Sunday, February 05, 2006 || fwah, I'm SO happy!
HELLO, my darlings!!
A cyber kiss for you all! *muah muah!*
Hehehe, I absolutely ADORE my new banner. =))))) I know, I know, it looks kinda stupid yada yada ... but I made it myself ok! I'm a photoshop noob, yet I made it myself, okay! I could've suckered one out of some photoshop pro ... but I chose to waste my sweat on it. =)
AND IT'S ALL WORTH IT. I'm happy. I think it suits me, plus it's actually funny and not serious at all. Ahem.
Even if you think it's ugly, don't tell me that ah. Don't burst my balloon of happiness leh. ='(
NICE RIGHT?!?!?! Tell me it's nice! *puppy dog eyes*
Woo, Liz is in an AMAZING mood today. I've never felt this smug and satisfied in a long long time. And not really because of the banner also.
Except for this stupid arrogant pianist who almost ruined it. Sheeeesh.
I shouldn't blog about this, since there MIGHT be people from my church reading my blog, though I doubt it ... But justice must prevail!
Okay, so because The Hulk's Wife is worship leading tomorrow, she forced assigned me to play the keyboards for her team. So obviously, there had to be a pianist, right? The piano's the loudest instrument, anyway.
So when were playing, I was playing the chords and notes that were prepared for us. But this pianist kept on transposing the keys to the songs, changing the chords and keys WITHOUT even bothering to tell me. Yea yea, I should follow my musical sense or whatever, but damn it, I am not a musical person and I never will be. I can't fking transpose a song on the spot without writing it down, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
So after the song was over, I politely leaned over to her, put an ultra nice and sweeeet smile on my chubby face, and I asked,
"Um ... what chords were you playing just now for those songs ar?" ^_^
And the feller smirked, shrugged and replied,
"I don't know."
WTF is 'Don't know' supposed to mean?!?! Freaking piano diploma holder don't know what chords ah?
OH gosh, I was so embarrassed just now. Cause while she was banging away on the piano with whatever alien chords that she does not even know, I was merely sitting on my stupid organ, fumbling with MY chords.
And when Jac said to her, "Thanks for helping!! thanks for coming!" ... she ignored her. -_-
Oh, anyway, Yuen Qi gave me the codes for block quotes. So cool, right? At first I thought only Wordpress has that feature ...
Oh, by the way, I saw a *gasp* DAMN cute guy today. I had dinner with the Hulk's Wife at OUG after the music practise, and after she went back home, I was walking around a bit, and noticed that there was a cute new pet shop that just opened in that area.
So I went in to see the puppies. And the sales assistant there was this cuuuute guy, though not as cute as the baby Shih Tzu. Chatty and friendly too.
Anyway, after I was lurking around the shop, feeling stupid because I didn't intend to buy anything ... I noticed a 'Vacancies' poster on the wall of the shop.
So guess what your lovely blogger did?
I APPLIED FOR A JOB THERE. Wahahahaha. Omg, I'm so damn stupid.
Actually, I seriously wouldn't mind working there lah, though I don't exactly need the money at the moment. I actually want to have as long a holiday as possible, because I'll be working my whole life if I ever graduate anyway ...
But a job in a pet shop? I DON'T MIND. Not to mention .... nyeh heh heh.
But I think someone else got the job already, before I even applied. =( Aww ... Never mind, it's all good!
You must think that I'm super duper desperate and horny, but seriously, I'm not. I'm just spicing up my life, you know? ...
Besides, I don't even have a date for Valentines day, you know?!?! Booo hoo hoo. =(
I was telling Jac the other day, since we're both single and all, we should make this year's V day all the more more memorable. So I said, 'Wei, I'll ask a guy out ... You'll get a guy out ... and on that day, we double date k?'
'Yup, why not?', she said.
"Ohhh ... after lunch, you know what we should do? We should totally exchange dates. Like, can zha dou the dude man. Will be so funny ...", I exclaimed.
But of course, after thinking it over, I definitely wouldn't do that lah. I don't trust Jac, because knowing her, she'll purposely bring a
a) Fat guy
b) Lala guy
c) Annoying guy
... just to freak and piss me off. :p
Sheesh .. but what else can I do? =(( Nvm, still 9 more days! Who cares anyway, it's just another festival. :D
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 5:02 PM