Tuesday, April 04, 2006 || Aja-aja fighting!
Wahwahwahwah fuckin bad mood today.
So yes. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
And even though sometimes I think that I'm bi, I can assure you that I'm still a female at heart. HAHA
Fight scenario 101: Parents.
"Where are you going?" (the P)
"Er ... out?" (me)
"Why are you going out?!?"
"Cause I wanna have lunch with my friends?"
"Look, we already cooked so why do you still want to go out and waste money on food? Stay at home and eat."
"You mean you already bought other people's food, since buying chap fan vegetables isn't really considered cooking ..."
"Don't try to be funny. Go eat."
"I wanna eat McD. I'm going out."
---- Scene over ----
Or, alternatively, a fight with a friend, for example: (though it's a lot less intense than squabbles with the P)
"Fuiyoh, did you see XXX today? He looked so bloody cute!" (me)
"Eh, don't use 'bloody', it's a bad word ..." (friend)
"Bad word? And you can say fuck?"
"I think bloody is worse than fuck ..."
"Err, so you'd rather me say 'He is so fucking cute!" over "He is so bloody cute!" ?!"
"Yeah ... trust me man, bloody is worse!"
"Erm. Right. Whatever."
I like friendly arguments, because they can be fun.
But not when I'm in such a bad bad bad mood.
Ok, I think that I'm pretty good natured, but every once in a while, I get terrible, horrible mood attacks. And it ain't pretty yo.
Look, let me tell you about my day. I woke up, found that my toothbrush was missing , and after that I was supposed to work, but my boss told me that she'd need me TOMORROW, not today. So I went ahead and asked my friend out to watch V for Vendetta with me ... but last minute, the feller FFKed me.
Then I got verbally screwed in my ass by the P.
Then Fifi peed on my bed WTF.
Then an old friend's bf hit on me via SMS. (why the fUcK does this always happen to me? Just a few days ago some other dude signed into his gf, MY FRIEND's MSN and told me he liked me. I swear, I must look like a prostitute. Or a serial bf stealer. Or I'm so irresistably charming. Pui!)
(I hate assholes who hit on their gf's friends. Yoyo, would you like it if I stuck a huge pole up your ass the next time I ever see you? Stay away from me, fuckers. Go elsewhere for entertainment. I'm not one to amuse, unless it's on MY terms.)
Wait wait wait ... I can't be this mad and pissed. I should be demure, sweet, polite with only innocent, cute things coming out of my inflated mouth! As a girl, I should be so flattered that even though they are jackasses, AT LEAST STILL GOT PEOPLE HITTING ON ME, HOR?
Meaning my "market value" isn't, like, zero, hor? Which is better than me dying an old hag, really, right?
Bah, screw all that. Screw the world, screw shallow, narrow minded people, screw religious bigots, screw racists, screw sexists.
Screw me. AHAHAHAHA *just joking*
And since I'm so so so annoyed, irritated, angry, wrathful, indignant, enraged and practically oozing fury, let me indulge all my imaginary readers and reveal a thing or two I bet you didn't know about me.
Things I bet you didn't know about Liz:
1) My sister hates me for being born.
2) I am a Christian. Though I wouldn't be one, if I hadn't really experienced God for myself.
3) I really, REALLY hate religious bigots. I even hate some people of my own religion, even though I know I shouldn't.
4) I believe that hate and love co-exist, and that in the presence of hate, there IS still love. And that the worst kind of hatred are the ones initiated by love itself.
5) I have shoplifted before. It was a damn damn long time ago, I regretted it, and I will never repeat it. I only did it because, as stupid as it sounds ... I believed (and still believe, sorta) that I wanted to experience everything in life. Even the bad things, because life is so short and I want to see things from every kind of person's POV.
6) I hate racists. Blame the person, not the colour of their skin.
7) (this is stupid) I can't stand people who find love online. Okok, call me prejudiced.
8) I have intentionally "stolen" a guy from somebody else before. Things did NOT end up good, and as usual, I felt like shit for doing it and have learnt my lesson.
9) I want to be a good wife/mother someday, though I can't really imagine myself being one.
10) Sometimes when I look into the mirror, I see all the shadows of my ugly past and I can literally see an obese woman looking back at me, telling me how ugly I am, telling me that I need to lose weight.
All are immensely true. =(
Except the last one. AHAHA
Hey, at least I dare to admit my flaws yo. Everybody has secrets, and I don't believe mine are worth keeping.
Think Happy Things, Liz. Chocolate sundae ... cheese-baked rice ... hot guys ... food ... black clothes ... skinny dipping ... Mark Feehily ... hot guys ... LOST ... hot guys ... LOST ...
ARGGHHH I HATE MY BAD MOOD. I feel like ........
Eating. -_-
And to further patronize everybody: "AJA-AJA FIGHTING!!!" ^_^
I can't believe I'm using that korean phrase.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:18 PM