Friday, January 13, 2006 || Mummy dearest thinks I'm too tomboyish. :(
Mama bought me a hideous pink skirt today, when she went shopping with her best friend. And when I say hideous, I really mean it. It was frilly, lacey and PINK ... I mean, yeah, I do wear skirts. But pink lacey ones? Big no-no.
"Mummy, I am not six years old ..."
"You should wear skirts more! Your legs not fat wat. Don't always wear jeans and black lah, not nice, so tomboyish. See lah, don't hang out with that Jaclyn too much ..."
Err, I don't understand why even my mum links me to her so much, much less other people. Like wtf, we grew up together. Mmm, maybe it's just because we're both at ripe "relationship" ages. *snigger*

*yawn* Am very bored. And yeah, I look stupid.
There was once, a few months ago, when she brought home another UGLY skirt for me. And apparently, it belonged to her friend's daughter, and the skirt was too big for her. WTF, and my mother actually brought it home for me ... AHHH, so I'm a fat substitute.

And just now, my dad saw me munching on Twisties, and he called me fat.
"Girl, you must not eat that k. Your face is fatter than my stomach already."
Me: "... Do you even realize how big your stomach is???"
"Of course. But too bad, your face is bigger, hahaha!"
Me: "WHAT .... NO SUCH THING!!! Oh my God!!" *continues to munch twisties*
My dad is CRAZY!!! I mean, I know I have a pretty chubby face which has been getting chubbier ever since my SPM ended (due to massive food intake), and that whenever I put on weight, it's usually only in my face ... BUT.
My dad's stomach looks like this:

Place that on a 5'11 dude, you get the picture.
... I think that my parents are secretly scheming to break my wall of confidence. :(
But, nah, I still think I'm good looking. I mean, yeah, my face a bit too fat now, but I'll lose weight, someday .......... :p
Watched The Promise today! Mmm, the show seemed promising, but it didn't quite live up to my expectations. Jang Dong Gun could've done waaaay better, though I still love him.
Anyhow, one pretty nerve-wrecking incident happened when I popped by to yum cha at my usual hang out place today. Okay, well, the waiter there (Or owner's son, hm.) is this ah beng, lala kinda guy who ALWAYS annoyed my friends and I by acting all buddy-buddy and sitting with us whenever we'd have lunch there.
But today, he came to my table, and went, "Hey, I bought something for you, cause you were saying the other day that your N-gage's rubber casing spoilt ..." in cantonese, and he handed me a new rubber thing. (I don't know what is it called, LOL.)
I was a bit shocked. Actually, a bit would be an understatement. You see, I was never nice to this dude ... Okay, admittedly, I can be very lanci when I want to be. And this dude was annoying, so whenever he came and sat with us and forced us to speak canto and listen to his lame jokes, I'd only smirk, pretend to be interested, or laugh a fake laugh. -_- Even my friends were nicer than me ......
So I got all paranoid.
"Eh, I was very lan ci all the time to him, right???"
"Err, a bit lah..."
"Then why is he so nice to me??? Omg..."
Wtf. I can't comprehend it. Is he trying to mind**** me by being so nice to me for revenge?
But argh, he hit my conscience pretty badly. *puts on GENUINE smile* Okay, have to be nicer!
On another note, I'm extremely amused with a lot of people who are having crushes on drop dead gorgeous people, but are not admitting that they're attracted to them because of their looks.
So my friend was gushing to me about this guy she currently likes, who is pretty good-looking. She barely knows him, and she was insisting that he was 'damn nice', 'very very caring' and all that jazz. When I jokingly asked her if she was only attracted to him physically, she was all "Omg! Eliza, how can you like a guy only because of what he looks like??"
My retort was, "Haha .. What's wrong with liking someone because of what he looks like?"
Sheesh, these people. I mean, there's no point denying that almost all of us are more easily attracted to good looking people, right? A bit shallow, but it's true, yeah? Though most of the guys I used to like were not all that good looking, quite nerdy, since I like dorky hair ... Okok, nvm.
So the other day, this dude pal asked me out to have dinner with him, merely to dig information about a friend of mine. I agreed to do so because, err, I was bored. LOL. But the dinner was boring too ... I mean, I love my friend and all, but I seriously couldn't stand the obsessed dude rambling on and on about her, cause I got bored.
"So why do you like her so much, eh?"
"PERSONALITY ... !!! ^_^" (I swear his face was like this)
"Hehehehe ... For someone who doesn't even talk to you, you'd definitely be able to tell that she has a lot of personality ...."
Which was SO wrong of me to say, LOL. But he didn't get it, so it's all good. -_-
I swear, I keep on saying the wrong things at the wrong time ... Which is bad. But seriously lah, I guess I shouldn't judge anyone because I'm not in a place to do so, but I still find them amusing.
Okay, I digress.
I think I almost miss my high schooling life. The irony of it ... To think that when I can legally bum around, I actually miss all the times when I had to ponteng for the sake of not stepping into that hellhole. More action and fun. Plus, those days, when my dad would catch me online at 5AM in the morning, he'd prepare a funeral service for me. But nowadays, he only calls me a 'morlock'. Yeah, things were more action-packed back then ...
But yes, I almost miss it, but I definitely wouldn't go back to it.
Phat Culture had a nightmare at 7:59 PM