felt a surge of regret. Jennifer didn't understand... she was my best friend she couldn't see why I needed Caleb. Even my mum didn't understand... she disliked my getting too close with him. I put all further thoughts of them away as I got ready to meet Mark.
'I don't wanna close my eyes... I don't wanna fall asleep cause I'd miss you baby... And I don't wanna miss a thing...' Songs from my favourite CD filled the car as Caleb and I laid back and enjoyed the spectacular mountain scenery. "Somehow, I think that this song speaks to us." Caleb remarked casually. "Of course not, we're not going to be apart, right?" I voiced thoughtfully. Caleb looked at me and for once, I couldn't read the meaning behind his intense gaze. His eyes seemed to be filled with an array of emotions... different and overwhelming. I thought I saw a trace of pain and sadness but in a blink of a second, he looked away and smiled. "I love you so much, you know that?" Caleb said softly, almost a whisper. I nearly felt my heart stop and I allowed myself to drown in the intensity of his eyes and his arms.
"I love you too..."
It was a bright sunny day in June, the skies were blue with birds flying freely in the air and dragonflies buzzing busily at the bank of the river. Caleb and I were having a picnic to celebrate his 18th birthday, in the peaceful park where we first met. We laughed, talked and played while enjoying the peaceful serenity of its beautiful surroundings. "Here, make a wish..." I said, lighting up the candles on a small vanilla cake. He squeezed his eyes shut and blew out the candles. "What did you wish for?" I asked, my smile dropping when I saw the newfound pain and tears that seemed to well up in the corner of his eyes. "I'm going to England..." He said softly. "What? No, you’re joking, right?" I exclaimed, shaking my head in disbelief.
"No, listen to me please... I received a scholarship to Oxford. It's a six year course in architecture... it's everything I've ever dreamed of. I tried to tell you sooner, but I wanted to spend every last moment happily with you. I'm sorry..." his voiced cracked as a single tear emitted from his perfect eyes. I took a deep breath, trying to control the waves of nausea and emotion that suddenly attacked me, "When are you leaving?" I choked out, not bothering to contain the tears that freely flowed. "Next Monday... Do you know what I wished for? I wished that you'll be happy and will always be strong and full of love... even when I'm not by your side anymore. Please be strong and understand that I've always loved you... I have my dreams to fulfill and we have our goals to achieve and lives to lead, even without each other." He pulled me close and embraced me... I felt the familiar strong arms around me and I sobbed into his shoulders. Crying for what I've just lost, crying for the future and crying over the fact that I'll never be held this way, with these arms anymore.
I woke up and sat up, feeling the light summer breeze blow lightly at my hair. The sun was as bright as always and the trees swayed rhythmically. I've never felt lonelier in my life... my friends weren't there for me anymore as I barely spoke to them when I had Caleb and my mum didn't seem to care. I wobbly stood up and I heard a loud 'thud' behind me. I turned around to find a photo frame on the floor... in it was a picture of Caleb and I, taken on our first real date. It was a gift from Caleb... I picked up the picture and couldn't help smiling at the similiarly excited look we both had in our eyes. I turned it around and noticed that there were wordings engraved at the back of it, words I almost forgot. 'I love your smile and I love you... let's love without regrets and smile throughout it all. Love, Caleb.'
I felt the familiar wave of emotion and I smiled. Suddenly, a different song started to play on the radio... 'I don't wanna close my eyes... I don't wanna fall asleep cause I'd miss you baby and I don't wanna miss a thing... Cause even when I dream of you... the sweetest dream would never do I still miss you baby and I don't wanna miss a thing...'
"I miss you, Caleb. I miss you so, so much... But I have to live without you, I have to be strong for myself, and for you... I still have to smile and I still have to laugh. I miss your dreamy eyes and your soothing voice... but a part of you will always remain with me. With every memory, I can feel your arms around me. Whenever I feel sad, I feel the breeze and wind blowing against my ear in soft whispers... It's almost like hearing your voice whispering comforting words into my ears. For now, that's enough. Thank you for teaching me how to love.' I whispered into the picture, as the song continued playing softly on the radio... I stared at the picture and I smiled. Not for Caleb, but for myself. Caleb helped me to get on my feet when I was struggling with my walk and path in life. Like an angel from heaven, he cared and taught me so much. Through him, I found the real me. For Caleb and myself, I have to continue my pursue of self-discovery, true kindness and love. My journey in life hasn't ended yet - it had only just begun.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 9:00 AM
Friday, September 23, 2005 || Musings ...
Okay, religious post ahead. Well, sort of.
You see, I actually wanted to write about this two days back, but I was too lazy busy to write it in my xanga, so I might as well just cut myself some slack.
So, you see, when I was in school the other day, my CU prezzie and Suet actually had a pretty intense talk with me, about (no surprise here) God. I mean, it was nice and amusing, discussing topics with such depth with my CU prez, who's a perfectly nice girl who's so much more experienced than me, but somewhere along the way, I actually felt a bit ... disturbed.
And, well, it may not be that big of a deal, but it sort of irked me to remember to write about it. Which I didn't. My laziness is inexcusable.
