Sunday, September 11, 2005 || Chimeric Ponderings ...
Hmm. I was just reading this article here about human-animal chimeras, and I'm absolutely fascinated by it. Well, what spurned my sudden interest in genetic cross-breeds of different species was because May Lee and I were having a heated conversation just now, which features her claims of actually witnessing some creature that was a cross between a snake and a human. (Of course, she later on admitted that she read it in some chinese gossip rag, and did not actually see it with her own eyes -_-)
Well, I didn't really believe her. So I browsed some sites and found out that there are human chimeras that exist, just that not in the obvious sense, I guess. It turns out that some mad scientist actually successfully created mice with brains that are one percent human, and plans to have another experiment to create mice with brains that are 100% human.
...... So what now, Stuart Little comes to life?
Well, I'm not exactly disapproving of such experiments, though biblically and morally, it'd be wrong ... but I wonder, assuming such an experiment does exist, what would happen if it really was a human living in the small, hairy body of a mouse? We've all watched flicks like The Island of Dr. Moreau and Species (fine, I know it's porn) where weird scientifics experiments turn out to be somewhat disturbing. I don't know about you, but if I were to be stuck in the body of a mouse, I'd just use my small, hairy paws to choke myself to death, lol. Or try to use my uniqueness to an advantage and take over the world. Well, it'd just be funny, because I'm sure the government'd have a hard time deciding what rights would it have, in the first place.
This is one of the reasons why I love Full Metal Alchemist ... the storyline is totally bizarre, disturbing, unexpected and thought-provoking at the same time.
Everything that's controversial seem to fascinate me. Even this human chimera thing. Granted, it's wrong to go against the laws of God and nature by cross breeding humans and animals, but the curiousity and urge to go where no other man has gone is a part of human nature, isn't it? Hugh Hefner would not have become a multi-billion dollar man if he wasn't perverted, horny and daring enough to start an erotic mag, would he? :/ Hmm. Maybe that's why I just love books like The Da Vinci Code and animes like Hellsing and Full Metal Alchemist so much. So diverse, so controversial.
On the other hand, Darien here freaked me out a little by insisting that there was a human-dog chimera that was created before, a dog's body with the face of a baby ... -_- Well, if it's true, too bad I can't seem to find any pictures of it. Hehe. And the thought of a human actually living in a canine body is creepy ...
I know lah, very Kenny Sia-ish. Paiseh. But anyway, my poodle's cute ain't she? ^^
And I love my Fifi a lot more than I love a lot of humans, because I find her to be loyal, cute, intelligent and sensitive. *blows nose* I could never be able to mentally accept it if a back-stabbing, evil, too-smart-for-her-own-good, double-faced creature (in other words, human) is inhabiting her pretty little body!
If anybody's a fan of GTA: San Andreas, the popular game by Rockstar, you should check this out! It's a spoof of it ... pretty lame, but I found it kind of funny.
By the way, Birthday wishes to Adrian Chang. Sweet Eighteen!
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 8:18 PM