Tuesday, April 18, 2006 || Superficial + shallow post
Reading Xiaxue's latest post about people labeling her a SPG cracked me up a bit. And it reminded me of a really funny blog of a 17 year old chick that I bumped into yesterday ... (unfortunately, I forgot her link.. )
Anyway, the blog I bumped into yesterday was a pretty good read mainly because she bitches about how her mat salleh (a.k.a white) boyfriend is cuter than all the Msian chinese guys who hit on her.
(Who doesn't love a bitchy read?)
And then my mind breezed to all the conversations my friends and I have had regarding men.
"She's too pretty for him lah. He looks like minched pork, at least S was kinda cute!"
"Uh, everybody loves white boys 'cause an ugly white boy is still cuter than ... you know"
"If I got raped in US, and if I get pregnant or whatever, at least the chances of the baby being good-looking is still higher than if I get raped in Malaysia ..."
(no prizes guessing who said this. Bleck. )
(I'm not revealing who said what. They'd kill me and roast me for dinner.)
[DIGRESSING: The only show that I ever bother watching nowadays is America's next top model. Because I'm basically quite lazy of downloading korean shows only to have everybody bug me to burn them and I absolutely love Tyra Banks. I've finished watching season 5 (I KNOW you guys are only in the beginning of season 4. HAHAHA!), and the winner was a whiny 18 year old redhead.
I'm in the middle of season 6 now, the season that's airing in the US. The show is addictive man, it just goes to show what bitches some girls can be. Though I must admit that season 6's girls are extremely pretty compared to season 5.]
Gina Choe, ATNM cycle 6 contestant. She's pretty isn't she?
Anyway, on the show, Tyra Banks asked her why she wanted to be America's next top model, and she said something freaking hilarious like:
"I wanna be America's next top model because I wanna represent the Asian spirit and open pathways for my people. I find that I'm more American than korean, actually, and I really don't date Asian guys 'cause they're so short and I usually go for white guys ..."
OMG that seriously cracked me up. How contradicting is that, man? The first half of that statement she made must've been made-up bullshit and the second half of it was probably what she's really like.
She got booted out in like episode 5 anyway.
I wish that there will come a day when everybody'd be free to speak their minds without worrying about what other people will think.
Because there were so many times when I drooled at hot guys in front of guy friends and they'd seem to be so annoyed. They'd be all "I think he looks gay" and bash all the guys I think that are hot.
Though I don't really blame them. Cause most chinese guys have the hots for a "certain" type of girl, anyway.
a) skinny
b) fair
c) feminine
d) skinny
e) pretty
f) wears short skirts
g) gentle + sweet
I'm none of the above. Thus obviously, I'd be damn tulan and not agree with the guys point of views and only stick to mine.
However, for me (and most of the girls I know), an "ideal" man would be like
a) good-looking (duh)
b) taller than herself
c) tanned (unless you like snow-white boys. that's okay.)
d) good-looking
e) not skinny. We don't ask for so much, as long as you're not all flabby or all skinny.
f) confident
g) cute
Daniel Henney is as hot as hell. Almost literally. *drool*
... And none of the guys who bashed my tastes in men were the above, either. (Pls don't terperasan, it's nothing personal. Anyway I did admit that I wasn't 'ideal' as well.)
See? Girls are quite shallow also, so it's all good. :D
(seriously, this is the most down-to-earth and most honest post I've ever done. I don't usually openly admit that I'm shallow you know. =( )
Sometimes I really think that I'm way over-the-top superficial. I mean, the only guy I ever really really liked hit everything on my "ideal" list point on, and ever since then, I have never met anybody else who "measures up".
And then there's my sister. Her steady boyfriend of 3 years looks like a cross between Jude Law and Bryan Greenberg. I know I'm quite dumb for comparing all my achievements to hers all the time ...
But it's one of my driving forces in my life. My parents compare me to her all the time, and now I naturally feel like it's my call to outdo her in every aspect there is. I've always thought that she was this beautiful, sassy chick 'cause she's always so confident and all, but now, thinking back and really looking at her pictures, I think that I've overestimated her. Confidence is such an important virtue. If you don't have it - fake it.
But still, her bf is damn appealing. Not entirely my type and it's not like I'm lusting after him or anything, but hell yeah, someday I wanna be with someone who even outshines him.
(I think that as this point, everybody will think that I'm a foul-mouthed, twisted bitch. :p )
Err ... writing this, I feel like my old self again. I wasn't being Liz for such a long time now, trying to please everybody in my life and all that shit.
If anything, being nice to everybody is seriously shattering my confidence and causes weird identity crisises. Though I don't expect anybody to understand this, since I've never talked about it before.
Anyway, Suet is single now. Which is kinda weird, cause in all the time I've known her, she has never been single. Never.
As for me, I strongly believe that I'll be single for at least two more years or more, seeing how I'm so picky and sarcastic.
But I hold on to my own theory of 'If I can't get what I want, I'd rather not have anything at all.' *wink*
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 1:30 PM