So the prez started talking about how we should be like Jesus, and not do stuff like clubbing or wasting time because as Christians, we're supposed to reflect Christ in us. So, obviously, Jesus would never do a lot of the things that I do. For one, Jesus wouldn't procrastinate or cuss, would He? And so, I defended myself in saying that None of us are perfect, and that I never meant to be this bad (which, for the record, I don't think I'm all that bad o_O) at all. I know I love God, and I know that He loves me, with all my flaws, eye-rollings and smirks.
And so, things just got weirder when they started talking about my best friend. I don't even want to assume how Ms Prez managed to dig up so much info about her, and I can only guess who even bothered to enlighten her. See, my best friend actually has a calling to be a pastor, and she knows very clearly that that's what she wants to do in life. But, because of her upbringing, friends and family background ...... she just portrays a sort of "wild" image. Which is something I can definitely relate to, and that's one of the reasons why we're still so tight, after 9 years of friendship.
So what could I say in her defence? "If you really love God ... really, REALLY love God with all your heart and soul, you wouldn't even NEED earthly pleasures anymore. You'd just be filled with this passion and longing to please God and only God, and that would make you happy, because you know that you're glowing for Christ." was exactly what she said. :/
I could only answer: Well, she's my best friend, and yes, we have talked about this a lot. Whatever she's doing, whether it's 'right' or not, I'm not here to judge her. I can advice her, yes, but even if she were to get pregnant, which she won't, I wouldn't chastise or judge her. I'd be there for her, throughout the nine months, just to support her and be her friend.
Which, I thought, was a pretty good retort on my part. HAH.

Totally unrelated, but this is my favourite drink on earth, and I drink it at least 3 times a week. Hah. You can even see Jac in the background, perfecting her classic 'I'm SMS-ing, don't kacau me' look.
And throughout the whole conversation, Suet and May just gave each other really knowing looks. Which is something like the Secret Gaze May Lee and I perfected, after so many years of telepathic conversations. And it just made me feel so ... weird. Am I really 'bad' and unworthy, just because I curse from time to time, and I'm so laid-back that I make my poodle seem intense? Would God really think lowly of me, because I'm not exactly living a life "reflecting His glory"?
And, well, I do know that my best friend is really, really passionate about God. I mean, yeah, I do get Prez's point that we should all be good examples ... but I wonder, does God look beyond our exterior presence, and loves us for the sincerity in our hearts?
I simply cannot fathom it all. I've always felt that some Christians are really, really judgemental, though they mean well. I'm just a bit confused. Christianity, to me, is just Faith, and not so much of a religion, and that was the whole reason why I decided to be in Christian in the first place. Because that I knew He loved me so much and I could just feel His love, even when I never deserved it in the first place ... and I wouldn't trade that feeling for the world.
It's like when Shane West says, in A Walk to Remember, 'Her love is like the wind ... I can't see it, but I can feel it.' (Which, by the way, that sentence totally blew me away =( )
So ... well. I'm confused. I've always felt so blessed because I knew that no matter what all these people in my life thought about me, and no matter how many people may dislike me, I'll still have God to talk to and hold my hand to guide me through the darkest nights. But as of now, I'm just starting to feel unworthy of it again. Maybe I really do need to earn it, or something.
I don't deserve my life. I really don't. I'm not that good of a person, daughter nor friend. And it's weird, because when I'm really starting to feel like I belong again, splashes of cold water seem to blast across my face, and remind me that Reality really isn't that simple, after all.

A classic "messed-up youth stoning together" picture.
Is doing
this with my life really so bad? I mean, well, perhaps it does look sort of pointless, but why do we get judged this way? I don't get it. I really don't. I never found my life, or any of my friend's, an interesting topic of discussion. Sigh.
And for the record, I
did talk to my best friend about it. About how we were "bad reflectors" of God and all the hoo-hahs. And I also told her about Suet and Prez's telling me that we ought to be more aggressive and active in church. She took it all rather well, surprisingly, and I guess it actually may be a blessing in disguise as we've decided to organize a totally kick-ass event/party at church this December. Sort of a remake of the M.A.D event we organized two years back. :D
YES, this is my chance to prove that our uniqueness will be able to result in something totally fun, cool and (hopefully) successful. Ideas, anyone? ^^;; My creativity is sort of
blah nowadays, I doubt that I'll be able to come up with anything great. Sigh.
Oh well, this whole thing is just too confusing. I wish that someone'd tell me what to do, or how to react, just this once. So I can stop feeling like shit. =/
On a much lighter note, I heard that I got highest in the class for my essay paper. Like,
yes Yes YES! *dances to
Numa-Numa* I actually thought that it was the worst essay paper ever, cause for one, it was the shortest I ever wrote ... But oh well. Maybe my friend was just bullshitting, but if I really did get the highest, I guess my teacher bought it. :D:D:D:D
Edited: Vote NITA for Malaysian Idol! Daniel is, well, cute and everything ... but ahhhh *avoids punches from "Danny boy's" fans.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 7:29 PM
Thursday, September 22, 2005 ||
Despite Suet and May insisting that we're all supposed to be in school today, I didn't go. Cause, well, frankly I find no purpose in stoning with them, while discussing the weird contrasts in all our lives. I barely even know what the heck to write in my school-leaving form thing.
This is what happens when you're just basically being a lazy ass in school for the past five years.
Ah well. Anyway, Jacko (new nickname, I'm luvin' it...) came over to my place after her school was over, despite her Maths paper tomorrow, cause she didn't want to miss our weekly pasar malam visits. Interesting.
