Tuesday, January 17, 2006 || A freaky paranormal experience.
I am freaked out. *looks around and trembles in fear*
Okay, nvm about my stupid whiny insecurities, I shall skip it all and jump to the freaky bits.
So just now, at about 9 p.m or so, I was staring out my window, 'admiring' the scenary of the carpark and ugly pink apartment buildings. Anyway, I noticed that there was this person standing beside my dad's car.
'Hmm...', I thought.
So I just gazed at the dude, and I could somewhat make it out to be an indian chick with a ponytail. And after awhile, I sorta saw (sorta, because it was kinda dark. The streetlights are gloomy.) that she was, uh, scratching my dad's car. I actually thought that she was holding a penknife or some sharp object. -_- Or maybe she was just using her fingers and trailing it on the boot.
Amazingly, I was still quite calm. Dunno why I didn't scream or yell 'OMG, INTRUDER SCRATCHING MY CAR!!!!', or something like that. I was more, like, interested.
So I gaped at her (or him.), made sure that the person was still there, carried my dog, RAN down the my house with a torchlight to catch the person red-handed. Okay, okay, I know I'm stupid, don't have to tell me that. Like, wtf can my dumb white poodle do, right? And what if the "girl" punched me or something?
But when I reached the car, guess what.
I swear, I ran REALLY quickly, despite holding my fat dog and all. And even if he/she/it walked away, I would still be in time to see the figure of the person running/walking away! BUT I SAW NOTHING.
Wtf. And when I used the torchlight to shine at the boot, there weren't any scratches there *phew* or even finger marks. It just rained, so the whole car was covered with dripples of water ... if anybody ran their hands over the boots, I'm pretty sure that it'll be noticeable.
WTFWTFWTWFWTF. I was so freaked out, I stood there, staring at my dad's car and shining my stupid torch around to see if anybody was hiding in some corner, waiting to ambush my dog and I. -__-
Cool down Liz. Must not think about freaky shit now ... *breathes*
I am a bit traumatized. I mean, uh, I don't believe I hallucinate. ARGH! Damn scared ...
Ok ... ok .... Must get my mind off that long haired girl/guy/ghost/pontianak/whatever.
Yesterday, Victor tagged me. I think I did it before, hm, but Victor is nice, so I'll do it. Besides, I need to stop thinking of .............
The rules/procedures are as follows:
The first player of this game starts with the topic “five weird habits of yourself,” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.
Here are mine:
1) I don't have mood swings, but I have extremely different 'modes'. Sometimes, I'm really REALLY talkative and lame. Sometimes, I can be very quiet, stand-offish and sullen-looking (when I'm not). A lot of times, I do many inexplicably crazy stuff. Wah, too versatile already. Haha!
2) Uh. I have this streak of rebelliousness in me, which used to be damn out of control. I just have a thing against authority. Which is bad. Like, for instance, I used to smuggle food into class and eat while the teacher was teaching all the time. Not because I was hungry or gluttonous; but only because it was illegal to do so. I thought, 'Hmm, let's see what you can do to me if I do the exact opposite... heh heh heh.'
Of course, back then, I didn't realize that many of the prefects were sort of 'corrupted', if I may say so. And I never got caught, my classmates and friends just laughed, and some of them even ate the food I smuggled in. *shrug* And because of that, I stopped. Guess I just liked living on the edge. But I think that I'm a bit more submissive now already. No idea if that's a good or a bad thing. :p
3) I can't stand butterflies. I CAN'T STAND BUTTERFLIES.
4) I don't like initiating conversations on MSN, unless I am really that bored. I dunno, I naturally assume that everybody is busy, even when their status is online. Heh, so even when I wanna chat with someone, most of the time, I'll just wait for him or her to say hi to me. Weird, right?
5) I don't think of myself as lazy, but I love doing nothing. Err. Yeah.
Lazy to tag anyone. :p Besides, I already tagged people the other day.
Oh, anyway, yesterday I came online, and Ann Jie immediately said Hi to me on MSN, and enthusiastically told me that some SG blogger copied something off my site, and gave me that blog add.
Of course, I went to that blog, and didn't really notice anything similiar to that of mine ... until it was pointed out to me, hmm.
Errrr, does it look familiar?
I dunno, his version is definitely more 'bombastic' than mine. Heh. Sheer coincidence, maybe? *hmm*
...... Okok, even after all those distractions and digressions, I still can't wipe off the image of the girl rubbing my dad's car. Omg. I remember one picture when I took with Jac and Cally in Nov sometime in the middle of SPM, and I looked like CHUCKY THE KILLER DOLL there. And a guy who made friends with me through my blog, CJ, actually photoshopped it somemore.
Yes yes, I know, I know, I look very pretty there.
I quote Christine, "Omg, dude, that is going to haunt my dreams k." ... And at that time, I found it pretty funny. I think I was quite proud of it somemore, I even uploaded the BAD, UGLY pic into my phone and showed it to everybody.
I think that this "paranormal" encounter is karma hitting back on me. Shit.
For the sake of freaking you guys out even more:
HAHAHA, cute right? Damn cute!
Oh yeah, my stupid neighbour beat me to that kindergarden job I was eyeing. I was going to go there to apply for it tomorrow, but when I saw her just now, she cheerfully beamed at me and announced that she went there yesterday already, and got the job. Okok, I know, the fastest wins.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 4:01 PM