Sunday, December 04, 2005 || Of narcissistic photos, dyed hair, random crap and memes!
Lame, bitchy and pointlessly camwhorish post ahead!
Okay, so I did dye my hair. Though, I had to go to the saloon again today for some 'touch-ups', cause my hair still looked BLACK yesterday. I think I sort of like the end result, though I was annoying the pants out of everyone by going "Is it la la??? IS IT?!" all the time. Erm, according to most, it isn't. *wipes sweat*
Too bad the red only can be seen under the sunlight. Under normal lightings, my hair still looks sorta brownish-black. I came home at about seven in the evening. Was SUPPOSED to meet my father in the bus station to welcome his return home from Singapore with open arms, but he bailed out on me.
"Eh girl, tell mummy that I'm staying until Tuesday k? By the way, Cousin Rebecca wants to buy a pair of jeans for you, what's your size ar?"
HAHA, the jeans bit cheered me up a bit. ^_^ And since I was stuck home anyway and was too lazy to make any other last minute plans, I camwhored a bit.
Err ... Let's not talk about my retarded smile. ^^
I had to shine my table lamp into my face for the colour to be apparent. Apalah. O.o
Yes yes, I look deranged. =D
Wah, I'm seriously damn chubby. Tsk tsk. I have a classmate who signed up for some MARIE FRANCE slimming package ....
...... For her face. Meh.
Don't even think of it, Liz. Seriously damn broke.
And since it's DECEMBER, which happens to be my favourite month of the year cause it's nearing CHRISTMAS, I bought many many Christmas hats! Well, I bought them cause I thought they'd make nice + cheap christmas presents for everyone. Okay, I know I'm damn kiamsap but at this time of the year, I'm DAMN broke. :(
Besides, I'm going to print out nice nice self-designed cards with self-written poems and sincere messages in all of them. LOL.
It's Christmas, baby!
Those hats (or any other kind, for that matter ...) do NOT look good on me. Cause I have a round face. Bah.
I really, REALLY want to redecorate my whole blog and replace it with a Christmas theme ... But I seriously SUCK at photoshop, and I have no idea how to make a new banner. =(
Err, I think that my teddy bear is becoming a regular on my blog. Lol.
I used to have a really really cute Santa Claus bear that was given to me by my cousin, but I have no idea where is it now. LOL.
Hmm. Time to learn how to use photoshop!
By the way, sorry for all the camwhoring, to all camwhore-haters out there. Besides, all my previous camwhoring posts are, well, gone, since my photobucket account exceeded its bandwidth.
I got tagged by Bryan!
Five Weird Facts About Me
1) I do not like hunks.
Contrary to popular belief (e.g. my constant drooling over korean men with pecs), I do not usually fall for stereo-typically good looking people. I find that quite of number of physically appealing guys have egos larger than their brains, and that is a VERY BIG TURN OFF. (Though I'll have to admit here that I'm VERY egoistic as well ... he-he.)
Thinking back, all the guys that I used to like were all, erm, sorta nerdy. Not physically, but mentally. I even used to really like a mummy's boy. Opposites attract, maybe? LOL.
2) I am a closet (though not so closet anymore ..) pervert.
I'm a pervert, but I wouldn't consider myself a pervert in the horniness department. For April's Fools day, my fellow perverted friend dared me to take a picture of myself with a bra around my FACE and send it to a number of chosen people. -_- Guys, inclusive. (I think I wrote about this before in one of my earlier posts ...)
... AND I DID. I even still have the picture, but nope, not gonna post it up again. Lol.
Sometimes, certain friends and I would lepak at numerous places such as mamak stalls or other cafes to, erm, 'evaluate' the guys that pass by. Which is DAMN sick and damn 'male'. But of course, we do it without malicious intentions. =D
3) I hate stereotypes and judgemental people.
I can't stand people who think that they have to look or act a certain way to be 'cool' and accepted. Thin is NOT in. Wearing hip-hop style clothings does NOT make you cool.
Which is why I have a tendency to do things that are opposite of what typical seventeen year old girl'd do. Despite my constant rants about being fat ... I don't actually mean them. I only say that I'm fat cause I don't take it seriously. I can't stand overly-sensitive people who need reassurances all the time that they're pretty, thin etc etc.
You are what you think you are. ;)
This is a weird thing about me 'cause at least 50% of my friends are stereotypes. And I think I am too. I'm stereotypically anti stereotypes ......
4) I thrive in my solitude.
I can only perform well when I'm alone. Which is REALLY weird. I can't play my electone or guitar that well in front of audiences, I play a lot better when I'm alone. Which is a reason I ruled off music as a career choice. LOL.
I can't write in the company of others either. I do well during exams because I manage to force myself into imagining that I'm writing alone in my room. Which is why I think I did badly for SPM, cause the damned examiner was sitting in front of me. -_-
Definitely weird.
5) I have absolutely NO control of myself. =(
I am VERY impulsive and reckless. For most of the time, I have trouble controlling my urges. For example, when I want to eat ... I eat. Despite of how much more fatter I might get bla bla bla.
Which is why I tend to do a LOT of stupid things. Like the time this big-assed chick in the bus was glaring at my friend who was sitting beside me ... When she walked pass my seat, I actually went 'ooo la la', obviously at her ass (which was DAMN huge -_-), which made the whole bus snigger. At her.
Not a very nice thing to do ... But I really have no control over myself. =( Must practise that!
Of course, sex is another thing lah. I do not want to be pregnant. Period.
Okay, having done that, I'm only gonna tag people that I think haven't done this meme, and people that I think might respond ....
I tag:
1) Jin, cause I like the sex stories he writes.
2) CJ, cause I like the banner he made for me. And the scary movie ad. O.o
3) Asyraf Lee, cause I like his photographs.
4) Kyels, cause she's so nice.
5) Vincent, cause I like guy camwhores. =P
6) Binnie, cause she's finally back from her hiatus, though I'm not sure if she'll read this.
7) Evon, cause I couldn't meet up with her to yum char today.
Seven's my lucky number!
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 10:55 PM