And, OH, there was this earth-shattering-ly CUTE kitten with baby blue eyes beside the ice cream stall. Of course, one of its eyes were swollen and had a bruise. It was just purring and glancing up at everybody with its adorable blue eyes... *gushes* And after we walked for a bit, I felt a wave of emotion so strong that I actually went back to look for it, intending to bring her home to feed her with Fifi's dog biscuits. (Cats eat anything ... That's why Fifi's food supply is extremely convenient! Don't tell my mother, though, for she would not understand my love for all things furry and homeless.) But when we reached the ice-cream stall, the kitten wasn't there anymore. :(
I spent almost half an hour wandering around the pasar malam, uttering 'kitty ... where are you kitty .. meow?' that I swear, the people must think that I'm nuts. Sigh, too bad my attempt at being a loving and kind-hearted human being failed, once again.
Anyway, Jacko (and apparently, wen che .. ) thinks that I'm cuckoo for posting that dumb 'ninja-style' picture Cal took for me yesterday. Oh well. I know its ridiculous, but I think its funny. Don't mind my sense of humour, ya?
My mum thinks that I'm a lesbian. Like, damn. Cause, you see, a few days back, my friend and I were recording ourselves, speaking really loudly about current affairs. And as for me, I was moaning about Mark and his homosexuality, and I also went on and on about how I should follow in his footsteps and be a lesbian, since he is the love of my life and everything. Hah. And my mother heard it all. :(
And as usual, she had a very nice chat with me, regarding my sexuality. Oh God. How utterly embarrassing wei.
She also told me that "everybody" thinks that I'm pretty wild.
I'm not wild ... I'm just ... playful. And I'm not a lesbian, either. *clears throat* And, anyway ...
So what if I'm wild? I'm most definitely not. Cause, you see, I don't:
1) go Clubbing.
2) date "punks".
3) have any gangster friends who'd help me bash the hell out of anybody who offends me.
4) drink. I really don't.
5) smoke or do drugs.
There, enough reason to prove that I'm nowhere near wild. I'm just playful and cheeky, like a monkey. (Okay, stupid illustration, once again)
I need to regain a bit of creativity. I should do yoga or start meditating. (ohmm........) But, you know, for a while back, my sense of humour has been going down the Klang drains. All my friends were bugging me to lighten up as I was way too intense and brooding.
But I think that I'm back. Back to normal, that is. And I'm happy, cause I'm finally laughing at everything, funny or not, again. :D Hooray!
And, after I came home from Pasar Malam, I was striken by a severe case of camwhoritis. Okay, basically it's just what happens when a girl goes without cam-whoring for a much-too-long period of time. Symptoms include lack of sleep, constant hair scratching and high-pitched yelling.

Succeeding in looking totally lan c. By the way, that's Mr Toodles, a present from my favourite person of 2004. Hah.
With that failing, I tried posing smiling.

Unfortunately, Mr Toodles ain't looking at the cam ...

Yeah baby, all the guys swoon at my awesome guitar skills. *lies through teeth*
Well, I can barely play More Than Words to save myself, haha. When I found out that one of my strings broke ...
I got fanatical.

This is what happens when one watches too much Rockstar: INXS. I got delusional.
Okay, satisfied my cam-whoring urges. And ... OH! By the way, J.D is the new lead singer of INXS! I swear, that guy is totally smouldering. Well, I thought that he'd be better off as a solo artiste, but oh wells. At least he won!
And finally my friends agreed to go jogging with me tomorrow. *grins* I mean, I could use a good jog for sure. =/ I'm just praying with all my heart that all of us will be able to wake up on time ... but judging by our supreme laziness, I sort of doubt it. Sigh.
Oh well. I should go sleep. *yawns*
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 7:50 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005 || Pretty much a fun-filled day ...
Surprise, surprise! I actually went to school today. Well, actually, Suet Foong called me up at 6 and made sure I woke up. :/ Well .... Thanks, I guess?
Anyway, today was cool. I think that I've had the longest chat with my classmates since ... since. Which led to a lot of heated debates, conspiracy and extra gossip. Oh wells, at least it was fun. And it has been a pretty long while since I actually had a relaxing time in school, so yeah, thanks for waking me up, girl. :D
One very intriguing debate.
Friend: Damn. Writers are, like, not cute.
Me: Dude, you're looking at a wannabe writer right here.
Friend: Exactly my point. *laughs*
Me: Oi, don't say that lar. Well, I sort of wanna be a kindergarden teacher, or a missionary, so I guess I don't count.
Friend: Aiya, all funny job ideas, it's all in the same category.
Me: *deep in thought*.... OH! Roald Dahl was damn cute, okay? I have his autobiography somewhere in my house ...
Friend: Well, dude, he's like what? 90?
Me: Uh. He passed away already.
Friend: *sighs* Exactly my point.
...... No offence to writers out there. *sobs* Ah well, it was all for the sake of good times. After it all, our discussions got sort of intense, and involved a lot of Christianity, which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I mean, I am a believer and everything, but it does feel a bit weird as almost everybody has different stands and beliefs in life. It comes with it, I suppose. I'd love to go into details here, but honestly, it is probably offensive to way too many people. *sigh*
And on another note, I swear, the new incoming prefects of my school are totally weird. I mean ... I'll have to say that my batch are a whole lot better :P No offence. So today, a prefect came to my class (aww, I feel so honoured) to look for me. Apparently, I was late.
