Thursday, February 09, 2006 || Fucking pissed.
Okay, I just had the fight of the millenium with my parents. Shit, now I'm reminded of how fucking ridiculous and selfish they can be. And you know, I actually thought things were getting OKAY now with them.
Screw my innocent mind. Sometimes, things will never change, and for some reason, I don't even find myself caring if it doesn't anymore. I give up.
And knowing myself, if I let myself get carried away, I'll end up writing down a lot of vile, vicious shit that I will probably regret saying, so I'll stop here.
Besides, my day was good. Asides from the whole parent thing, that is. I think I'm going to look for a job soon ... it's kinda sad, isn't it? That even if I DO work, I'm not working for the experience, money, or whatever. I'm only working because I want to stay away from my house and all this stupid crap that I have to deal with.
I find them so ironic. You know, at some point or other, I was convinced that I'll find SOME way or other to move out ... But when my parents heard of it, they got into some big fit and accused me of hanging out with spawns of the devil and being like them.
But they're not exactly happy when I'm at home, either. What the fuck do they even want from me? I mind my own business as much as I can, and I'm not one to pick a fight ... I hate it when people dig my skeletons and provoke me to use the sharper end of my wits.
Anyway, Donnie Darko is a pretty cool movie. Go watch it if you haven't already. It seriously portrays how fucked up the human mind can get.
There was one point of the show, this shitty, hypocritical, counsellor dude actually drew some stupid diagram, that supposedly leads to 'Happiness in Life'.
Fear <-------------------------------------------------> Love
So, supposedly, our ONLY weakness in life is, well, fear. And the shitty dude proclaimed that if you manage to categorize all your fear in life, and transform your fearful actions to acts of 'Love', you'll be happy.
But Donnie darko said something like
"You know, you can't fucking categorize human emotions. You can't just categorize them into fear and love, NOTHING is ever that simple, our emotions are not that simple."
Something like that, anyway.
Great movie. Though a bit depressing.
I have all these pent-up anger in me, which I can't release. So you'd better just avoid me, or something, just IN CASE you become my punching bag... Because obviously, screaming/shouting at my parents is a big No No. Because then, I'd be performing some kinda demonic act and they'll probably send me for some redemption sessions before I end up in hell.
At least we don't practise Confession. Gah ...
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 3:29 PM