Tuesday, April 18, 2006 || WHEEE!
I finally got someone to teach me guitar for FREE!!!
I know, I know, I'm so kiamsap ... So much that I don't even wanna fork out RM100 a month for lessons. :p
I've always loved guitar ... *sniff*
However, along with the good news, there are bad news (as usual) =(
My parents sold off my organ, cause they thought that they'd might as well rope in some cash since I don't wanna pursue it as a future career path. *smirk*
Erm ... I'm quite surprisingly indifferent to it, actually. I mean, I've never really liked that instrument that much, anyway. And sad to say, I'm not exactly talented musically ... (which explains why I didn't wanna spend money on guitar lessons)
Besides, if I ever DO become a music teacher, Yeah sure, life would be nice and breezy. (I dunno, my music teacher told me one)
But then again, I'd be stagnant my whole life. There's no chance of a "true" success in that career path (true success, meaning I'd never be able to buy a big house and a car by thirty), unless it's performance music.
AND, since I never touched my PS2 for the past three months or so, I decided to head out and buy a couple of new games to play, just for fun. I bought The Godfather, The Sims 2, and Harvest Moon: A wonderful life.
.... But I came home and the stupid games won't play on my TV! *GRRR* The images that appear on the screen are like, discolored and jumpy. It's actually something to do with the PAL/NTSC thing ... I've tried everything, but I still can't seem to get it right.
Stupid Phillips tv.
I feel like buying a really small second hand TV ...=( (that has a PAL OR NTSC function) ... but I went to the shop and it's all like, RM150. wtf.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 5:22 PM