"Yeah? What did I do?" I asked the nervous prefect who beckoned me out of my class. "Um ... you came late the other day, so Puan Toh asked me to look for you." "Oh really?" I asked again, feeling intrigued and a bit pissed that the Toh-minator actually bothered to jot down my name.
"Um. You didn't know when you were late?" the freckled dudette looked me over with a tinge of annoyance.
"Well, come to think of it, I was late so many times I don't even remember anymore. HAHA!"
Yes, another very 'eloquent' response of mine. I'm getting famous for saying totally idiotic stuff, I swear.
Anyway, I was furious to find that my punishment was to collect rubbish from all the classes from our junior block. Like, what the heck, the whole block is so bloody big, and I had to collect rubbish bags from every friggin' class. All because I was late multiple one time.
Sigh. But at any rate, I found out something pretty interesting about myself today.
I'm actually good at cleaning! :D
See, I got so inspired by my half-an-hour cleaning (or rather, rubbish collecting) spree in school, I even decided to clean my ROOM, dressed in a proper attire and even invented a new dress code for it.

See, I'm so gung-ho, I'm even glowing with passion.
Anyways, I was just bored, after my tuition teacher popped by for a class I supposedly forgot about, waking me up from my precious slumber. And after that, the air cond man had to come over to repair my air-cond, which was spitting ice at me for the past few days. Thus, I couldn't even continue my precious slumber. *blows nose* So I finally gave up and opted to hang out at Cally's place with Jac.
I swear, the Gods of Sleep must not like me very much.
Oh wells, don't mind my crappy photoshop skills. I'm in dire need of sleep now, and if I don't I'll definitely drop dead, in ten minutes tops.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 11:13 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005 || Issues, issues and more issues.
Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby declare that I'm in the state of Kedah. I mean, well, to be exact, I'm in a lil' town called Kulim.
You see, at about 2 am yesterday, my uncle (he lives with my family, cause he's currently working in KL) received a rather frantic phone call from his two daughters, informing him that their mum was hospitalized. So, well, he and my parents got all crazy and worried, so they decided to immediately take a drive down to Kulim, to visit my aunt in the hospital and make sure that she's alright.
I'm sure she is, though, just some fractures and wounds, I think. See, accidents do happen, in the weirdest of times. I didn't want to go --- because, well, Kulim is the land of the Boringest. But, I had to, they couldn't leave me alone or I'd hold an illegal party probably burn the house down, or something. I offered to stay at Cally's place, but what would be the point? That girl isn't even attending school anymore, and at 2 am in the morning, I doubted that I could even locate her. That girl has a social life that's more active than a monkey's, I swear. (Okay, where did that illustration come about?)
Thank God they have internet. I mean, its kind of slow and everything, but whatever. I even managed to install MSN Messenger into it. Don't tell my cousins, ya?
I hate long journeys. I feel so woozy now. And, on the way to Kulim, my dad actually initiated what he calls a 'Family Meeting' (*smirks*), which was way embarrassing, considering the fact that my uncle was in the front seat.
Father: We need to discuss your curfew. I realized that I've been too lenient with you, and see what happened? I see you around those punks everyday ...
Me: What ...... punks.
Father: Well, that wild May Lee and that new best friend of yours, Cally. I see them in our house all the time. Bad influence for you lah, avoid them, you should be more like Christine or Ivy, they're such studious and sweet girls.
Me: You do realize that I've been best friends with May Lee since forever? And by the way, I think I'm more of a bad influence to them, you know?
Father: Ya, girl, that's why I must set new rules and curfews for you. First, no going out on weekdays ... second ... *drones on*
Me: For your information, dad, we had this discussion the beginning of the year, and frankly, I'm not about to re-negotiate. Why the sudden parental attention? Sorry to say, it's a bit too late for that, you know?
Well, okay, the real convo was not as rude as that, but that was the gist of it. I mean ... I do love my parents and everything, but I'll have to say that they're not exactly the most ... functioning parents. I know that they do love me and everything, but honestly, I respect them for being my biological parents and for giving birth to me, but on a human-to-human level, they don't really have that much of my respects. My dad is ... sort of indescribable. He's cheerful and perky at some times, but there are times when he'll just yell at me for the sake of it. Of course, thank God, he doesn't dare hit me or anything anymore.
My mother is a bit ... lazy. I mean, I'm the one who has to buy lunch and dinner for the whole family almost everyday, not her. I can understand that she has insomnia and everything, but spending her life, sleeping on the couch in front of the TV, is not exactly the ideal lifestyle, if you ask me. (Of course, I do agree that my lifestyle is far from appealing, either.) And I guess that one of my fears in life, is that I'll someday turn out like her. Because, even at such a young age, I already have problems sleeping. I do understand how it feels, unlike my sister, who thinks that she's useless. To feel what it's like, not to have slept a wink all night. To spend the whole night, wondering when you'll actually fall asleep. It's not really torture, I guess, but definitely not heaven as well.
But, you see, I am trying to do something about it. I could sleep all day, in front of the TV, but at least I try my best to still spend time with my dog and friends, cycle, read novels and everything. They've let me run my own life since I was practically 12. I've made my own decisions, even what secondary school to apply for, and what stream to choose. It has come to a point that they're not even aware that my trials are over, or that I've been facing my trials at all.
And still, they have the nerve to tell me what kind of a failure I'll end up to be. I know, I'm not as gutsy, daring and street-smart as my older sister, and without academic results to help me, I may just end up cleaning toilets for the rest of my life. But in the first place, what's the deal with comparing me with endless other people, be it my own blood sister, or my more studious friends like Chris or Ivy? Can't they just see that I'm my own individual, and I have no intention whatsoever to follow in their footsteps?
Sure, I'd like to see the world like my sister already has. Sure, I'd like to have two houses by the age of 28. Sure, I'd like to have enough cash to buy my dad a Camry. If I could ... I would. I wish I could just tell my parents to chill and not worry about spending their futures in an old folk's home, without any daughters to take care of them. My sister isn't even living in Malaysia anymore, so she definitely doesn't have to do the honours. I will. I mean, I'm not exactly cold-blooded, and even if I am poor and struggling, without savings and no car, by the age of 30, I will still make sure that they are alright. No matter how low I think of them, at times, I still love them, because they are my parents, and I don't have any other choice.
I wish that, for once, they'll just see that in me, instead of seeing a "punk" and a rebellious kid with best friends that are "bad influence". For cripe's sake, my friends are even more aware of my life and my problems than they are.
Sigh. I think I'll continue exploring this weird computer.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 5:04 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005 || Screwed.
Gosh, I am so dead.
My classmate just reminded me about my gerak gempurs which are tomorrow, and which I've conveniently forgotten about! Oh God, oh God, oh God. This is bad, I hate exams so much.
And, seriously, I need to get a life and cure me of my Internet Addiction. It all started just four years ago, when I was in form one, and has lasted till ... now. When I really think about it, it is sort of amusing. I think I'll even go into some history behind my fascination with the internet.
Phase one (2001): Okay, this was the time I finally got an internet connection, and hell yeah, I was fascinated. First, there were the chat rooms, which I often frequented on MiRC and MSN.
Ah, those were the days ... chatting with fascinating ang-mohs on Just Chillin' and Twenty Four Seven's ... wondering what the hell is cyber sex ... creating various dumb chat rooms with friends and kicking out annoying users with our "hammer". And, of course, I was also hooked on Neopets, where Christine, Munirah and I were recklessly building our empires of shops and pets. Ah, how innocent we were back then.
Phase two (2002): Around this time, I got bored of chatrooms. So, Mun and I actually created male ICQ accounts to pull pranks on our friends. Honestly, it was sort of pointless, but it was funny printing out various online flirting techniques our friends used, and to blackmail them with it. Hehe. And also, I met Julia, who introduced me to Legends. How interesting, the way Lynn, Julz and I used to pull all nighters hunting in that game. O_o
Phase three (2003): This was when Legends got shut down (boo-hoo) and I reverted back to chatting on MSN and ICQ. Of course, there were the other various new attractions like GunBound, Maple Story and Fairyland (God, I am such a geek)... I mean, I used to have a really strict curfew, really, until around the end of my form 3, so obviously, I didn't have a lot of entertainment to indulge in. I think that this was the time when I met a lot of new people via the cyber world. Of course, I hardly talk to a lot of them much anymore.
Phase four (2004-2005): Heh, this is when I discovered blogging! It was a really great concept, I thought, because since I write in my diary everyday, why not start writing about my life online? That's when my numerous blogs, like xanga and LJ came into the picture. Of course, they were all private. I only started this blog, because well, I'm bored. And besides that, I also had a phase of anime and korean fascination. Heh, heh. And seriously, ever since I started blogging, I hardly ever chat with my online friends anymore. I barely even add anybody to MSN anymore and I even uninstalled ICQ off my comp. But, really, I guess I should come up with something else more constructive to do online, because writing in three different blogs per day is just ... weird.
And, just yesterday, one of my online friends basically implied that I'm a stuck-up, conceited bitch, just because I hardly ever say 'Hi' to him and I take too long to reply his messages. In my defence, I said that I'm usually typing on my blog, or watching The OC, whenever I'm online, but the stupid dolt just retorted and said that "your priorities are screwed" and that basically, he won't ever say Hi to me again. (Yeah, yeah, like I'll miss that so much, sheesh.) I know, its probably my fault that I don't reply messages fast enough, nor do I usually bother to initiate conversations, but seriously, I never intended to come off as bitchy! -_- It's not like I'm some kind of anti-social ass, but seriously, I'm sure that not everyone talks to everyone on their MSN list everyday, right? I love chatting and everything, but most of the time, I find myself sounding like a brainless bimbo. Because, well, I have weird chatting tendencies that I'm sure people find annoying. So why should I disturb everybody with my senseless chatter? :(
Oh wells. As long as I'm having fun. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, or how I'm doing it, as long as I'm not hurting anyone. (except that one weird dude, who seemed sort of pissed, though I have no idea why my slow replies would anger anyone) O_o And yeah, I need to cure my online addiction. Because whenever I'm not out of the house, loitering somewhere with my pals, I'm sitting in front of my comp. And that's bad. Honestly.
But no matter, that's when my PS2 and bicycle comes into the picture.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 5:56 PM
Today was highly interesting. Went to MV with Joshua, Ivy, Chris and Jaclyn (weird combination, I know O_o), and Jaclyn bumped into Amber Chia when she was using the Jusco toilet.
And if you're good friends with Jac, you'd know that she is a die-hard Amber fan, and even has a whole picture collection of the Guess model. Of course, she's straight. (Even though there are times when I highly doubt it. :P) She was extremely star-struck after what she calls her "fateful encounter" with Amber, and basically spent the whole day annoying entertaining the rest of us by recounting her "God-given" experience with Amber in the toilet.

Okay, she IS gorgeous, admittedly.
"Can you believe Amber smiled at me? I didn't even recognize her cause she was so damn tall! Then I asked her: Are you THE Amber Chia? And she said YES, while smiling again ... BUT I forgot to take her picture. Damn. Am I like, retarded or what? I think I'm stupider than Liz who actually took up my dare to video-blog herself!"
Okay, she didn't really mention my stupidity. In fact, she merely raised her eyebrows when Chris and I told her about my vlog, and actually offered to be a part of my dumb vlogging attempts. So I video-taped her with my camera, and she ended up talking about Amber for more than three minutes. I was reconsidering to upload the video here, but I decided against it when Darien said that it was way too lame. :P I'm SO happy that someone is willing to be video-taped by me, though! I'm generally quite interested in photo and video editing, so instead of video taping myself, I'll have a new guinea pig to experiment upon. *evil laugh*

Jaclyn "I-love-Amber" Low, feeling extremely depressed for missing the opportunity to
stalk take pictures of Amber *sniggers*
Ahh, we're all such pathetic school girls. I mean, the way I acted when I saw Joey G, and the way Jac's been acting after her Amber-encounter (okay, here's my cue to flash my trademark smirk), it just proves that we're such star-stricken kiddos. And, remembering the way we started barging Christine for pictures, after we found out that her brother's ex won Miss Malaysia 2005. It's no wonder at all that we're best friends.
Damn, I doubt that I'll ever be a journalist this way. Can you imagine what'd happen if I spilled saliva all over myself if I ever get the opportunity to meet really intriguing and famous people, like Donald Trump or Johnny Depp?
Anyway, I've quenched my blogging urges.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 1:01 PM
Okay, I'll admit this much --- the previous vlogging post was pretty pointless. But, you see, I'm just satisfying my curiousity to see what I'd actually look like when I talk in impromptu mode (Yes, I've concluded that I look retarded). And no, See Hoon, I wasn't talking in the nude, just wearing a sleeveless T, like I always do when I'm rotting away in my hot, humid house on a lazy Saturday afternoon.
And no, it probably wouldn't be my last vlogging attempt, though if I ever try it again, I'll definitely at least come up with something worth talking about and stop looking so nervous. I've honestly gave it some thought, and like Binnie from MB said, vlogging is probably a sure-fire way for all your privacy to be invaded upon. But, heck, nobody even reads my blog/vlog/whatever anyway. :S I generally think that vlogging is pretty much the same as the multitude of bloggers that cam-whore on a regular basis. Because, well, its still the same face looking out from the computer screen. But as for me, I'm pretty apprehensive about posting too many pictures on my blog, because I can remember the time my friend got her picture from Friendster edited by some asshole in very non-flattering ways, and the time my best friend and I got our pictures posted on her ex boyfriend's blog, as he generously dedicated an entire post to us, describing our seemingly back-stabbing natures. And for another, as far as I can tell, based on my very shallow video-editing experience, it is VERY hard for someone to do anything really nasty with a video, unless you're a pro. =D
Well, that is not the point of this post. I'm actually pondering about the point of this whole blog.
And, on a more serious note, the point of my life.
I actually started this blog because I got bored. And, I wanted to have an extra place for me to store my creative (or UNcreative) works. So, voila, hence a new blog is born in the ever-expanding blogosphere. Of course, it's just way too bad that majority, if not all, of my friends think that writing and blogging is 'lame', and if they actually ever bother to read this, they're probably just hoping to find some juicy gossip written by the Rebellious Nut, Eliza Lee. Unfortunately, I doubt that I'll actually mention anybody here, not like I used to rant about anybody and anything in my previous blog.
Since a long time ago, I've been wondering about the purpose of my existence. Honestly, I've been through quite a lot of crap in my life, and its at the lowest points of my life that I wonder: What the heck IS the point of this? It's just nonsensical. I wasn't even given a choice on my birth, and there are times when I do think that I'd have chosen to not be born at all in the first place.
However, after so many years of ranting and indulging myself in various forms of self-pity, I have come to the conclusion that Life isn't really about myself. It involves other people, as well, and that's why it's called an adventure and journey. Because, really, who'd want to venture on a journey alone? So that's where my friends came into the picture. And yes, even though I'm not Miss Popular in school, and I'm not the cheery, perky girl that everyone's drawn to --- I have amazing people in my life. Not a lot, but enough for me to feel very loved at times.
It was just a few months ago, when I volunteered to help out as a Teacher's Assistant at an All Kid's camp when I realized how messed up our generation is. I mean, yes, most of our flaws are pretty much covered up, but when you dig deeper, the scars are SO visible. Meeting incredibly lovable, cute and simply amazing kids, who use words like 'bitch' and 'hell' on a regular basis was definitely an eye opener. And if that's what it's like being a kid now, what'll be like for them to be teenagers? O_o
Given that, I've always believed that our generation is the one with the most potential to achieve greatness and really be able to right all the wrongs. Because, for one, we probably have the resources to do so. Like, for instance, even by blogging alone, you'd probably be able to influence many people, especially for bloggers like xiaxue, who gets at least 14k readers per day. Of course, whether they choose to or not, is an entirely different story. And everybody has different priorities and goals in life, anyway.
Well, I do want to make a difference. I wish that, more than anything in the world, I'd be able to play a role in mending the flaws in our lives and country. But, really, who am I to say that? Everything that I reflect is pretty much sort of negative. I'm the queen of truancy and blacksheep of my class, for I don't give two cent's worth for the rules that I disagree with, and I'm the type of kid your mum'd probably ask you to avoid. I wouldn't even blame you if you really did avoid me. I'm so aware that I'm not living a picture perfect life, but the irony is, I don't even want to. I really, really do not want a mediocre life, working in a stable, 9 to 5 job just to pay the bills. I want to try bungee-jumping. I want to sail with Operation Mobilisation on their ship. I want to skinny-dip in the deserted rivers in the forests of Manchuria (which I heard from my sister, that place is paradise). Well, that was uncalled for, but you get the picture.
I don't know. John Ling was talking about Slavery Redeption yesterday, and that got me fascinated. I mean, yeah, why would anybody risk their lives merely to save other lives? But honestly, if it was my dream in life to save other people, I think I wouldn't mind. Lol. Because, let's say, if I can save 10 people and die for it, it'll be well worth it, wouldn't it? Of course, dying is one thing. Suffering is another. I'm not so much afraid of death, as it will happen with time, but I generally am fearful of pain. Sheesh, yet another obstacle in my life.
So basically, everybody's different. I'm quite fed up of people judging my friend, C, who recently dropped out of school, and I'm absolutely sick of all the judgemental comments that people hand me on how I'm "screwing up my life". For one, it's sad to say that she didn't have the willpower to fight back, C dropped out of school because she found no point in studying stupid subjects that she thinks has nothing to do with her future, and also because the whole schooling environment is a freaking popularity contest. As for me, I'm well aware that I'm taking a LOT of risks in my life, and that some of them are not even worth taking, but at least I'll find out for myself, right? I might regret living life the way I am, today, but honestly, if you were to ask me to relive my life again, I wouldn't change a thing.
I'm embarking on an adventure that I'm planning to write for myself. No regrets. And perhaps, one day I will make a difference, instead of letting Circumstances make a difference in me.
Okay, gotta go shopping, peace. ^^
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 4:30 AM
Saturday, September 17, 2005 || Liz's Lame-ass VLOGGING attempt
Well, okay, so I've been talking to Wen Che and Jaclyn about Vlogging lately, and Jaclyn sort of smirked and dared me to actually do it. So, yeah, after much reconsideration on my part, I've decided to humiliate myself, once again.
Liz's Lameass Vlogging Attempt
Arrr, I look really retarded and I was crapping throughout it all, but what the heck. Who knows, I could probably improve my oral or something. Bleh. Oh wells. At least it has achieved its purpose. I am amused.
Well, aren't you just falling in love with my wicked sense of humour?
Guess not.
At any rate, do drop me comments and tell me how to improveeeeeeee.
Of course, I cannot do anything to improve my face. *evil laugh*
Peace. ^^ I'm too lazy to write anymore, after playing too much Radiata Stories on PS2.
p/s. Something REALLY interesting and worth trying out. Click Here. People like Wen Lin would DEFINITELY find it interesting.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 8:47 PM
In an attempt to cure my writer's block, I wrote this on impulse. Probably not really good, but I liked it, since I think that I feel sort of normal again, after those weeks of mental suffering. O_o
I walked down the sandy white beach, savouring the sweet scents of coconut oil, closing my eyes as I listened to the sounds of the waves lapping. It was a deserted, lonely beach, its sparkling white soil looking almost untouched, a picture of sheer paradise. I continued walking, smiling to myself as I enjoyed the beautiful surroundings, and suddenly, I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned to my left and noticed a man sitting below a palm tree, a paintbrush in his right hand and an easel in front of him.
"Hello. I thought this was a deserted beach ... " I said to him, raising my eyebrows as I studied his angular, perfectly-sculpted face with intense dark eyes and scrawny brown hair. "Well, looks like you're not the only one who discovered this place." the stranger said, shrugging his shoulders, his face lighting up with a soft smile. I smiled back." I'm just looking for a peaceful spot to write. Are you painting something?"
"Yes, the scenary is beautiful, isn't it? I'm an artist. I paint."
He was eighteen, and I was only sixteen. Ever since that memorable day on the beach, we spent most of our time together, and inevitably, we fell in love. Mark was my first love, and we spent our time in his small studio in a shady street. I would silently watch Mark paint while I wrote endless poems and poetry for him. We'd spend every weekend on the beautiful, deserted beach, playing in the sun and cuddling on the beach. I was overwhelmed by the wave of emotions I felt and basked in the warmth of his embrace and the soft, tender moments we shared.
"What are you painting, Mark? Why is the man smiling at the candle in such a sad way?" I mused, staring at the dark, abstract painting in front of my eyes.
"The dark room signifies the man's life, while the candle, the only source of light in the room, signifies Hope for him. He's smiling this way because he's happy that the candle lit up his room, and in a sad way because he knows that a gust of wind is all it takes for the candle to flicker out." He told me, his deep, soronous voice serious. He stared at me, a sad, intense look in his eyes, and softly added:" Just like how I feel when I'm with you."
I averted my gaze and stared out the window, so he wouldn't see the tears that started to well up in the corner of my eyes.
I knew I would never be able to confine the hunger in me that yearned for something much more in life. I was born in a large family, and being the middle child, I always felt insignificant and unloved throughout my childhood. I found my only solace in writing and I vowed that one day, through writing, I'd achieve my dreams of Heaven. Heaven, I decided, was not a place where dead souls depart for. It was just a state of mind, a place on earth that was up to us to discover for ourselves and keep. I knew that I wanted recognition, and for people to acknowledge my existence. A world where I'd finally be taken seriously, where people wouldn't look at me and only see a petite, slender girl with long, flowing hair.
'Mark is different ...' I realized. He was contented, living in his small studio, as long as he could paint his dreams on a blank canvas, uninterrupted. I found his devil-may-care attitude charming and intriguing, but it later irked me that his goals in life were so far apart from mine. 'I would never compromise my own sense of creativity just to achieve succeess, Larissa. It's not what I want in life.' was his constant argue whenever I urged him to attend an art college or return to school again.
"Don't the stars look particularly bright tonight?" Mark whispered into my ear while gesturing at the blue sky. "It's almost as if nothing else existed, and the stars are just twinkling for us. For everything that exists only between us." he added, holding me closer as he softly kissed me. I held him closer and feverishly tried to calm the storms that were brewing in my mind.
"I need to leave, Mark ..." I shakily whispered, pushing his arms away.
"Leave? Now?" he asked, confusion filling his eyes. He saw the tears streaming down my face and the look on my face ... and he understood. He always understood.
A year passed by swiftly, and I was home for the holidays. I still remember that night, that teary goodbye when I told Mark about the scholarship that I was offered in New York. I missed him so much and the memories of us would replay in my mind everyday, but I pushed them all aside by burying myself deeply into my studies. But now, I was home, and the memories taunted me more than ever. Every picture, every place would remind me of him and tears would cloud my eyes, a glazed look on my face as I relived the memories in my head.
One day, my sister turned on the television and the sight that greeted me was nothing that I'd expected. It was Mark, sitting on a sofa, accompanied by a perky looking lady. He looked different, neater and dignified, but the eyes that haunted my dreams and the smile that was engraved in my heart were still the same.
"Today, we have with us our country's youngest and probably most talented aspiring aritist, Mark Morreti. He sprung to fame after his most well-known masterpiece, An Angel's Smile caught the eyes and hearts of many. So, Mark, what inspired you to paint such an enigmatic and obscure painting? Is the girl in the picture imaginary, or someone you know?"
The screen flashed to a picture of a painting I'd never seen before. It was me, standing on the beach where we first met, staring at the skies with tears spilling down my cheeks and a soft smile playing on my lips.
Mark looked into the camera and smiled. "The only person I ever loved blessed me with the inspiration to paint this. Just like an angel, she floated into my life and touched me in many ways, before she left, leaving me only memories of her smile and tears."
"Are you still in love with her, Mark?" the host asked, raising her eyebrows quizzically.
Mark paused before he answered. "Yes. I don't blame her for leaving, I could never truly make her happy ... I pray that she'll find the happiness she wants, wherever she is."
I switched off the television, a glazed look on my face and I wept. Weeping because I knew how much I missed him. Crying for all the things that could've been, and will never be, because of my selfish desires.
I returned to New York the day after I watched that interview. I am twenty two now, and I've finally gained everything I was aiming for in life. After the debut of my first novel, I achieved recognition and critical acclaim, everything I always wanted in life. I still thought about Mark from time to time, and it showed in my writings. People would often ask me about the intense, romantic, dark man that I fervently wrote about, and I would only reply with an enigmatic smile, leaving it for themselves to figure it out. I constantly heard about Mark and I was glad that he was successful.
It was a bright, sunny day in the summer when I suddenly felt a deep urge to visit that deserted beach again, the one I used to frequent all the time in my youth. As I drove, I couldn't help but think of Mark again, and I wondered if I'd ever see him again. Are you happy, Mark? Have you forgiven me? Do you still miss me, the way I'll always miss you?
I gazed out at the austerely blue sea, watching the seagulls fly and feeling the salty air caressing my face. I walked on, and I saw a silhouette of a man staring at the sea. I felt a nudge in my heart and I ran towards the figure, feeling my heart pounding with trepidation. I knew it was him.
Mark turned around and saw me staring at him, my mouth open in disbelief, and he smiled at me. Unable to think of what to say, I only smiled back, staring into the brown eyes that haunted my dreams for the past five years.
"It's been awhile, Larissa." He finally uttered, breaking the silence between us.
"Yeah... What are you doing here, Mark?" I asked in a whisper, trying to subdue the voices and butterflies that danced in my heart.
"Waiting for you to come around." He answered, his eyes twinkling as he reached for my hands.
As I held him in my arms, I knew that everything I seeked for were merely translucent shadows of the Heaven I imagined. Our laughter, our tears and the love we would always share ... That was heaven. And I would never let it go again.
The end.
Okay, since I've got that off my chest, I shall now proceed to play my PS2. After all, I'm heartbroken.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 10:02 AM